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ActúaLoop awards celebrate innovation in Research Social Networks

The First Awards Ceremony for innovation in research social networks, ActúaLoop, will take place on 23 June in Madrid.

ActuaLoop was set up by Loop, the research network powered by Frontiers, and the Center of Support for Technological Innovation (CAIT) of the Technical University of Madrid.

Teams from the Technical University of Madrid were given the opportunity to develop ideas which utilized Loop’s APIs by creating innovative applications around the academic and publishing industry.

Six ideas were then chosen to compete for the top three prizes:

  • First prize: €5,000

  • Second prize: €3,000

  • Third prize: €2,000

At the ceremony teams will be awarded and be given the opportunity to network with investors, businesses and more to help them expand on their ideas and projects in future.

Frontiers’ award-winning IT team provided mentorship along the way to help the university teams develop their ideas, providing them real-world experience and the chance to see their idea move from concept into reality.

Register your attendance here.

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May 31, 2016

Frontiers Communications

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