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Experiences with Open Access Journals: Panel discussion at UC Davis

Innovating Communication in Scholarship (ICIS) brings you:

Frontiers in Publishing – Experiences with Open Access Journals.

Date: March 31 2016, 3pm to 6:00pm

Location: Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), Meeting Room 1

Frontiers is a leading Open Access scholarly journal publisher, with 55 journals in many disciplines and growing. In addition to rising journal Impact Factors, Frontiers is advancing article-level and author metrics as new ways of measuring the impact of research.

A growing number of UC Davis faculty members edit Frontiers journals and have gained experience with this new publishing model and its benefits and challenges for publishing research. Join us for a look at the benefits of Open Access publishing for improving research impact through increased citations, and a cross-disciplinary panel of five UC Davis editors, on how Frontiers has worked in practice.

A presentation and panel will be followed by a networking reception from 5:00-6:00pm. The event will also be live streamed for those who wish to attend remotely. See details below.

If interested in attending this free event, which includes the panel discussion and networking, contact Sandra Hausmann at or RSVP here.

Space is limited.


MacKenzie Smith, University Library (moderator)

Neelima Roy Sinha, Plant Biology

Cecilia Giulivi, Molecular Biosciences & Vet Med

Patrice Koehl, Computer Science & Genome Center

Mary M Christopher, Vet Med Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology

Arne Ekstrom, Psychology

Sandra Hausmann, Frontiers

Live Stream Information

The event will start at 3pm PST.

To join the Webcast using AdobeConnect

1. Go to

2. Select “Enter as a Guest”

3. You must key in a guest name in the “Name” field before you can enter the room

4. Click on “Enter Room”

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March 20, 2016

Frontiers Communications

Frontiers Communications


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