Frontiers in Physiology reaches new milestone

Frontiers is proud to announce that Frontiers in Physiology has reached 2000 published articles since its launch in 2011.

Under Field Chief Editor George Billman, the journal has become the world’s 2nd largest physiology journal overall – with an article volume that is 4 times larger than the average across all physiology journals – as well as the 4th most-cited journal in physiology, with an Impact Factor (3.5) in the top 24%.

The award of this first impact factor to the journal earlier this year complements Frontiers’ pioneering application of article-level impact analytics, and is further proof that Frontiers’ impact-neutral, interactive peer review works – not just for authors, but also for the editors and reviewers who have a real input into the publication of top-quality science.

We look forward to more exciting developments in 2016. Watch this space!Learn more

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