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- Frontiers has a new Logo!
Frontiers has a new Logo!
Here is a snapshot of the evolution of our logo!
The Origins
Our logo and tag line were created to represent our mission: to build an open science platform that empowers researchers and where researchers have equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge. The initial logo contained a pyramid concept with four layers each one representative of a different stage in Frontiers’ unique Tiering feature.
Snapshot of the tiering
The logo contained a pyramid concept with four layers each one representative of a different stage in Frontiers’ unique Tiering feature. Tiering is a crowdsourced mechanism we use to distil research. Following the publication of an article, impact metric data is collected, evaluated and used as a basis to invite selected the authors to write “Focused Review”. Through this process the research climbs the tiers in increasingly accessible format reaching a broader public and becoming more socially relevant with each step.
Establishing the brand
As Frontiers established itself and opened field journals covering more and more subject fields we decided, in 2009, to modify the logo into a more customized version. The Pyramid moved to the left and we used a softer grey for the font color.
This was followed by a second change in logo in January 2013. We decided to remove the tiering concept and added a shorter slogan representative of the community we served: “For scientists by scientists”.
In 2014 we entered a new and exciting phase. Not only are we soon to publish in the social sciences but we have many exciting products in the pipeline. The flat pyramid has been replaced by a dynamic three dimensional view. Color has been added which not only help us stand out but also represents the many fields we publish in.
More importantly this new visual **brings together all our products under a mother brand: Frontiers.**