patrick k moonan
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Atlanta, United States
Specialty Chief Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
National Tuberculosis Institute
Bengaluru, India
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
Sumner M. Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University
Washington, D.C., United States
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, United States
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
StopTB Partnership
Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
University of Pavia
Pavia, Italy
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
World Health Organisation (India)
New Delhi, India
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University
Melbourne, Australia
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
University of Georgia
Athens, United States
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis (ICMR)
Chennai, India
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
University of New Brunswick Saint John
Saint John, Canada
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR)
Chennai, India
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
Worthing, United Kingdom
Associate Editor
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis