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Original Research

Published on 02 Nov 2022

Evaluating a cross-lagged panel model between problematic internet use and psychological distress and cross-level mediation of school administrator support on problematic internet use: The serial mediating role of psychological needs thwarting of online teaching and psychological distress

in Public Mental Health

  • I-Hua Chen
  • Hsin-Pao Chen
  • Jeffrey H. Gamble
  • Xiao ling Liao
  • Xiu-Mei Chen
  • Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang
  • Amir H. Pakpour
  • Mark D. Griffiths
  • Chung-Ying Lin
Evaluating a cross-lagged panel model between problematic internet use and psychological distress and cross-level mediation of school administrator support on problematic internet use: The serial mediating role of psychological needs thwarting of online teaching and psychological distress
Frontiers in Public Health
doi 10.3389/fpubh.2022.987366
  • 13 citations