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Front. Phys., 22 December 2022
Sec. Mathematical Physics

ABC energies and spectral radii of some graph operations

  • Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

The present article presents some new results relating to Atomic Bond Connectivity energies and Spectral radii of generalized splitting and generalized shadow graphs constructed on the basis of some fundamental families of cycle graph Cn, complete graph Kn and complete bipartite graph Kn,n referred as base graphs. In fact we relate the energies and Spectral radii of splitting and shadow graphs with the energies and Spectral radii of original graphs.

1 Introduction

Let G be a simple, finite and undirected graph having vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). The order and the size of the graph G are n and m, respectively. The term “degree of vertex” (abbreviated as di) refers to the number of edges that terminate at a vertex i in the graph G. When the vertices i and j of the graph G are adjacent, then ij entry of the ABC matrix of G is equal to di+dj2didj, otherwise it is equal to 0. Recently, Estrada introduced this matrix, closely related to the atom-bond connectivity abbreviated as ABC index, as a matrix representation of the probability of visiting a nearest neighbor edge from one side or the other of a given edge in a graph, which in the context of molecular graphs can be related to the polarizing capacity of the bond under consideration. The heat of production of alkanes and the ABC index were shown to be closely connected in [1]. On the basis of the proportion of 1,3-interactions to the total number of 1,2-,1,3-, and 1,4-interactions in alkanes, Estrada later offered a quantum-chemical explanation for this descriptive ability of the ABC index in [2]. Gutman further demonstrated that the ABC index is capable of reproducing the heat of formation with precision comparable to that of advanced ab initio and DFT (MP2, B3LYP) quantum chemical calculations in [3]. These chemical applications have stimulated extensive mathematical research on the ABC index [48]. Estrada in [9] recently gave the generalization ABCα a probabilistic meaning and referred it as the label generalized ABC index, suggesting that the term di+dj2didj stands for the likelihood of visiting a closest neighbor edge from either the left or the right side of a certain edge in a graph. This justification is comprehensive enough to cover the case of polarizing bonds in a molecular context. He then provided a matrix representation of these probabilities in the form of generalized ABC matrix. Adjacency matrix of the graph G is denoted by A(G), where


When the vertices i and j are adjacent we use the notation ij. It is obvious that the generalized ABC matrix of G can be thought of as a particular kind of weighted adjacency matrix of G. Eigenvalues of the Adjacency matrix A(G) are basically the eigenvalues of the graph G. If the eigenvalues of the graph G are denoted as α1, α2αn, then energy of the graph G is denoted by ɛ(G) and is defined as sum of absolute values of all eigenvalues of the graph G. Quantum chemistry served as an inspiration for the energy of the graph G. Idea of energy of the graph was initiated by Ivan Gutman in 1978 [10]. Initially it was an strange idea so very few scientist were compelled to notice the idea of energy of the graph G. Over the recent years different variants of energies have been introduced with a variety of applications in diverse areas. One such energy is the ABC energy introduced taking into account the fruitful applications of the ABC index.

A logical query is raised, what connection can be made between the ABC energy of a given graph G and the graph that was created from G using various graph operations? We have taken into consideration two graphs operations, the splitting graph and the shadow graph, in order to respond to this query. A lot of work is done in this field in last few years. J. B. Liu et al. discussed Distance and Adjacency Energies of Multi-Level Wheel Networks in [11]. Largest eigenvalue of the graph G is called Spectral radius of the graph G and it is denoted by ρ(G). Zhang et al. in [12], recently established new results using two well-known operations, splitting and shadow graphs on a given regular graph that relates the Spectral radius of the original graph and the newly created graph. Z. Q. Chu et al. discussed Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectra and energies of multi-step wheels in [13]. Chen hypothesized in [14] that the star graph Sn has the lowest ABC energy of any tree of order n, while Gao et al. demonstrated this hypotheses in [15]. Ghorbani et al. discussed certain bounds for the ABC Spectral radius and ABC energy of general graphs as well as various ABC eigenvalue features in [16]. Yalcin et al. discussed several upper and lower bounds for the skew ABC energy of digraphs in [17]. R. Singh et al. discussed Sombor energy of m-splitting and m-shadow graphs constructed on the basis of any regular graph in [18]. In [19] Vaidya et al. established new results E(Spl1(G))=5E(G), E (Sh2G)) = 2E(G) for 1-splitting and 2-shadow graph using adjacency energy. In [20] Vaidya and Popat arrived at fairly general conclusions for adjacency energy E(Splm(G))=1+4mE(G), E (Shm(G)) = mE(G) by taking into account two graph operations namely m-splitting and m-shadow graphs [ABC(G)] = aij referred as atom-bond connectivity matrix of the graph G defined in [16] having entries,


Eigenvalues of ABC matrix of the graph G are denoted as η1, η2, ⋯ηn. ABC spectrum of the graph G is a multiset consisting of the ABC eigenvalues of the graph G denoted by specABC. If distinct ABC eigenvalues of the graph G are η1, η2, ⋯ηn with multiplicities m1, m2, ⋯mn respectively, then


Then ABC energy is defined aspt


where η1, η2, … , ηn are the eigenvalues of ABC matrix.

ABC Spectral radius is defined as


where η1, η2, … , ηn are the eigenvalues of ABC matrix.

2 Preliminaries

In this part we outline main ideas and preliminary facts related to our main results. Let Cn and Kn, respectively, stand for the cycle and the complete graph on n vertices, as usual. Let Km,nbe a complete bipartite graph with two partite sets that each have m and n vertices. When all of the vertices in the graph G have the same degree then the graph G is said to be regular graph. Cn is two regular graph, Kn is n − 1 regular and complete bipartite Kn,n is n regular graph.

We actually generate new graph from a given graph refereed as base graph. Sampath Kumar and Walikar first introduced the splitting graph in [21]. The splitting graph Spl(G) of the graph G can be obtained by adding to every vertex a new vertex a′, such that a′ is adjacent to every vertex that is adjacent to a in G. The shadow graph Sh(G) of the graph G is obtained by taking two copies of G, say G′ and G′′. Join every vertex b′ in G′ to the neighbors of the corresponding vertex b′′ in G′′. These two notions of producing new graphs have natural generalizations. The above given definitions can be treated as 1-splitting and 2-shadow graph of a given graph whereas a general idea of producing s - splitting or s - shadow graphs where we take s new vertices or s new copies of G. Following definition is central to our results. The s-splitting graph Spls(G) of G is obtained by adding to every vertex a of G new s vertices, say v1, v2, v3, …., vs such that vi (1 ≤ is), is adjacent to every vertex that is adjacent to v in G.

The s-shadow graph Shs(G) of a connected graph G is constructed by taking s copies of G, say G1, G2, G3, …., Gs then join each vertex u in Gi to the neighbors of the corresponding vertex v in Gj such that vi (1 ≤ is). Figure 1 is an example of base graph C6, and Figure 2 is 2-splitting graph of C6 and Figure 3 is 3-shadow graph of C6.


FIGURE 1. Example of base graph C6.


FIGURE 2. Spl2(B1), the 2-splitting graph of B1.


FIGURE 3. Sh3(B1), the 3-shadow graph of B1.

[19] Let PϵRm×n, QϵRp×q. The Tensor or kronecker product of P and Q is the matrix defined by.


Lemma 1.1 [19]. Let PϵMm, QϵMn, λ be an eigenvalue of P related to eigenvector y, and μ be an eigenvalue of Q related to eigenvector x. Then λμ is an eigenvalue of P⊗Q related to eigenvector y⊗x.In the present article we produce new results about ABC energies and ABC Spectral radii of s-splitting and s-shadow graphs. In fact we relate these energies and Spectral radii of new graph operations with the energies and Spectral radii of original graphs. The article is organized as follows. In section 3, we derive ABC energies and ABC Spectral radii of generalized splitting graph constructed on cycle graph, complete graph and complete bipartite graph. In section 4 we proceed to find similar results but for generalized shadow graph of the given graph.

3 ABC energies and spectral radii of generalized splitting graph

In this part we relate ABC energies and ABC Spectral radii of generalized Splitting graph of Cn, Kn and Kn,n with original graph of Cn, Kn and Kn,n respectively.The following result relates the ABC energy of s-splitting graph of Cn with the ABC energy of Cn.

Theorem 1. Let Cn be a cycle graph and ABCɛ(Spls(Cn)) be the ABC energy of s-splitting graph of Cn, then ABCε(Spls(Cn))=(4s3+8s2+6s+1)s+1ABCε(Cn).

Proof. Let v1, v2, v3, …., vn be the vertices of Cn. The ABC matrix of Cn has entries given by


Let vi1,vi2,vi3,,vis be the vertices related to each vi, which are added in Cn to obtain Spls (Cn) such that N(vi1)=N(vi2)=N(vi3)=,N(vis)=N(vi). Then ABC(Spls (Cn)) can be written as follows


Matrix 1 has entries given by

dij=4s+24s+12ifviis adjacent tovj,0elsewhere..

Entries of matrix 2 are given below

eij=2s+14s+1ifvi is adjacent tovj,0elsewhere..

1=2s+1(s+1)2ABC(Cn),and2 = ABC(Cn).Now ABC(Spls (Cn)) can be written in block matrix as follows




Now we compute the eigenvalues of A. Since matrix A is of rank two, A has two non-zero eigenvalues, say α1 and α2. Obviously,






Solving Equation 3.1 and Equation 3.2, we have






Since ABC(Spls (Cn)) = ABC(Cn)⊗A, it follows that if λ1, λ2, … λn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Cn), then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC Spectral radius of s-splitting graph of Cn with the ABC Spectral radius of Cn.

Corollary 2. Let Cn be a cycle graph and ρABC(Spls(Cn)) be the ABC Spectral radius of s-splitting graph Cn, then ρABC(Spls(Cn))=ρABC(Cn)(2s+1+4s3+8s2+6s+12(s+1)).

Proof. By similar arguments as formula (3.5) in Theorem 1,


Since ABC(Spls (Cn)) = ABC(Cn)⊗A, it follows that if η1, η2, η3, … ηn are eigenvalues of ABC(Cn) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC energy of s-splitting graph of Kn with the ABC energy of Kn.

Theorem 3. Let Kn be a complete graph on n vertices and ABCɛ(Spls(Kn)) be the ABC energy of s-splitting graph of Kn, then


Proof. Let v1, v2, v3, …., vn be the vertices of Kn. The ABC matrix of Kn has entries given by


Let vi1,vi2,vi3,,vis be the vertices related to each vi, which are added in Kn to obtain Spls (Kn) such that N(vi1)=N(vi2)=N(vi3)=,N(vis)=N(vi). Then ABC(Spls (Kn)) can be written in block matrix as follows




Now we compute the eigenvalues of A. Since matrix A is of rank two, A has two non-zero eigenvalues, say α1 and α2. Obviously,






Solving Equation 3.6 and (3.7), we have






where T1=2n+2sn2s4+4s3(n1)+s2(12n20)+s(10n18)+2n42(s+1)2n4.andT2=2n+2sn2s44s3(n1)+s2(12n20)+s(10n18)+2n42(s+1)2n4.Since ABC(Spls (Kn)) = ABC(Kn)⊗A, it follows that if λ1, λ2, … λn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Kn) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC Spectral radius of s-splitting graph of Kn with the ABC Spectral radius of Kn.

Corollary 4. Let Kn be a graph and ρABC(Spls(Kn)) be the ABC Spectral radius of s-splitting graph Kn, then ρABC(Spls(Kn))=ρABC(Kn)(2n+2sn2s4+4s3(n1)+s2(12n20)+s(10n18)+2n42(s+1)2n4).

Proof. By similar arguments as formula (3.10) in Theorem 3,


where T1=2n+2sn2s4+4s3(n1)+s2(12n20)+s(10n18)+2n42(s+1)2n4,and T2=2n+2sn2s44s3(n1)+s2(12n20)+s(10n18)+2n42(s+1)2n4.Since ABC(Spls (Kn)) = ABC(Kn)⊗A, it follows that if η1, η2, η3, … ηn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Kn) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC energy of s-splitting graph of Kn,n with the ABC energy of Kn,n.

Theorem 5. Let Kn,n be a complete bipartite graph and ABCɛ(Spls(Kn,n)) be the ABC energy of s-splitting graph of Kn,n, then


Proof. Let v1, v2, v3, …., vn be the vertices of Kn,n. The ABC matrix of Kn,n has entries given by


Let vi1,vi2,vi3,,vis be the vertices related to each vi, which are added in Kn,n to obtain Spls (Kn,n) such that N(vi1)=N(vi2)=N(vi3)=,N(vis)=N(vi). Then ABC(Spls (Kn,n)) can be written in block matrix as follows




Now we compute the eigenvalues of A. Since matrix A is of rank two, A has two non-zero eigenvalues, say α1 and α2. Obviously,






Solving Equation 3.11 and Equation 3.12, we have α1=2n+2sn2+4s3n+s2(12n8)+s(10n8)+2n22(s+1)2n2, and α2=2n+2sn24s3n+s2(12n8)+s(10n8)+2n22(s+1)2n2. So,


Since ABC(Spls (Kn,n)) = ABC(Kn,n)⊗A, it follows that if λ1, λ2, … λn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Kn,n) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC Spectral radius of s-splitting graph of Kn,n with the ABC Spectral radius of Kn,n.

Corollary 6. Let Kn,n be a graph and ρABC(Spls(Kn,n)) be the ABC Spectral radius of s-splitting graph Kn,n, thenρABC(Spls(Kn,n))=ρABC(Kn,n)(2n+2sn2+4s3n+s2(12n8)+s(10n8)+2n22(s+1)2n2).

Proof. By similar arguments as formula (3.13) in Theorem 5,


Since ABC(Spls (Kn,n)) = ABC(Kn,n)⊗A, it follows that if η1, η2, η3, … ηn are eigenvalues of ABC(Kn,n) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


4 ABC energies and spectral radii of generalized shadow graph

In this part we relate ABC energies and ABC Spectral radii of generalized Shadow graph of Kn, Cn and Kn,n with original graph of Kn, Cn and Kn,n, respectively.

The following result relates the ABC energy of s-shadow graph of Kn with the ABC energy of Kn.

Theorem 7. Let Kn be a complete graph and ABCɛ(Shs(Kn)) be the ABC energy of s-shadow graph of Kn, thenABCε(Shs(Kn))=s(n1)1n2ABCε(Kn).

Proof. Let v1, v2, v3, …., vn be the vertices of Kn. The ABC matrix of Kn has entries given by


Let G1, G2, G3, …., Gs be the s copies of the graph Kn which we take to construct Shs(Kn). Then ABC(Spls (Kn)) can be written as follows


Matrix 1 has entries given by

fij=2sn2s2s2n12ifviis adjacent tovj,0elsewhere..

1=s(n1)1n2s2ABC(Kn).Then ABC(Shs(Kn)) can be written in block matrix as follows




Now we compute the eigenvalues of A. Since matrix A is of rank one, so A has only one non-zero eigenvalue, say α1. We haveα1=tr(A)=s(s(n1)1n2s2)=s(n1)1n2.So,


Since ABC(Shs(Kn)) = ABC(Kn)⊗A, it follows that if λ1, λ2, … λn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Kn) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC Spectral radius of s-shadow graph of Kn with the ABC Spectral radius of Kn.

Corollary 8. Let Kn be a graph and ρABC(Shs(Kn)) be the ABC Spectral radius of s-shadow graph of Kn, then ρABC(Shs(Kn))=ρABC(Kn)(s(n1)1n2).

Proof. By similar arguments as formula (4.1) in Theorem 7,


So ABC(Shs(Kn)) = ABC(Kn)⊗A, it follows that if η1, η2, η3, … ηn are eigenvalues of ABC(Kn) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC energy of s-shadow graph of Cn with the ABC energy of Cn.

Theorem 9. Let Cn be a cycle graph and ABCɛ(Shs(Cn)) be the ABC energy of s-shadow graph of Cn, then ABCε(Shs(Cn))=2s1ABCε(Cn).

Proof. Let v1, v2, v3, …., vn be the vertices of Cn. The ABC matrix of Cn has entries given by


Let G1, G2, G3, …., Gs be the s copies of the graph Cn which we take to construct Shs(Cn). Then ABC(Shs(Cn)) can be written in block matrix as follows




Now we compute the eigenvalues of A. Since matrix A is of rank one, so A has only one non-zero eigenvalue, say α1. We have




Since ABC(Shs(Cn)) = ABC(Cn)⊗A, it follows that if λ1, λ2, … λn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Cn) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC Spectral radius of s-shadow graph of Cn with the ABC Spectral radius of Cn.

Corollary 10. Let Cn be a graph and ρABC(Shs(Cn)) be the ABC Spectral radius of s-shadow graph of Cn, then ρABC(Shs(Cn))=ρABC(Cn)(2s1).

Proof. By similar arguments as formula (4.2) in Theorem 9,


Since ABC(Shs(Cn)) = ABC(Cn)⊗A, it follows that if η1, η2, η3, … ηn are eigenvalues of ABC(Cn) then by Lemma 1.1 we have


The following result relates the ABC energy of s-shadow graph of Kn,n with the ABC energy of Kn,n.

Theorem 11. Let Kn,n be a complete bipartite graph and ABCɛ(Shs(Kn,n)) be the ABC energy of s-shadow graph of Kn,n, then ABCε(Shs(Kn,n))=sn1n1ABCε(Kn,n).

Proof. Let v1, v2, v3, …., vn be the vertices of Kn,n. The ABC matrix of Kn,n has entries given by


Let G1, G2, G3, …., Gs be the s copies of the graph Kn,n which we take to construct Shs(Kn,n). Then ABC(Shs(Kn,n)) can be written in block matrix as follows




Now we compute the eigenvalues of A. Since matrix A is of rank one, so A has only one non-zero eigenvalue, say α1. We haveα1=tr(A)=ssn1n1s2=sn1n1.So,


Since ABC(Shs(Kn,n)) = ABC(Kn,n)⊗A, it follows that if λ1, λ2, … λn are the eigenvalues of ABC(Kn,n) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


The following result relates the ABC Spectral radius of s-shadow graph of Kn,n with the ABC Spectral radius of Kn,n.

Corollary 12. Let Kn,n be a complete bipartite graph and ρABC(Shs(Kn,n)) be the ABC Spectral radius of s-shadow graph of Kn,n, then


Proof. By similar arguments as formula (4.3) in Theorem 11,


Since ABC(Shs(Kn,n)) = ABC(Kn,n)⊗A, it follows that if η1, η2, η3, … ηn are eigenvalues of ABC(Kn,n) then by Lemma 1.1, we have


5 Conclusion and possible applications

The graph energy and Spectral radius are two most emerging concepts in spectral graph theory. These concepts provides a bridge between mathematics and chemistry. You can find the Spectral radius and energy of many graphs in the literature. To examine the Spectral radius and energy of the larger graphs produced by a number of graph operations on a certain regular graph, however, is a challenge we must accept. We reached some quite general findings by concentrating on two graph operations, s-splitting and s-shadow graphs. Additionally, it was established that the new graph’s Spectral radius and energy are multiples of Spectral radius and energy of original regular graph referred as base graph. Our results on graph energies have applications in network analysis particularly dealing with problems of air travel, kirchhoff index, resistance distance, satellite communication, and biology. Our results on Spectral radii are also applicable to the stability theory of time-varying linear systems and linear inclusions.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, MM. Investigation, computation and original draft, AB.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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Keywords: shadow graph, splitting graph, ABC energy, ABC spectral radius, eigenvalues

Citation: Bilal A and Munir MM (2022) ABC energies and spectral radii of some graph operations. Front. Phys. 10:1053038. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1053038

Received: 24 September 2022; Accepted: 21 November 2022;
Published: 22 December 2022.

Edited by:

Gang (Gary) Ren, The Molecular Foundry, United States

Reviewed by:

Zhiyong Gan, South China Normal University, China
Abdu Alameri, University of Science and Technology, Yemen

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*Correspondence: Muhammad Mobeen Munir,

These authors share first authorship

Disclaimer: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.