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Front. Phys. , 22 November 2021

Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics

Volume 9 - 2021 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Long-Range Dependent Processes: Theory and Applications View all 15 articles

Almost Periodic Solutions to Impulsive Stochastic Delay Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion With 12 < H < 1

  • Department of Mathematics and Physics, Bengbu University, Bengbu, China

In this article, we study the existence and uniqueness of square-mean piecewise almost periodic solutions to a class of impulsive stochastic functional differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Moreover, the stability of the mild solution is obtained. To illustrate the results obtained in the paper, an impulsive stochastic functional differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motion is considered.

1 Introduction

Impulsive systems arise naturally in a wide variety of evolutionary processes in which states are changed abruptly at certain moments of time. Impulsive stochastic modeling has come to play an important role in many branches of science where more and more people have encountered impulsive stochastic differential equations. For example, a stochastic model for drug distribution in a biological system was described by Tsokos and Padgett [1] as a closed system with a simplified heart, one organ, or capillary bed, and recirculation of blood with a constant rate of flow, where the heart is considered as a mixing chamber of constant volume. Recently, there has been a significant development in impulsive stochastic differential equations (ISDEs). The existence and stability of ISDEs were investigated in [211] and the references therein.

On the other hand, in recent years, there has been considerable interest in studying fractional Brownian motions (fBms) due to their compact properties and applications in various scientific areas, including telecommunications [12, 13], turbulence [14], image processing [15], and finance [16]. Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by fBms attract the interest of researchers [2, 3, 1721]. Taking the time delay into account, the theory of stochastic differential equations has been generalized to stochastic functional differential equations; it makes the dynamics more complex and the system may lose stability and show almost periodicity. Arthi et al. [2] considered the existence and exponential stability for neutral stochastic integrodifferential equations with impulses driven by fractional Brownian motion (fBm), and Caraballo [3] studied the existence of mild solutions to stochastic delay evolution equations with fBm and impulses.

In this paper, we are concerned with the existence and stability of almost periodic mild solutions to the following impulsive stochastic functional differential system driven by fBm with Hurst index H(12,1):


where Z is the set of integer, for any i,kZ, and the sequence {ti} is such that the derived sequence {tik=ti+kti} is equipotentially almost periodic. Moreover, A:D(A)HH is a linear bounded operator, ρ(A) is the resolvent set of A, and for λρ(A), R(λ, A) is the resolvent of A. In addition, b, σ, and Ii are appropriate functions, xt():[θ,0]H is given by xt(s) = x(t + s), for any s ∈ [ − θ, 0], and ξCθ is an Ft0measurable random variable such that Eξ2 < . Let θ > 0 be a given constant and let

Cθ=ϕ:[θ,0]×ΩH,ϕ be continuous everywhere except for a finite number of points s at which ϕ(s) and ϕ(s+) exist and satisfy ϕ(s)=ϕ(s), endowed with the norm


such that ϕ(s, ⋅) is F0-measurable for each s ∈ [ − θ, 0] and sups[θ,0]Eϕ(s)2<.

There are several difficulties with our problems. First, there is the delay for the impulsive stochastic differential equations. Second, about the stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion, the classical stochastic integral failed for lack of the martingale property. Third, there is no strong solution for stochastic partial delay differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. The lifting space method, mild solutions, fixed point theorem, and semigroup theory will be used to overcome these difficulties.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some notations and necessary preliminaries. Section 3 is devoted to stating the existence and uniqueness of the mild square-mean piecewise almost periodic solution to (1). In Section 4, we show the stability of the mild square-mean piecewise almost periodic solution. An example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the results.

2 Preliminaries

Let (H,H,(,)H) and (K,K,(,)K) denote two real separable Hilbert spaces. We denote by L(H,K) the set of all linear bounded operators from H into K, equipped with the usual operator norm ‖ ⋅‖ and use |⋅| to denote the Euclidean norm of a vector. In this article, we use the symbol ‖⋅‖ to denote the norms of operators regardless of the spaces involved when no confusion possibly arises. Let (Ω,F,{Ft}t0,P) be a filtered complete probability space satisfying the usual condition.

2.1 Fractional Brownian Motion

In this subsection, we briefly introduce some useful results about fBm and the corresponding stochastic integral taking values in a Hilbert space. For more details, refer to Hu [22], Mishura [23], Nualart [24], and references therein.

A real standard fractional Brownian motion {βH(t),tR} with Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1) is a Gaussian process with continuous sample paths such that E[βH(t)] = 0 and


for all s, t ≥ 0. It is known that fBm {βH(t), t ≥ 0} with H>12 admits the following Wiener integral representation:


where W is a standard Brownian motion and the kernel KH(t, s) is given by


where cH > 0 is a constant satisfying E(β1H)2=1. For any function σL2(0, T), the Wiener integral of σ with respect to βH is defined by


for any T > 0, where KH*σ(s)=sTKHr(r,s)dr. A K-valued, Ft-adapted fBm BH with Hurst index H can be defined by


where βnH,n=1,2, are independent fBms with the same Hurst parameter H(12,1),{en,nN}, which is a complete orthonormal basis in K,{λn,nN} that is a bounded sequence of non-negative real numbers satisfying Qen = λnen, and Q is non-negative self-adjoint trace class operator with TrQ=n=1λn<+.

Let L20(H,K) denote the space of all σL(H,K) such that σQ12 is a Hilbert–Schmidt operator. The norm is defined by σL202=n=1λnσen2. Generally, σ is called a Q-Hilbert–Schmidt operator from H to K.

Definition 2.1 Let σ:[0,T]L20(H,K) such that


then the stochastic integral of σ with respect to fBm BH is defined by


Remark If {λn}nN is a bounded sequence of non-negative real numbers such that the nuclear operator Q satisfies Qen = λen, assuming that there exists a positive constant Kσ such that σL202Kσ uniformly in [0, T], then it is obvious that n=1σQ12en2 is uniformly convergent for t ∈ [0, T].

2.2 Piecewise Almost Periodic Stochastic Processes

In this subsection, we recall some notations about the square-mean piecewise almost periodic stochastic process and introduce some lemmas. For further details, we refer to Takens and Teissier [25] and Liu [26].

Recall that a stochastic process X:RL2(Ω;H) is said to be continuous if


for all sR, and it is said to be bounded if there exists N > 0, such that EX(t)‖2N for all tR. For convenience, we list the following concepts and notations:

L2(Ω,H) is Banach space when it is equipped with norm L2(Ω,H).

• Let T be the set consisting of all real sequences {ti}iZ such that α=infiZ(ti+1ti)>0, and limiti=,limiti=, x(ti),and x(ti+) represent the left and right limits of x(t) at the point ti,iZ, respectively.

• Let PC(R,L2(Ω,H)) be the space consisting of all stochastically bounded functions b:RL2(Ω,H) such that b(⋅) is stochastically continuous at t for any t{ti}iZ, and b(ti)=b(ti) for all iZ, {ti}iZT.

• Let PC(R×Cθ,L2(Ω,H)) be the space of all piecewise stochastic process b:R×CθL2(Ω,H) such that

• for any ϕCθ, b(⋅, ϕ) is stochastically continuous at point t for any t{ti}iZ and b(ti,ϕ)=b(ti,ϕ) for all iZ;

and b(t, ⋅) is stochastically continuous at ϕCθ, for tR.

• For k < i, ttk = tti + titktti + (ik)α, if {ti}iZT, and ti < tti+1 (see [27]).

Definition 2.2 ([28]). The family of the sequence {tik=ti+kti},iZ,kZ will be called equipotentially almost periodic if for any ɛ > 0; there exists a relatively dense set Qε of R and an integer qZ such that the inequality


holds for each τQε and iZ.

Definition 2.3 A function {b(t), t ≥ 0} is said to be square-mean piecewise almost periodic if the following conditions are fulfilled:

a) For any ɛ > 0, there exists a positive number δ = δ(ɛ) such that if the points tand tbelong to the same interval of continuity and |t′ − t″| < δ, then Eb(t′) − b(t″)‖2 < ɛ.

b) For any ɛ > 0, there exists l(ɛ) > 0, such that every interval of length l(ɛ) contains a number τ with the property


which satisfies the condition |tti|>ε,iZ.Let APT(R,L2(Ω;H)) denote the space of all square-mean piecewise almost periodic functions. Obviously APT(R,L2(Ω;H)) endowed with the supremum norm is a Banach space. Let UPC(R;L2(Ω;H)) be the space of all functions bPC(R,L2(Ω;H)) such that b satisfies the condition (a) in Definition 2.3. It is easy to check that UPC(R;L2(Ω;H)) is a Banach space with the norm


for each XUPC(R;L2(Ω;H)).

Definition 2.4 (compare with [28]). A sequence {xi}:ZL2(Ω,H) is called square-mean almost periodic if for any ɛ > 0, there exists a natural number N = N(ɛ) such that, for each kZ, there is at least one integer p in the segment [k, k + N], for which inequality


holds for all iZ.

Definition 2.5 The function b(t,φ)PC(R×Cθ,L2(Ω,H)) is said to be square-mean piecewise almost periodic in tR uniformly in φ ∈ Λ, where ΛCθ is compact if for any ɛ > 0, there exits l(ɛ, Λ) > 0 such that any interval of length l(ɛ, Λ) contains at least a number τ for which


for each x ∈ Λ, tR, satisfying |tti| > ɛ. The collection of all such processes is denoted by APT(R×Cθ,L2(Ω,H)).

Lemma 2.1 Let the function f:R×CθL2(Ω;H) be square-mean piecewise almost periodic in tR uniformly for yCθ, where ΛCθ is compact. If f is a Lipschitz function in the following sense,


for all y,ỹCθ, tR, and a constant M2 > 0, then for any ϕ()APT(R,L2(Ω;H)),f(,ϕ)APT(R,L2(Ω;H)).

Proof Noting that ϕ(t):RL2(Ω;H) is square-mean almost periodic, we can conclude that ϕt = {ϕ(t + s), − θs ≤ 0, θ > 0} is square-mean almost periodic by Theorem 1.2.7 of [29]. Thus, for each ɛ > 0, there exists a constant l(ɛ) > 0 such that every interval with the length l(ɛ) contains a number τ satisfying


Noting that f:R×CθL2(Ω;H) is square-mean piecewise almost periodic, we can see that for any ɛ > 0, there exits l(ɛ, Λ) > 0 such that each interval with length l(ɛ, Λ) contains at least a number τ satisfying


for any xΛ(Cθ), tR with |tti| > ɛ. Using the elementary inequality |a + b|2 ≤ 2(|a|2 + |b|2) and condition (3), we have


for all tR. Combining (4) and (5), one can show that


which implies that f(t, ϕt) is square-mean piecewise almost periodic.

3 Existence of Square-Mean Piecewise Almost Periodic Solution

In this section, we study the existence of the square-mean piecewise almost periodic solution to (1). We first present some assumptions as follows:

(H1) Let the bounded linear operator A be an infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup {S(t), t ≥ 0} such that


for some γ > 0, M > 0. Moreover, R(λ, A) is almost periodic, where λρ(A).

(H2) Let bAPT(R×Cθ,L2(Ω,H)). Moreover, there exists a positive constant Mb such that


for any x,x̃Cθ.

(H3) Let σAPT(RL20(Ω,L2(Ω,H))) and let {Iix(ti),iZ} be a square-mean piecewise almost periodic sequence satisfying


for some positive constant MI.

Recall the notion of a mild solution for Eq. 1.

Definition 3.1 An Ft-progressive process {x(t)}tR is called a mild solution of the system (1) on R if it satisfies the corresponding stochastic integral equation


for all tt0 and for each t0R.

Theorem 3.1 Let (H1) − (H3) be satisfied. Then, (1) has a unique square-mean piecewise almost periodic mild solution whenever


Consider the following equation:


with tt0. It is easy to verify that the above equation is equivalent to (7). Define the operator L on APT(R,L2(Ω,H)) by


for all tR. To prove the theorem, it is sufficient to show that the next statements hold:

I) Lx(t) is square-mean piecewise almost periodic.

II) L admits a unique fixed point.

Proof of Statement (I) This will be done in two steps.

Step 1 We claim that Lx(t)UPC.

Let iZ. By the uniform continuity of S(t), we can see that, for any ɛ > 0, there exists a number δ > 0 between 0 and min{εb̃,εσ̃2H} such that


for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″ as 0 < t″ − t′ < δ, where b̃=36M2b2,σ̃=36H(2H1)M2σ2,Ĩ=9M2I2. It follows from the inequality |a + b + c|3 ≤ 3(a2 + b2 + c2) that


for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″. By the assumptions (H1), (H2), and (H3), we have that




for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″. Moreover, we also have that




for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″. Combining these with Hölder’s inequality and (9), we get that




for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″ provided |t″ − t′| < δ. Similarly, by the assumptions (H1) and (H3) and (9), one can see that


for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″ provided |t″ − t′| < δ. Thus, we have shown that the estimate


holds for all t′, t″ ∈ (ti, ti+1), t′ < t″ provided |t″ − t′| < δ, which means Lx(t)UPC.

Step 2 We prove the almost periodicity of Lx(t).

For Φ1(t), let ti < t < ti+1; by (H1), (H2), and Hölder’s inequality, we have that


where η=min{ε,α2}. By Lemma 2.1 and (H2), we find that for any ɛ > 0 and iZ, there exists a real number l(ɛ, Λ) > 0 such that every interval of length l(ɛ, Λ) contains at least a constant τ and


for each x ∈ Λ, |tti| > ɛ, since bAPT(R,L2(Ω,H)), where ΛCθ is compact.

For s ∈ [tj + η, tj+1η], jZ, ji, tstti + ti − (tj+1η) ≥ tti + α(i + j − 1) + η, we have


For s[tj,tj+η],jZ,ji, by the mean value theorem of integral, we get that


Similarly, we can show that


where C1, C2 are two positive constants. Thus, we have introduced the next estimate:


where N1 is a positive constant, which implies that Φ1(t) is square-mean piecewise almost periodic.

We now show that Φ2(t) is square-mean piecewise almost periodic. Recall that tσ(t) is piecewise almost periodic if for each ɛ > 0 there exists a real number l(ɛ) > 0 such that the estimate


holds for every interval of length l(ɛ) containing a number τ. By using (H1) and the computation of fBm, we have


Furthermore, by Hölder’s inequality, we have


where η=min{ε,α2}. In the same way as that of handling Φ1(t), one can introduce the estimate


where N2 is a positive constant, and hence Φ2(t) is piecewise square-mean almost periodic.

For Φ3(t)=ti<tS(tti)Ii(x(ti)),iZ, let βi = Ii(x(ti)). For ti < tti+1, |tti| > ɛ, |tti+1|>ε,iZ, by (2), one has ti+q+1 > t + τ > ti+q. From (H3), it follows that βi is a square-mean almost periodic sequence, for any ɛ > 0; there exists such a natural number N = N(ɛ) that, for an arbitrary kZ, there is at least one integer p > 0 in the segment [k, k + N] such that the inequality


holds for all iZ. We get


which implies that Φ3(t)APT(R,L2(Ω,H)). Thus, we have proved that Lx(t)APT(R,L2(Ω,H)) and Lx(t) is square-mean piecewise almost periodic.

Proof of Statement (II) Given B={uAPT(R,L2(Ω,H))} and assuming that x(t), y(t) ∈ B are both almost periodic solutions of (1) and x(t) ≠ y(t), then we have


From (H1), (H2), (H3) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have that




It follows that


for each tR, which implies that


This means that L is a contraction when (8) holds and statement (II) follows.

4 Asymptotic Stability

In this section, we are interested in the asymptotical stability of the almost periodic mild solution to (1) with t0 = 0. For convenience, we rewrite the equation as follows:


Lemma 4.1 ([30]). Let a nonnegative piecewise continuous function tv(t) satisfy the inequality


for tt0, where C ≥ 0, u(σ) > 0, αi ≥ 0, iZ, and σi, iZ are the first kind discontinuity points of the function v. Then, the following estimate holds:


Theorem 4.1 Assume that (H1) − (H3) hold. The almost periodic solutions to (15) are asymptotically stable in the square-mean sense if


ProofLet x(t) and x*(t) be two square-mean piecewise almost periodic mild solutions of (15); we then have that


for all t ≥ 0. By using Cauchy–Schwartz’s inequality, Fubini’s theorem, and assumptions (H1) − (H3), we deduce that


for t ≥ 0. Multiplying both sides of the above inequality by eγt, we get


for t ≥ 0, which implies that


for t ≥ 0. Combining this with Lemma 4.1, we get that


for t ≥ 0. So,


for t ≥ 0. Thus, we get the desired estimate


and the square-mean piecewise almost periodic solution of (15) is asymptotically stable in the square-mean sense because of (16). This completes the proof.

5 An Example

Consider the semilinear impulsive stochastic partial functional differential equations of the following form:


where r is a constant and BH(t) is a fractional Brownian motion. Denote X = L2(Ω, L2([0, π])) and define A: D(A) ⊆ XX given by A=2x2 with the following domain:

DA=vX:vX,vX are absolutely continous on 0,π.

It is well known that a strongly continuous semigroup {S(t)}t≥0 generated by the operator A satisfies ‖S(t)‖ ≤ et, for t ≥ 0. Take




Thus, one has




Let α = 1. Then, (17) has a square-mean piecewise almost periodic mild solution, provided that 0<a2<116 by Theorem 3.1, and moreover the solution of (17) is asymptotically stable in the square-mean sense provided that 0<a2<136 by Theorem 4.1.

6 Conclusion

In this article, we have investigated the existence and asymptotic stability of square-mean piecewise almost periodic mild solutions for a class of impulsive stochastic delay differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion with the Hurst parameter H(12,1) in a Hilbert space. An example is presented to illustrate our theoretical results. Fractional Brownian motion BH with H(0,12) admits different Wiener integral representation from fractional Brownian motion with H(12,1). It is difficult to get the square-mean piecewise almost periodic mild solutions of ISDEs driven by fractional Brownian motion with H(0,12) in a Hilbert space properly due to estimation without moment.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Author Contributions

LG and XS carried out the mathematical studies, participated in the sequence alignment, drafted the manuscript and participated in the design of the study and performed proof of results. All authors read and approved the submitted version.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 11971101; Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province, No.1808085MA02; and Natural Science Foundation of Bengbu University, Nos. 2020ZR04zd and BBXY2020KYQD05.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


The authors are indebted to Professor Litan Yan for his encouragement and helpful discussion. The authors are grateful to the referees and the associate editor for valuable comments and suggestions to improve this article.


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Keywords: fractional Brownian motion, square-mean piecewise almost periodic solution, impulsive systems, stochastic functional differential equation, stability

Citation: Gao L and Sun X (2021) Almost Periodic Solutions to Impulsive Stochastic Delay Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion With 12 < H < 1. Front. Phys. 9:783125. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.783125

Received: 25 September 2021; Accepted: 14 October 2021;
Published: 22 November 2021.

Edited by:

Ming Li, Zhejiang University, China

Reviewed by:

Mohammad Hossein Heydari, Shiraz University of Technology, Iran
Yong Ren, Anhui Normal University, China
Yaozhong Hu, University of Alberta, Canada

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*Correspondence: Xichao Sun, c3VueGljaGFvNjI2QDEyNi5jb20=

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