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Clinical Trial

Published on 19 Sep 2017

A Phase III Randomized Study Comparing a Chemotherapy with Cisplatin and Etoposide to a Etoposide Regimen without Cisplatin for Patients with Extensive Small-Cell Lung Cancer

in Thoracic Oncology

  • Thierry Berghmans
  • Arnaud Scherpereel
  • Anne-Pascale Meert
  • Vicente Giner
  • Jacques Lecomte
  • Jean-Jacques Lafitte
  • Nathalie Leclercq
  • Marianne Paesmans
  • Jean-Paul Sculier
  • for the European Lung Cancer Working Party (ELCWP)
A Phase III Randomized Study Comparing a Chemotherapy with Cisplatin and Etoposide to a Etoposide Regimen without Cisplatin for Patients with Extensive Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Frontiers in Oncology
doi 10.3389/fonc.2017.00217
  • 7 citations