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Front. Nutr., 27 September 2024
Sec. Nutritional Epidemiology

Undernutrition and dietary diversity score and associated factors among lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia

  • Department of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Science, Injibara University, Injibara, Ethiopia

Background: Maternal undernutrition negatively influences both maternal and child health, as well as economic and social development. Limited research has been conducted on both the nutritional status and dietary diversity score among lactating mothers. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the magnitudes of undernutrition and dietary diversity scores and their associated factors among lactating mothers in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia.

Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to May 2021. Systematic random sampling and interview-administered questionnaires were employed. Dietary diversity score and nutritional status were measured using a 24-h recall and body mass index (BMI), respectively. Data entry and analysis were performed using EpiData version 3.02 and SPSS version 24 software, respectively. Both the bivariable and multivariable binary logistic regression analyses were performed, and the strength of association was measured in terms of odds ratio.

Results: The prevalence of undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores among respondents were 13.5% (95% CI; 10.4, 17.2) and 64.8% (95% CI, 60.0, 69.4), respectively. The significant factors for undernutrition were being young [AOR = 2.30, 95% CI (1.09, 5.43)], having low dietary diversity score [AOR = 2.26, 95% CI (1.01,5.10)], having poor nutritional knowledge [AOR = 2.56, 95% CI (1.03, 6.51)], meal frequency less or equal to 3 times per day [AOR = 4.06, 95% CI (0.71, 9.65)], educational status being primary school [AOR = 3.20, 95% CI (1.01, 9.11)], and educational status of husband being secondary school [AOR = 2.28, 95% CI (1.25, 8.53)]. Age between 20 and 30 years [AOR = 1.46, 95% CI (1.01, 2.48)], being food insecure [AOR = 3.41, 95% CI (1.21, 9.63)], and being poorest [AOR = 2.31, 95% CI (1.02, 5.32)] were associated with the dietary diversity score.

Conclusion: A high prevalence of undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores were recorded in the current study area. Age, educational status of lactating mothers and their husbands, nutritional knowledge, dietary diversity, and meal frequency were significant factors associated with undernutrition. Age, food security, and wealth index were associated with the dietary diversity score.


Mothers are more likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies during breastfeeding because of poor eating habits, physiological changes, and various sociodemographic factors (1). Inadequate nutritional intake before pregnancy, throughout pregnancy, and during breastfeeding increases postnatal nutritional stress and maternal health risk, resulting in a high maternal death rate (2, 3). Adequate energy consumption and a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and animal products throughout the lifecycle help ensure that women enter pregnancy and breastfeeding without deficits and acquire sufficient nutrients during periods of increased demand (4).

Dietary diversity (DD) is defined as the number of various food types ingested over a certain period to provide optimal intake of vital nutrients that can enhance health and physical and mental development (5). Food adequacy and nutritional quality during breastfeeding are critical for mother and child health (6). Good dietary diversity among lactating mothers has been linked to their children’s good health, growth, and development (7, 8).

Maternal undernutrition is highly prevalent in low-income and middle-income countries, resulting in substantial increases in mortality and overall disease burden (9). Approximately 240 million women in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) experience undernutrition (BMI < 18.5) (10). The pooled prevalence of underweight among women in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was 8.87% (11). The pooled prevalence of undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores among lactating mothers was 23.86 and 50.3%, respectively, in Ethiopia (12, 13).

Maternal undernutrition has a negative influence on maternal and child health, economic, and social development. Many women of reproductive age suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, which are associated with negative health outcomes (1416). Women who are underweight or overweight before pregnancy have increased risk factors such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, cesarean section, protracted labor, miscarriage, postpartum hemorrhage, anemia, hypothyroidism, tiredness, bleeding during birth, obstructed labor, morbidity, mortality, and poor pregnancy and breastfeeding outcomes (17, 18).

Malnutrition in women occurs at all phases of life due to poor quality food, inadequate services (lack of public needs such as health facilities, transport, and communication facilities), and a weak enabling environment. Several factors limit women’s access to proper diets and care, including limited availability and access to nutritious, safe, and affordable foods; limited opportunities for women to access nutrition services; limited knowledge of the importance of preconception nutrition care; and harmful gendered social norms and social and cultural practices (1921). To reduce maternal mortality and increase optimum mother and child nutrition, the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE) employs numerous interventions that are supported and encouraged by many techniques rather than relying on a single intervention (22). Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030 (23). Providing a broad and appropriate diet may serve as the cornerstone of long-term sustainable measures to combat global malnutrition (5). According to the findings of several studies, lactating mothers have inadequate nutritional and dietary diversity (2429).

Although we understand the causes of malnutrition, the prevalence and associated factors vary from setting to setting and over time. In addition to nutrition interventions, undernutrition among lactating mothers is a significant public health issue in developing nations. As a result, ongoing assessment of the prevalence and associated factors of undernutrition among lactating mothers is critical for prioritizing, designing, and launching intervention programs based on relevant data. Even though there is some evidence on the nutritional status, dietary diversity score, and associated factors among lactating mothers separately, there has been very little research in Ethiopia that has investigated both nutritional status and dietary diversity scores and their associated factors among lactating mothers.

Furthermore, no data are available on the nutritional status, dietary diversity score, and associated factors among lactating mothers in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Therefore, the current study aimed to establish the magnitudes of undernutrition and dietary diversity scores and associated factors among lactating mothers in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia. This will aid in the development of appropriate interventions to increase maternal nutrition, as well as in the easy availability of information for future researchers.

Methods and materials

Study area and period

This study was conducted in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia, the capital city of the Amhara region and 565 km from Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. Based on the 2020 population report from the Bahir Dar City administrative office, there are 10,310 lactating mothers with children less than 2 years old in the city (30).

Study design and population

A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to May 2021. All lactating mothers whose children were 6 months to 2 years old in Bahir Dar City were considered the source population. Lactating mothers whose children were 6 months to 2 years old and who lived in the selected kebeles in Bahir Dar city were considered the study population.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

All lactating mothers who had children aged 6 months to 2 years and lived for a minimum of 6 months in Bahir Dar City were included in the study. Lactating mothers who had confirmed pregnancy and celebrated ceremonies within the last 24 hour were excluded from the study.

Sample size determination and sampling techniques

The sample size was determined using a single population formula, n = Z a / 2 2 P 1 P d 2 , the prevalence of underweight was 48.8% in a study conducted in central Ethiopia (31), with a 5% marginal error and a 95% confidence interval (CI), the sample size was calculated to be 384, and the final sample size was 423 after adding a 10% non-response rate. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select respondents. Eight kebeles were selected among 26 using a lottery method. The participants were allocated to each selected kebele using the population proportion to the size of each kebele. A simple random sampling technique was employed to select study participants from households with more than one respondent.

Data collection tools and procedures

The data were collected through face-to-face structured interviews. After reviewing several related studies, an Amharic questionnaire, which was first written in English was updated to reflect local circumstances. This revision was carried out by 10 data collectors with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, who were supervised by health officers with Bachelor’s degrees, after receiving 2 days of Amharic language training from the principal investigators on procedures of anthropometric measurement, interviewing technique, filling questionnaires, and respondent engagement. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect information on sociodemographic and economic factors. FANTA III created the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), a standardized, and validated tool, to assess the level of household food insecurity (32).

The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) includes nine occurrence items that show varying levels of food insecurity severity, along with nine “frequency-of-occurrence” follow-up questions that were asked over 4 weeks (past month) (33). To evaluate respondents’ nutritional knowledge, I asked 10 multiple-choice and yes/no questions covering the benefits of consuming different nutrients, sources of these nutrients, the need for extra meals during lactation, and the significance of iron and folic acid supplements. The total possible score for this nutritional knowledge assessment was 24 (34).

Dietary diversity was assessed using a qualitative recall of all food types consumed a day (24 h) before data collection. Ten food categories were used to calculate the dietary diversity score defined by FAO and FANTA III (35). The respondents’ nutrition knowledge was assessed by inquiring whether they had received any nutrition advice from a health professional. The household wealth index was used to measure respondents’ socioeconomic level by asking them about their household assets and housing features.

Anthropometric measurements were used to estimate the nutritional status of the respondents using the body mass index (BMI). Measurements were taken at the end of the interview using calibrated equipment and established procedures. This included determining the weight and height of lactating mothers. Mothers’ weights were measured to the nearest 100 g using a calibrated portable digital scale (the UNICEF electronic weighing scale) after they removed their shoes and put on light clothing. The respondent’s height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm while they stood upright with their shoulders level, hands at their sides, and with their head, scapula, buttocks, and heels touching the base of a vertical measuring board equipped with a sliding head bar. The respondent responses were based on their willingness.

Study variables

Dependent variables

The dependent variables include undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores.

Independent variables

The independent variables include age, child’s age, educational status of the lactating mother and her husband, religion, occupational status of the lactating mother and her husband, marital status, number of children, family size, wealth index, household food security status, meal frequency, access to nutrition information, food restrictions, and respondent’s nutritional knowledge.

Operational definitions

Undernutrition is defined as a BMI of <18.5 kg/m2 (36).

Minimum dietary diversity for women (MDD-W) is defined using the 10 food groups recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (37). The mother was asked about the types of food she consumed in the 24 h preceding the survey, regardless of the portion size.

The Minimum Dietary Diversity Score (MDDS) can be classified as follows:

Low: The mother consumed <5 food groups out of the 10.

Adequate: The mother consumed ≥5 food groups out of the 10.

Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) can be scored and classified as food secure or food insecure.

Food security includes persons in households where all members show no or minimal evidence of food insecurity (≤1 out of 27).

Food insecurity includes persons in households where all members feel anxious about running out of food or compromising on the quality of foods they eat by choosing less expensive options (2–27 out of 27).

Food restriction shows that limiting one’s food intake may have unanticipated implications for individuals who undertake it (38).

Data management and analysis

The data were entered into EpiData version 3.02 software after being checked for completeness and consistency and then exported to SPSS version 24 for analysis. The wealth status of respondents was determined using principal component analysis, and eigenvalues were applied to compute the wealth status of respondents for each component. Descriptive analysis was performed using numerical summary measures, which were then reported in the form of texts, frequency tables, and figures. The lactating mother’s body mass index (BMI) was measured by dividing her weight in kilograms by her height in meters squared and classified as undernourished if her BMI is less than 18.5 kg/m2 (39).

Bivariable binary logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the association between independent factors and dependent variables. The variables with a p-value of <0.25 in the bivariable analysis were incorporated into the multivariable analysis to identify independent predictors of undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores. Finally, factors with a p-value of <0.05 in the multivariable binary logistic regression analysis were substantially linked to undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores. The Hosmer–Lemeshow test was used to assess model fitness, and the level of association was calculated using the odds ratio.

Data quality control

To ensure consistency, the data collection instrument produced in English was translated into Amharic and then returned to English. Initially, data quality was ensured by carefully designing the questionnaire and data gathering procedures. The investigator provided 2 days of training to data collectors and supervisors on instruments, data collection methods, anthropometric measurements, ethical considerations, and research objectives. Prior to data collection, 5% (n = 22) of the participants took a pretest. Every lactating mother’s height and weight were measured twice, and the average measurement was obtained. The proper functioning of digital weight scales was confirmed every time before the start of weight measurement, and the reading scale was ensured to be exactly zero by utilizing a portable reference weight of 1 kg. Two BSc health officers were in charge of supervision, and they constantly checked the data for completeness, correctness, and consistency during the data collection period. Overall, the investigator was available to answer questions and clarify any concerns raised by the data collectors and supervisors.


The sociodemographic and socioeconomic status of the respondents

The median age of the respondents was 28.0 ± 6.0 (median ± IQR), with a response rate of 98.1%. Most respondents (41.9%) had college or above educational status. Approximately 82% of the lactating mothers were followers of the Orthodox religion. Approximately 43% of the respondent’s husbands were government employees. Regarding the wealth index, 75 (18.1%) and 126 (30.4%) respondents were the poorest and richest, respectively (Table 1).

Table 1

Table 1. Sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics of lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia (N = 415).

Food security status, nutritional knowledge, and meal frequency of lactating mothers

Approximately 15% of respondents were food insecure. Regarding the nutritional knowledge of the respondents, 144 (34.7%) were poor. Most respondents ate three times per day (Table 2).

Table 2

Table 2. Food security status, nutritional knowledge, meal frequency, dietary diversity, nutritional status, access to nutrition information, and food restrictions among lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia (N = 415).

Nutrition information and food restrictions for lactating mothers

Approximately 132 (32%) of the respondents received nutrition information from health professionals when they visited the health facility. Twenty-seven (6.5%) of the respondents said that there were food restrictions in the community during the lactation period (Table 2).

Prevalence of undernutrition, low dietary diversity score, and food group consumption

The prevalence of undernutrition and low dietary diversity scores among respondents were 13.5% (95% CI: 10.4, 17.2) and 64.8% (95% CI: 60.0, 69.4), respectively. The nutritional status of lactating mothers for overweight and obese was 19.8 and 2.9%, respectively. The respondent’s median measurement of weight, height, and MUAC was 56.8 ± 11.4 (median ± IQR), 1.57 ± 0.08 m, and 26.5 ± 4.0, respectively (Table 2). Consumption of all starchy staples (porridge, bread, rice, injera, and pasta) was high among respondents, accounting for 100%. This was followed by beans and peas (mature beans or peas) and lentils (fresh or dried seed) (75.9%). The food groups that were least consumed by the respondents were nuts and seeds (5.5%) and other fruits (lemons and apples) (1.6%), respectively (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Figure 1. Consumption of food groups among lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia (N = 415).

Factors associated with the undernutrition of lactating mothers

In the bivariable binary logistic regression analysis, several variables showed a significant association (with a p-value ≤0.25) with the nutritional status of lactating mothers. These variables included age, educational and occupational status of lactating mothers, educational and occupational status of the husband, foods restricted in the community during the lactation period, nutritional knowledge, dietary diversity score, food security status, wealth index, and frequency of meals. Until now, in the multivariable binary logistic regression analysis, notable associations were observed between nutritional status and age, educational status of lactating mothers and their husbands, nutritional knowledge, dietary diversity, and meal frequency. Being of younger age was associated with a 2.30 times higher likelihood of being undernourished than the older individuals [AOR = 2.30, 95% CI (1.09, 5.43)]. The odds of becoming undernourished among lactating mothers with a low dietary diversity score were 2.26 times higher than those with a high dietary diversity score [AOR = 2.26, 95% CI (1.01,5.10)]. Respondents who had poor nutritional knowledge were 2.56 times more likely to become undernourished than those with good nutritional knowledge [AOR = 2.56, 95% CI (1.03, 6.51)]. The odds of experiencing undernutrition among lactating mothers with a meal frequency of ≤3 times per day were 4.06 times higher than ≥3 times per day [AOR = 4.06, 95% CI (0.71, 9.65)]. Respondents who completed primary school were 3.20 times more likely to be undernourished than those who had completed college or higher [AOR = 3.20, 95% CI (1.01, 9.11)]. The respondent’s husband, who completed secondary school, was 2.28 times more likely to be undernourished than those who completed college or higher [AOR = 2.28, 95% CI (1.25, 8.53)] (Table 3).

Table 3

Table 3. Bivariable and multivariable binary logistic regression analyses of undernutrition among lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia (N = 415).

Factors associated with dietary diversity scores of lactating mothers

In the bivariable binary logistic regression analysis, several variables showed a significant association (with a p-value of ≤0.25) with the dietary diversity score of lactating mothers. These variables included age, child’s age, educational and occupational levels of lactating mothers, husband’s occupational status, foods restricted in the community during the lactation period, food security status, wealth index, and frequency of meals. However, in the multivariable binary logistic regression analysis, remarkable associations were observed between the dietary diversity score and age, food security, wealth index, and nutritional status. Respondents aged between 20 and 30 were 1.46 times more likely to have a low dietary diversity score than those aged between 31 and 45 [AOR = 1.46, 95% CI (1.01, 2.48)]. Respondents from food insecure households were 3.41 times more likely to have a low dietary diversity score than those from food secure households [AOR = 3.41, 95% CI (1.21, 9.63)]. Respondents from the poorest household were 2.31 times more likely to experience a low dietary diversity score than the richest household [AOR = 2.31, 95% CI (1.02, 5.32)]. However, the odds of a low dietary diversity score among respondents with a rich wealth index decreased by 50% compared to the richest [AOR = 0.50, 95% CI (0.27, 0.93)] (Table 4).

Table 4

Table 4. Bivariable and multivariable binary logistic regression analyses of dietary diversity scores among lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia (N = 415).


The prevalence of undernutrition in the study area was 13.5%. In a study conducted in the Wolayita Zone, SNNPRs (15.8%) reported findings similar to those of the current study (40). In contrast to the findings of the current study, most Ethiopian studies reported higher prevalence in rural Yilmana Densa woreda (22.6%) (41), Wombera district (25.4%) (24), Debre Tabor (17.9%) (42), Dessie town (21%) (43), Sekota (54.8%) (27), the pastoral community of the Afar region (32.8%) (44), rural Tigray (50.6%) (25), Samer Worda, south eastern Tigray (31%) (45), Chiro district, eastern Ethiopia (30.7%) (46), Ambo district (21.5%) (47), Dire Dawa (22%) (48), Borena Zone, Southern Ethiopia (17.7%) (49), and Nekemte (20%) (27). Furthermore, my result was higher than those of the study conducted in the Bench Sheko district, in southwest Ethiopia (10.3%) (50). The disparity might be attributed to the study population’s diverse sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

The prevalence of a low dietary diversity score among respondents in this area was 64.8%. This finding was consistent with that of the study conducted in Gambela town (29). On the other hand, higher results were reported in Finote Selam district (76.9%) (26), Gedeo Zone, southern Ethiopia (75.5%) (28), and Abala district, Afar region (76.4%) (51). In addition, the result of the current study was higher than the findings from Worta town, South Gondar Zone (56.9%) (52), Dessie town (55.6%) (43), and Aksum Town (56.4%) (53). These similarities and differences may be attributed to differences in socioeconomic level, sample size, seasonal variation, and research setting. Cereals and legumes are the most common products in the study region, followed by fruits and vegetables. This might contribute to the low consumption of foods that are least required for dietary diversification. Furthermore, the gap might be attributed to discrepancies in dietary variety measuring methodologies; the current study used the new WHO-suggested indicator that includes 10 food categories, whereas previous studies used indicators based on 9 food groups.

Age was a significant factor in undernutrition. Younger respondents were more likely to become undernourished than older respondents. This finding was supported by studies conducted in Dessie town (43), Raya, Alamata (54), Rural Ambo District, Oromia (47), and Dire Dawa (48). This might be related to the poor socioeconomic status of lactating mothers, which could be threatened by a negative alteration in marital status.

Another factor affecting nutritional status was the dietary diversity score. The odds of undernutrition among lactating mothers with a low dietary diversity score were higher than those with a high dietary diversity score. The current study was in line with studies conducted in Dessie town (43), Dire Dawa (48), Afar region (44), Rural Tigray (25), Eastern, Ethiopia (48), Borena Zone, and Southern Ethiopia (17.7%) (49). The low dietary diversity score of the respondents may be due to a lower frequency of meals per day, a lack of extra meals during the lactation period, and a lack of knowledge regarding diversified food consumption. Human health and wellbeing depend heavily on nutrition and food. A nutritious diet is necessary for appropriate growth, development, and maintenance at all stages of life. The quantity and quality of food consumed substantially influence overall health. A diverse diet indicates that necessary nutrients are being consumed in suitable amounts. Several studies have found that increased dietary diversity relates to greater health and a lower risk of different chronic illnesses.

Furthermore, nutritional knowledge was a significant variable for the undernutrition of lactating mothers. Respondents with poor nutritional knowledge were more likely to become undernourished than those having good nutritional knowledge. Similar results were reported in Womberma District, Northwest Ethiopia (24), Burie Town, Northwest Ethiopia (55), and Nekemte (56). This may be because such educational initiatives have a favorable influence on the health and wellbeing of communities.

Moreover, meal frequency was a factor affecting undernutrition. The odds of experiencing undernutrition among lactating mothers with a meal frequency of less or equal to 3 times per day was higher among respondents having a meal frequency of greater than 3 times. This result is supported by studies conducted by Debre Tabor (42), and Raya, Alamata (54). This finding revealed that women who ate fewer meals per day had a higher risk of lower weight. One possible explanation for this tendency is that these people consume fewer calories as a result of fewer meals.

Finally, the educational status of the respondents and their husbands was significantly associated with undernutrition. Respondents and their husbands who completed primary school were more likely to be undernourished than those who completed college and above. Parallel findings were conducted in Burie town, Northwest Ethiopia (55), Abala district, Afar region (51), southern Ethiopia (28), Dire Dawa (48), Rural Ambo District, Oromia (47), Eastern, Ethiopia (48), and Wolayita Zone, SNNPRs (40). One possible explanation is that people with formal education are more likely to receive nutritional information and absorb educational messages conveyed through various media channels. This increased exposure can enhance their understanding of dietary diversity, promote healthy eating, and lead to long-term behavioral changes in their health status.

Respondents aged between 20 and 30 years were more likely to have a low dietary diversity score than those aged between 31 and 45 years. Concurrent findings were reported in Debre Tabor (57), Dessie town (43), Gedeo Zone (28), and Bangladesh (58). Respondents from food insecure households were more likely to have low dietary diversity than those from food secure households. The same results were reported in Dessie town (43), Ataye District, North Shoa Zone (31), Worta town, South Gondar Zone (52), Finote Selam District, Northwest Ethiopia (26), Lay Gayint District, South Gondar Zone (59), Pawie district, Northwest Ethiopia (60), Nepal (61), Angecha districts, and Southern Ethiopia (62). This could be clarified as follows: Food security supports the consumption of sufficient amounts of food and quality of diet, which contributes to a higher dietary variety score and a good nutritional status.

Respondents from the poorest households were more likely to experience a low dietary diversity score than those from the richest. However, the odds of low dietary diversity among respondents with a rich wealth index decreased by 50% compared to the richest. This result is consistent with studies conducted in Finote Selam District, Northwest Ethiopia (26), and Ataye District, North Shoa Zone (31). A possible justification for this similarity might be their economic status. Dietary diversity is highly associated with a family’s income and socioeconomic position. Individuals with higher socioeconomic status consumed more high-quality food diversity than those with lower socioeconomic status.

Conclusion and recommendations

The prevalence of undernutrition among respondents in the current study area was higher than that reported in the EDHS Seated guidelines. Similarly, the prevalence of low dietary diversity scores was high. Age, educational status of lactating mothers and their husbands, nutritional knowledge, dietary diversity score, and meal frequency were significant factors associated with the nutritional status of lactating mothers. Furthermore, in the multivariable binary logistic regression analysis, age, food security, and wealth index were significant factors for the dietary diversity score of lactating mothers. Lactating mothers’ nutritional status did not meet the national or international standards. As a result, lactating mothers, their families, and communities should receive ongoing nutrition education to promote food intake and adequate dietary information throughout lactation to increase the health and nutrition benefits of lactating mothers and their children.

Limitations and strengths of the study

The current study is cross-sectional, meaning it cannot establish cause–effect relationships. Additionally, seasonal variations in food consumption may influence the results, as dietary information was collected only for the specific season in which the study was conducted. The reliance on a single 24-h dietary recall may not fully represent the respondents’ usual dietary practices. Furthermore, recall bias and social desirability bias are the study’s limitations. However, the study’s strengths were the use of the WHO-recommended 10 dietary categories and the exclusion of festival days.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author/s.

Ethics statement

The studies involving humans were approved by Bahir Dar University, College of Medicine and Health Science. The studies were conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. The participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author contributions

MAB: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.


The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


I thank the God Almighty for his endless grace, blessings, guidance, and achievements during our lives and for the successful completion of this study. I would like to thank the data collectors, supervisors, and study participants because, without their participation, this study would not have been realized.

Conflict of interest

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


BMI, body mass index; DDS, dietary diversity score; FAO, Food and Agricultural Organization; FANTA, Food and Nutrition Technique Assistant; HFIAS, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale; MUAC, mid-upper arm circumference.


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Keywords: lactating mothers, undernutrition, dietary diversity score, associated factors, Ethiopia

Citation: Belay MA (2024) Undernutrition and dietary diversity score and associated factors among lactating mothers in Northwest Ethiopia. Front. Nutr. 11:1444894. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2024.1444894

Received: 06 June 2024; Accepted: 12 September 2024;
Published: 27 September 2024.

Edited by:

Mauro Serafini, University of Teramo, Italy

Reviewed by:

Masresha Leta, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Chenlu Yang, Peking University, China

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*Correspondence: Mahider Awoke Belay,

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