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648 articles


Original Research

Published on 13 Jan 2020

Brain Distribution and Sexually Dimorphic Expression of Amylin in Different Reproductive Stages of the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) Suggest Roles of the Neuropeptide in Song Learning and Social Behaviour

in Neuroendocrine Science

  • Gergely Zachar
  • Catherine Montagnese
  • Emese A. Fazekas
  • Róbert G. Kemecsei
  • Szilvia M. Papp
  • Fanni Dóra
  • Éva Renner
  • András Csillag
  • Ákos Pogány
  • Arpád Dobolyi
Brain Distribution and Sexually Dimorphic Expression of Amylin in Different Reproductive Stages of the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) Suggest Roles of the Neuropeptide in Song Learning and Social Behaviour
Frontiers in Neuroscience
doi 10.3389/fnins.2019.01401
  • 4 citations