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Original Research

Published on 26 Jul 2017

Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify the Potential Nursery Grounds of the Atlantic Mackerel and Its Relation to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mediterranean Sea

in Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources

  • Marianna Giannoulaki
  • Maria M. Pyrounaki
  • Jean-Herve Bourdeix
  • Lotfi Ben Abdallah
  • Angelo Bonanno
  • Gualtiero Basilone
  • Magdalena Iglesias
  • Ana Ventero
  • Andrea De Felice
  • Iole Leonori
Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify the Potential Nursery Grounds of the Atlantic Mackerel and Its Relation to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mediterranean Sea
Frontiers in Marine Science
doi 10.3389/fmars.2017.00230
  • 16 citations