Submission open Underwater Visual Signal Processing in the Data-Driven Era Yakun JuJunyu DongHui YuHuiyu Zhou 594 views
Submission closed Deep Learning for Medical Imaging Applications Simone BonechiMonica BianchiniPaolo AndreiniSandeep Kumar Mishra 8,864 views 11 articles
Submission closed New Generation of Attacks on Biometric User Authentication Systems. Andrey MakrushinMatteo FerraraChristian KraetzerRobert W Frischholz 1,440 views 2 articles
Submission closed Physical Activity: a Promising Modifiable Behavior to Protect Brain, Cognition, and Mental Health Across the Lifespan MarĂa Rodriguez-AyllonYaira Barranco-RuizJose Mora-Gonzalez 17,689 views 8 articles
Submission closed Advances in non-clinical and translational studies: cutting-edge study designs, special technologies, routine pitfalls, background findings and control data. Ricardo De MiguelA. Wallace HayesDirk SchaudienKlaus Weber 20,509 views 7 articles