Submission open Distributed Ledger Solutions in Web 4.0 and their Impact on Enterprises and Society Tan GürpinarMichael Henke 2,070 views
Submission closed Blockchain Technology for Digital Roads and Smart Highways Nader Sohrabi SafaMuhammad Ajmal AzadMehdi Sookhak 1,138 views
Submission closed Sustainable Development in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Internet of Things Arun RanaBharat BhushanNitin GoyalVishal JainDr Vishnu SharmaDr. Kashif Nisar 10,971 views 5 articles
Submission closed Blockchain and Tokenomics for Sustainable Development Charalampos AlexopoulosEnrico FerroThomas J. Lampoltshammer 15,430 views 5 articles
eBook Submission closed Supply Chain Transformation for Pursuing Carbon-neutrality Pourya PourhejazyWei Deng SolvangÅsa EricsonSlawomir Wycislak 36,113 views 10 articles
Submission closed Emerging Technologies and Blockchain in Action: Applications in Supply Chain Management and Energy Michael HenkeRené Hüsler 71,234 views 6 articles