Submission open Emerging Science, Trends, and Innovations from the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB 2024) Fabricio Martins LopesMarcelo Reis 313 views
Submission open Bioinformatics approaches to investigate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human, animal and environment Mohamed SamirHazem RamadanYasser Mahmmod 13,355 views 9 articles
Submission open Evolution of Short Genomic Regions: Discoveries, Methods, and Challenges Nicole HansmeierFabia Ursula BattistuzziTzu-Chiao ChaoHelen Piontkivska 2,462 views 2 articles
Submission closed Completing the Timetree of Life Beatriz MelloJack M CraigS. Blair Hedges 10,325 views 4 articles