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Front. Phys. , 05 December 2024

Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics

Volume 12 - 2024 |

Slant spacelike ruled surfaces and their Bertrand offsets

  • 1Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

In this work, we investigate the synthesis problem of slant spacelike ruled surfaces and associated Bertrand offsets (BO) in E13 (Minkowsk 3-space). We provide the parametric equation for a non-developable spacelike ruled surface (SLRS) by using the Blaschke frame (BF). This results in the amplitude to control a family of curvature functions defining the domestic form of this SLRS. Therefore, we found the appropriate SLRS criteria to be slant SLRS. Thus, several new Bertrand offsets (BO) for slant SLRS are investigated and constructed.

1 Introduction

The fundamental principle of a directed line’s motion in connection with a solid body is referred to as the RS concept in spatial kinematics. This notion holds great importance in conventional differential geometry and has been the subject of extensive research by numerous scholars, as demonstrated by [17]. From a geometric perspective, the properties of RS and their offset surfaces have been analyzed in both Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces. Bertrand curves were examined in the field of line-geometry by Ravani and Ku, revealing that RS can possess an infinite number of BO, similar to how a plane curve can possess an infinite number of B mates [8]. Küçük and Gürsoy provided certain characterizations of BO related to the trajectory of RS by studying the relationships between the projection areas for the spherical curves of BO and their integral invariants [9]. Kasap and Kuruoğlu conducted an analysis of the integral invariants of the couple of RS in the Euclidean 3-space E3, as documented in [10]. By considering the orthonormal frame along striction curve of a ruled surface, Önder has defined slant ruled surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space [11]. Moreover, Kaya and Önder have studied the position vectors and some differential equation characterizations for slant ruled surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space E3 [1214]. They have also defined a new type of slant ruled surface as the Darboux slant ruled surface and characterized for this type of slant surfaces [15]. In [16], Önder introduced some characterizations for a non-null ruled surface to be a slant ruled surface in Minkowski 3-space E13. In their study, Kasap and Kuruoğlu investigated BO of RS in Minkowski 3-space E13, as documented in [17]. [18] demonstrated the involute–evolute offsets of RS. Orbay et al. began studying the Mannheim offsets of RS in [19]. Önder and Uğurlu conducted a study on the relationships between invariants of Mannheim offsets of TLRS. They also formulated many considerations for the development of these surface offsets [20, 21]. In view of the involute–evolute offsets of the ruled surface in [7], Şentürk and Yüce described the integral invariants of the involute–evolute offsets of RSs using the geodesic Frenet frame [22].

In recent times, Yoon has investigated the evolute offsets of RS in E_13 with a stationary Gaussian curvature and mean curvature [23]. A plethora of comprehensive treatises has been published on this subject, as demonstrated by the numerous written works, such as [2427]. However, to the best of our knowledge, no prior work has focused on constructing BO of slant SLRS, utilizing the geometric attributes of the striction curve (SC). Here, we intend to fill the gap in the existing literature.

In this paper, with the identification of slant curves, we treat the structure issue of the BO of a slant SLRS family in Minkowski 3-space E13. Therefore, we extend the parametrization of BO for any slant non-developable SLRS. Furthermore, we inquire into the ownerships of these SLR surfaces and grant their distribution. Meanwhile, we extend some interpretative paradigms to display SLR surfaces with their BO along mutual geodesic, line of curvature, and asymptotic curve. Our ramifications in this paper may be beneficial in any area that demands documentation around surfaces due to the descriptions supplying insights into surfaces theory.

2 Basic concepts

Let E13 indicate the Minkowski 3-space [28, 29]. For vectors a=a1,a2,a3 and b=(b1,b2,b3) in E13,


is named the Lorentzian inner product. We also explain a vector


Since <,> is an indefinite metric, recall that a vector aE13 can have one of three causal natures; it can be SL if a,a>0 or a=0, timelike (TL) if a,a<0, and null or lightlike if a,a=0 and a0. The norm of aE13 is explained by a=a,a; then, the hyperbolic and Lorentzian (de Sitter space) unit spheres are




2.1 Ruled surface

RS is a surface produced by a line L mobile on a curve c(v). The several locations of the line coined the producers or rulings of the surface. Such a surface, thus, has the ruled form [16]

R:yv,t=cv+vbv,vI, tR,(3)

such that b2=σ(±1),b2=η(±1),<c,b>=0; =ddv. In this circumstance, the curve c(v) is the striction curve (SC) and v is the arc length of the spherical non-null curve b(v). If b is not stationary or not null or b null, then the Blaschke Frame BF for b(v) will be registered as


where b,z,g are named the ruling, the central normal, and the central tangent, respectively. The Blaschke formula is from Equation 4


where γ(v)=det(b,b,b) is the spherical curvature of b(v). In view of BF with signs σ, η, and ση, SC is


γ(v), Δ(v), and δ(v) are titled the curvature parameters of R. The geometrical view of these parameters is proved as follows:χ is the spherical curvature of the spherical image curve b(v); Δ depicts the angle through the tangent of SC and the ruling of R; and δ is the distribution parameter of R, from Equation 3 at the ruling b.

In this study, we will meditate a non-developable SLRS nominated by (σ,η)=(1,1). Then,


where ϖ(v)=γbg is the Darboux vector from Equation 6, and


Therefore, a non-developable SLRS can be perceived as follows:


The unit normal vector is


Note that u(v,0) is identical with z, which is the central normal at the striction point. The curvature axis of b(v)S12 is from Equations 1, 2


Let ψ be the radii of curvature through b and e. Then, from Equation 11

ev=cosψbsinψg, with cotψ=γv.(12)

Definition 1. [16] In E13, a surface can be determined by the induced metric on it. Hence, a surface is called

TL surface iff the metric is Lorentzian metric.

SL surface iff the metric is a positive definite Riemannian metric.

Null surface iff the metric is null.

Corollary 1. The curvature κ(v), the torsion τ(v), and the geodesic curvature γ(v) of b(v)S12 fulfill that


Corollary 2. If γ(v) is a specified, then b(v)S12 is a Lorentzian circle.

Proof. Through Equation 13, we can see that γ, which is stationary, yields τ(v)=0, and κ(v) is stationary, which reveals b(v)S12 is a Lorentzian circle (If γ(v)0) or a Lorentzian great circle (when γ(v)=0).

Let’s state the Darboux frame {c(v);j1,j2,j3}; let c(v)c(v)1=f1(v) be the tangent unit to c(v), j3=z(v) is the surface unit normal along c(v), and j2(v)=j1×j3 be the tangent unit to R. Therefore, we can write



Δδ2+Δ2=cosϕ, δδ2+Δ2=sinϕ.(15)

Let u be the arc length of c(v), that is, du=δ2+Δ2dv. Then, from Equations 14, 15 the Darboux formula is expressed as



γgv=1δ2+Δ2dduδdΔduΔdδdu,γnv=Δ+γδδ2+Δ2, τgv=δγΔδ2+Δ2.(17)

γg(v), γn(v), and τg(v) are the geodesic curvature, the normal curvature, and the geodesic torsion of c(ϰ), respectively. Therefore, using Equations 16, 17

1) c(v) is a SL geodesic curve iff γg(v)=0δdΔduΔdδdu=0;

2) c(v) is a SL asymptotic curve iff γn(v)=0Δ+γδ=0;

3) c(v) is a SL curvature line iff τg(v)=0δγΔ=0.

Remark 1. From Equation 8 and the above notations, we state that

(a) if δ(v)=0, then R is a SL tangential developable, and

γgv=0, γnv=1Δ,τgv=γΔ.

(b) if Δ(v)=0, then R is a SL binormal surface, and

γgv=0, γnv=γδ,τgv=1δ.

(c) if δ(v)=Δ(v)=0, then R is a SL cone, and


Definition 2. [14] A ruled surface is named a slant ruled surface if all its rulings have a stationary angle with a definite line.

3 Bertrand offsets for slant SLR surfaces

In this section, we contemplate and analyze the BO for slant SLRS. Then, a theory hassling to the theory of the Bertrand curves can be broadened for such surfaces.

In comparable with [30], a point e0(v)S12 will be heading an ek curvature axis of the curveb(v)S12; for all v such that <e0,b(v)>=0, but <e0,b1t+1(v)>0. Here, b1t+1 signalizes the tth derivative of b(v) with regard to v. For the first curvature axis e ofb(v), we find <e,b>=±<e,z>=0, and <e,b>=±<e,b+γg>0. So, e is at least an e2 curvature axis of b(v)S12. We now sign a height function d:I×S12R, by d(v,e0)=<e0,b>. We set the notation d(v)=d(v,e0) for any specified point e0S12.

Proposition 1. Under the overhead presumptions, we capture the following:

i) d will be specified in the first evaluation iff e0Sp{b,g}, that is,


for real numbers c1,c2R, and c12+c22=1.

ii) d will be specified in the second evaluation iff e0 is the e2 curvature axis of e0S12, that is,


iii) d will be specified in the third evaluation iff e0 is the e3 curvature axis of e0S12, that is,

d=d=d=0e0=±e, and γ0.

iv) d will be specified in the fourth evaluation iff e0 is the e4 curvature axis of e0S12, that is,

d=d=d=div=0e0=±e, γ=0, and γ0.

Proof. For d, we determine


So, we realize


for real numbers c1, c2R, and c12+c22=1, the consequence is evident.2- Derivation of Equation 18 displays that


By Equations 1820, we determine


3- Differentiation of Equation 20 displays that


Thus, we gain

d=d=d=0b0=±b, and γ0.

4- By corresponding debates, we can also determine

d=d=d=div=0b0=±b, γ=0, and γ0.

The proof is finished.

In view of Proposition 1, we determine

(a) The osculating circle S(ρ,e0) of b(v)S12 is displayed by


which are pointed via the situation that the osculating circle must have touch of at least third order at b(v0) iff γ0.

(b) The curve b(v)S12 and the osculating circle S(ρ,e0) have touched at least fourth order at b(v0) iff γ=0 and γ0.

Through this method, by catching into meditation the curvature axes of b(v)S12, we can attain a concatenation of curvature axes e2, e3,…, en. The ownerships and the joint links via these curvature axes are much pleasant troubles. For example, it is facile to catch that if e0=±e and γ=0, b(v) located at ψ is specified relative to e0. At this position, the curvature axis is fixed up to second order and R is a slant TLRS.

Theorem 1. A non-developable SLRS is a slant SLRS iff its geodesic curvature γ(v) is fixed.

Definition 3. Let R and R* be two non-developable ruled SL surfaces in E13. R is entitled a BO of R* if there exists a bijection via their rulings such that R and R* possess a reciprocal central normal at the conformable striction points.

Let R* be a BO of R and c*(v*)b*(v*),z*(v*),g*(v*) is the BF of R*, as shown in Equations 79. Then, the surface R* can be allocated by




Here, Γ*(v) is the distance through the proportional striction points of R and R*. Through the differentiation of Equation 21 via v and considering Equation 22, we assign


Since z*=z at the congruent striction points of R and R*, we gain Γ*=0Γ* is fixed. Furthermore, given that Γ is the angle among the rulings of R and R*, that is,


By differentiation of Equation 23, we gain


Since z*=z, then we realize Γ=0Γ is fixed. Moreover, at the congruent striction points of R and R*, we observe that <g*,g>=cosΓ. Then, by Equation 24


If Γ=0(resp. π2), then R and R* are parallel (resp. oriented) offsets.

Theorem 2. The couple (Γ,Γ*) is fixed at the corresponding striction points of R and R*.

It is apparent from Theorem 2 that a non-developable SLRS, frequently, has a binary infinity of BO. Every BO can be displayed by a fixed linear offset Γ*R and a fixed-angle offset Γ0. Therefore, if R* is a BO of R, then R is also a BO of R*.

Let u*(v*,t) be the SL unit normal of R*. Then, as shown in Equation 10, we locate


where δ* is the distribution parameter of R*.

The dissimilarity between the normal to a RS and its BO is apparent from Equations 10, 26. This demonstrates that the BO of a RS is often not a parallel offset. Therefore, the parallel circumstances through R* in view of R can be exhibited by the following:

Theorem 3. R and R* are parallel offsets iff (a)δ=δ*, with (b), their Blaschke frames, being conformable.

Proof. Let u*(v*,t)×u(v,t)=0, that is, R and R* are parallel offsets. Then, by Equations 10, 26, we acquire


which is assumed true for any value t0, that is, δ=δ*, and Γ=0.

Let the two events hold true, that is, δ=δ* and Γ=0. Then, substituting them into u*(v*,t)×u(v,t) using Equation 27, we acquire


which indicates that R and R* are parallel offsets since the previous u*(v*,t)×u(v,t) is a zero vector.

Using the same approach, but with a developable surface δ=0, we encounter the following:

Corollary 3. A developable SLRS and its developable BO are parallel offsets iff their Blaschke frames are identical.

Corollary 4. A developable SLRS and its non-developable BO cannot be parallel offsets.

Furthermore, we also detect



dv*=cosΓ+γsinΓdv,  γ*dv*=γcosΓsinΓdv.(29)

By takeoff dv*/dv, we locate using Equations 28, 29


This presents a new perspective of BO of SLR surfaces, specifically focusing on their geodesic curvatures.

Theorem 4. R and R* are BOSLR surfaces iff Equation 30 is fulfilled.

Corollary 5. R and R* are parallel offsets iff γ*γ=0.

Corollary 6. R and R* are oriented offsets iff γ*γ1=0.

For γ(v) being fixed, from Equations 7, 12, we have the ODE, bκ2b=0. In accordance with several algebraic manipulations, the solution is


where ψ is fixed and ϰ=1+γ2v. Then,


Therefore, from Equations 8, 30, 31, SCc(ϰ) is expressed as


Hence, from Equations 9, 3033, the slant SLRS is expressed as


Furthermore, by Equations 20, 25, 33, BOR* is expressed as


where ϖ=ψ+Γ and Γ* can control the shape of R*; here, we will set Γ*=0.5, ψ=π4, 4t4, and 3ϰ3.

3.1 Classifications of the slant SLR and its BO

From Equations 34, 35, the slant SLRS and its BO can be distributed as follows:1) Let SC be a SL asymptotic curve, i.e., γn=0Δ+γδ=0. The slant SLR and its parallel (oriented) BO are shown in Figure 1 ;Figure 2; Δ=ϰ.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Slant SLRS (left) and its parallel BO (right).

Figure 2

Figure 2. Slant SLRS (left) and its oriented BO (right).

2) Let SC be a SL geodesic curve, i.e.,


where c is a real constant. The slant SLR and its parallel (oriented) BO are shown in Figure 3 (Figure 4); c=2 and Δ(ϰ)=ϰ.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Slant SLRS (left) and its parallel BO (right).

Figure 4

Figure 4. Slant SLRS (left) and its oriented BO (right).

3) Let SC be a SL curvature line, i.e., τg(v)=0δγΔ=0. The slant SLR and its parallel (oriented) BO are shown in Figure 5 (Figure 6); Δ(ϰ)=ϰ.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Slant SLRS (left) and its parallel BO (right).

Figure 6

Figure 6. Slant SLRS (left) and its oriented BO (right).

4) Let δ=0, i.e., R be a SL tangential developable. The slant SLR and its parallel (oriented) BO are shown in Figure 7 (Figure 8); Δ(ϰ)=ϰ.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Slant SL tangential (left) and its parallel BO (right).

Figure 8

Figure 8. Slant SL tangential (left) and its oriented BO (right).

5) Let Δ=0, that is, R be a SL binormal. The slant SL binormal and its parallel (oriented) BO are shown in Figure 9 (Figure 10); δ(ϰ)=ϰ.

Figure 9

Figure 9. Slant SL binormal (left) and its parallel BO (right).

Figure 10

Figure 10. Slant SL binormal (left) and its oriented BO (right).

6) Let Δ=δ=0, that is, R be a SL cone. The slant SL cone and its parallel (oriented) BO are shown in Figure 11 (Figure 12); δ(ϰ)=ϰ.

Figure 11

Figure 11. Slant SL cone (left) and its parallel BO (right).

Figure 12

Figure 12. Slant SL cone (left) and its oriented BO (right).

4 Conclusion

This work explores the features of slant curves and develops and classifies slant SLR surfaces and their BO in Minkowski 3-space E13 using the Blaschke domain. Next, we construct contemporary SLR surfaces in Lorentzian line space and determine their BO. In addition, we also obtain various groupings by a slant SLRS and its striction curve. These advancements are expected to enhance the usefulness of model-based manufacturing in mechanical outputs and geometric patterning. The authors intend to correlate this study across several domains and examine the classification of singularities, as identified in [31, 32].

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

AA: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, methodology, resources, writing–original draft, and writing–review and editing. RA-B: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, resources, supervision, validation, visualization, and writing–original draft.


The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R337).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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Keywords: Darboux vector, height functions, developable surface

Citation: Almoneef AA and Abdel-Baky RA (2024) Slant spacelike ruled surfaces and their Bertrand offsets. Front. Phys. 12:1484936. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1484936

Received: 22 August 2024; Accepted: 31 October 2024;
Published: 05 December 2024.

Edited by:

Riccardo Meucci, National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Reviewed by:

Jean-Marc Ginoux, Université de Toulon, France
Mehmet Önder, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Türkiye

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*Correspondence: Areej A. Almoneef, YWFhbG1vbmVlZkBwbnUuZWR1LnNh

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