Front. Phys., 22 October 2024

Sec. High-Energy and Astroparticle Physics

Volume 12 - 2024 |

This article is part of the Research TopicQuasi-Normal Modes, Non-Selfadjoint Operators and Pseudospectrum: an Interdisciplinary ApproachView all 12 articles

Pseudomodes of Schrödinger operators

David Krej
David Krejčiřík1*Petr SieglPetr Siegl2
  • 1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czechia
  • 2Institute of Applied Mathematics, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

Pseudomodes of non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators corresponding to large pseudoeigenvalues are constructed. The approach is non-semiclassical and extendable to other types of models including the damped wave equation and Dirac operators.

1 Introduction

The (ε-)pseudospectrum σε(H) (with positive ε) of an operator H in a Hilbert space is the union of the spectrum σ(H) of H and all those complex numbers λ from the resolvent set ρ(H) of H for which


Equivalently, σε(H) comprises the spectrum of H and λC (pseudoeigenvalues) for which there exists a vector ψ (pseudomode) in the domain of H such that


If H is self-adjoint (or, more generally, normal), the ε-pseudospectrum is trivial in the sense that it is just the ε-tubular neighbourhood of the spectrum of H. In general, however, the pseudoeigenvalues can lie outside the ε-tubular neighbourhood and their location is important to correctly seize various properties of H, see [13].

The goal of this brief research report is to explain in a succinct way the approach in Krejčiřík and Siegl [4] to locate pseudoeigenvalues of (non-semiclassical) Schrödinger operators


where V:RC is at least locally square-integrable and RV0. In such a case, there exists a unique m-accretive extension HV of Equation 1 initially defined on C0(R), see ([5], Thm. VII.2.6). Since our constructed pseudomodes are compactly supported and at least twice weakly differentiable, they belong to the domain of HV.

The operator HV is self-adjoint (respectively, normal) if, and only if, V is real-valued (respectively, IV is constant). To ensure non-trivial pseudospectra, we shall therefore adopt the standing hypothesis

lim supxIVx<0<lim infx+IVx,(2)

where the limits are allowed to be infinite. The assumption (Equation 2) can be interpreted as a “global” version of the Davies’ condition IV0, see [6] and also [7].

To simplify the presentation, the potential V will be assumed to be smooth and imaginary-valued. Typical examples to keep in mind are as follows:

V1xiarctanx,V2xixmwithm odd,V3xisinhx,(3)

or their imaginary shifts. In particular, V2 with m=3 is the celebrated imaginary cubic (or Bender’s) oscillator (with purely real and discrete spectrum, see Figure 1), which was made popular in the context of the so-called PT-symmetric quantum mechanics in [8].

Figure 1

Figure 1. Spectrum (red dots) and pseudospectra (enclosed by the green contour lines) of the imaginary cubic oscillator. (Courtesy of Miloš Tater.)

The objective is to develop a systematic construction of pseudomodes ensuring that, for any diminishing ε0, there is a complex number λ with large magnitude |λ| such that λσε(HV). The results are particularly striking whenever this set of pseudoeigenvalues lie outside (in fact, “very far” from) the ε-tubular neighbourhood of σ(H). This is particularly the case of the imaginary cubic oscillator, for which the analysis below show that for an arbitrarily small ε there exists a pseudoeigenvalue λ with an arbitrarily large imaginary part, despite the fact that the spectrum is purely real (see Figure 1 for a numerical quantification of the pseudospectrum level lines). This property implies the lack of Riesz basis for the eigenfunctions, challenging in the spirit of [9] the physical relevance of the L2(R)-realisation of the Bender’s oscillator. The follow-up [4] summarised in this report can be considered as a methodical and more advanced study of not necessarily polynomial potentials.

The feature of the approach of [4] is that it does not rely on semiclassical methods developed in [6, 7, 10]. In fact, we are able to construct large-energy pseudomodes for potentials (like of exponential type, see V3 of Equation 3) which cannot be reduced (by scaling) to a small Planck’s constant included in the kinetic energy. On the contrary, the known claims in the semiclassical setting follow immediately from our approach.

2 Methods

Our strategy of the construction of pseudomodes is based on the Liouville–Green approximation, also known as the JWKB method in mathematical physics. The key idea is that, if V were constant, exact solutions of the differential equation associated with HVg=λg would be the two non-integrable functions


The starting point of the approximation scheme is to use the same ansatz for variable V as well. More specifically, we choose g0g for it is exponentially decaying under the hypothesis (Equation 2), whenever Iλ is small with respect to the limits of IV at ±. A direct computation yields


Recalling the simplifying hypothesis that RV=0 and assuming in addition that Iλ=0 and Rλ>0 (typically large), one has the estimate


for every δ[0,1). It follows that large real energies always lie in the pseudospectrum, namely, for every positive ε,


Of course, this result is interesting only if the supremum norm is bounded. From examples (Equation 3), relevant potentials are thus V1 and V2 with m=1, in which case we can take δ=0 and obtain thus a pseudomode satisfying the decay (HVλ)g0=O((Rλ)1/2)g0 as Rλ. The latter is particularly interesting because the spectrum of the imaginary Airy operator is empty, see, e.g., ([3, 11], Section VII.A) or more generally [12], where the last reference includes also an elementary proof of the optimal resolvent norm estimate for the Airy operator.

It is not difficult to modify the exponentially decaying pseudomode g0 to a compactly supported pseudomode f0, while still keeping the same decay (HVλ)f0=O((Rλ)1/2)f0 as Rλ. Indeed, let ξ1:R[0,1] be a smooth function such that ξ1=1 on [1,1] and ξ1=0 outside [2,2]. Given any positive number l, let us define the rescaled cut-off function ξl(x)ξ1(x/l). Then f0ξlg0 is compactly supported and one has


Using that ξl1 pointwise as l, while one gains one l1 by each derivative, it is possible to verify the desired decay by the λ-dependent choice lRλ.

To cover a larger class of potentials, let us consider a modified ansatz g1g0exp(ψ0), where ψ0 is a function to be chosen later. A direct computation yields


Now we choose ψ0 to annihilate the error term r0 from Equation 4, by solving the first-order linear differential equation r02iλVψ0=0, namely, ψ0logλV4. Thus we arrive at the familiar expression




where the new error term r1 can be estimated as follows:


This result is an improvement upon (Equation 4) with (Equation 5) in two respects. First, if the supremum norm is bounded for δ=0, we get a pseudomode with an improved decay (HVλ)g1=O((Rλ)1)g1 as Rλ. This is the case of V1 and V2 with m=1 from examples (Equation 3). Second, keeping the decay O((Rλ)1/2) by the choice δ=1/2, we can now cover V2 with m=3 from examples (Equation 3).

The above scheme can be continued by employing the general ansatz in square-root powers of λ:


where ψ1(x)iλ1/20xλV(t)dt and ψk1 with kN is iteratively chosen in such a way to annihilate the previous error term rk1. By enlarging k, more derivatives of V are required. On the other hand, a better decay (in negative powers of Rλ) of the new error term is achieved and a larger class of potentials can be covered. For instance, all the examples (Equation 3) are already covered by the choice k=2, namely, (HVλ)g2=O((Rλ)1/2)g2 as Rλ.

3 Results

To make the above procedure rigorous, it is important to ensure that g0 in the expansion (Equation 6) is dominant, in order to guarantee that gk(x) have appropriate decay properties at x=±. One of the main achievements of [4] is the formulation of the robust sufficient condition


to hold as |x| with some real number ν0 for every n=1,,k+1. Note that ν=2, 1 and 0 for the potentials V1, V2 and V3 of Equation 3, respectively. In fact, it is possible to allow for ν>0 (corresponding to superexponentially growing potentials). Moreover, different behaviours at x± may be allowed. However, let us stick to Equation 7 to make the presentation here as simple as possible.

To get a compactly supported pseudomode, it turns out that the adequate λ-dependent cut-off function should be supported in the interval [l,l+], where (denoting l(1+l2)1/2)

l±infl0:|V±l|2l41+ν=λif V is unbounded at ±,λ1ν4if V is bounded at ±.

Recall that we assume Iλ=0 and note that l± as λ. In particular, l±=λ3/2, λ1/(2m) and logλ as λ for the potentials V1, V2 and V3 of Equation 3, respectively.

Under the present simplifying hypotheses (in particular, Iλ=0, RV=0 and ν0), the general result of Krejčiřík and Siegl [4] (Thm. 3.7) can be formulated as follows.

Theorem 1. Let V:RiR be smooth satisfying Equations 2, 7 with given kN. If


then there exists {ψλ}λC0(R) such that ψλ=1 and


The extra condition (Equation 8) with the choice k=0 is clearly satisfied for the potential V1 of Equation 3 (in fact, for any bounded potential satisfying Equations 2, 7). To satisfy Equation 8 for all the polynomial potentials V2 of Equation 3, it is sufficient to take k=1. Finally, Equation 8 is verified for the exponential potential V3 of Equation 3 with k=2.

In Krejčiřík and Siegl [4], the decay rate in Equation 9 is carefully quantified in terms of the left-hand side of Equation 8 and other quantities related to the behaviour of a general potential V at infinity.

4 Discussion

4.1 Generality

The JWKB-type scheme sketched in Section 2 is made rigorous in [4] for a fairly general class of potentials V, beyond the present simplifying hypotheses. In particular, the potential V is allowed to have a real part, however, its largeness must be suitably “small” with respect to its imaginary part. This is quantified by natural modifications of Equations 2, 7. What is more, pseudoeigenvalues along general curves (beyond the present simplifying hypothesis Iλ=0) diverging in the complex plane are located. In particular, the rotated harmonic (or Davies’) oscillator V(x)=ix2 made popular in the pioneering work [13] or shifted harmonic oscillator V(x)=(x+i)2 studied in [3, 14] are covered. At the same time, potentials decaying at infinity are included. Finally, possibly discontinuous potentials (like V(x)=isgn(x)) are comprised by a refined mollification argument.

4.2 Optimality

It turns out that the conditions on potentials identified in [4] as well as the regions in the complex plane where the pseudoeigenvalues are located are optimal. The latter can be checked directly for the rotated harmonic (or Davies’) oscillator V(x)=ix2 with help of the conjecture due to [15] solved by [16], More generally, the optimality of the pseudospectral regions follows by upper resolvent estimates performed in [17, 18].

4.3 Generalisations

The method of [4] is fairly robust and can be generalised to other models. So far, this has been done for the damped wave equation in [19], Dirac operators in [20] and biharmonic operators in [21].

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

DK: Writing–review and editing, Writing–original draft, Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Software, Resources, Project administration, Methodology, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Formal Analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. PS: Writing–review and editing, Writing–original draft, Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Software, Resources, Project administration, Methodology, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Formal Analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization.


The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. DK was supported by the EXPRO grant No. 20-17749X of the Czech Science Foundation.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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Keywords: pseudospectrum, non-self-adjointness, Schrödinger operators, complex potentials, WKB method

Citation: Krejčiřík D and Siegl P (2024) Pseudomodes of Schrödinger operators. Front. Phys. 12:1479658. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1479658

Received: 12 August 2024; Accepted: 30 September 2024;
Published: 22 October 2024.

Edited by:

Jose Luis Jaramillo, Université de Bourgogne, France

Reviewed by:

Catherine Drysdale, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Michael Hitrik, University of California, Los Angeles, United States

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*Correspondence: David Krejčiřík, ZGF2aWQua3JlamNpcmlrQGZqZmkuY3Z1dC5jeg==

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