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Front. Phys., 27 May 2022
Sec. Quantum Engineering and Technology
This article is part of the Research Topic Quantum Entanglement in Mathematics, Physics, and Information View all 4 articles

Constructions of Unextendible Special Entangled Bases

  • School of Computer Science and Network Security, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, China

Unextendible product basis (UPB), a set of incomplete orthonormal product states whose complementary space has no product state, is very useful for constructing bound entangled states. Naturally, instead of considering the set of product states, Bravyi and Smolin considered the set of maximally entangled states. They introduced the concept of unextendible maximally entangled basis (UMEB), a set of incomplete orthonormal maximally entangled states whose complementary space contains no maximally entangled state [Phys. Rev. A 84, 042,306 (2011)]. An entangled state whose nonzero Schmidt coefficients are all equal to 1/k is called a special entangled state of “type k”. In this paper, we introduce a concept named special unextendible entangled basis of “type k” which generalizes both UPB and UMEB. A special unextendible entangled basis of “type k” (SUEBk) is a set of incomplete orthonormal special entangled states of “type k” whose complementary space has no special entangled state of “type k”. We present an efficient method to construct sets of SUEBk. The main strategy here is to decompose the whole space into two subspaces such that the rank of each element in one subspace can be easily upper bounded by k while the other one can be generated by two kinds of the special entangled states of “type k”. This method is very effective when k = pm ≥ 3 where p is a prime number. For these cases, we can obtain sets of SUEBk with continuous integer cardinality when the local dimensions are large.

1 Introduction

Quantum entanglement [1] is an important resource for many quantum information processing, such as quantum teleportation [2, 3] and quantum key distribution [4, 5]. Therefore, it is fundamental to characterize quantum entanglement in quantum information. Bound entangled (BE) states [6, 7] are a special entanglement in nature: non-zero amount of free entanglement is needed to create them but no free entanglement can be distilled from such states under local operations and classical communication.

Unextendible product basis (UPB) [8, 9], a set of incomplete orthonormal product states whose complementary space has no product state, has been shown to be useful for constructing bound entangled states and displaying quantum nonlocality without entanglement [1012].

As anology of the UPB, Bravyi and Smolin introduced the concept of unextendible maximally entangled basis (UMEB) [13], a set of orthonormal maximally entangled states in CdCd consisting of fewer than d2 vectors which has no additional maximally entangled vector orthogonal to all of them. The UMEBs can be used to construct examples of states for which entanglement of assistance (EoA) is strictly smaller than the asymptotic EoA, and can be also used to find quantum channels that are unital but not convex mixtures of unitary operations [13]. There they proved that no UMEB exists in two qubits system and presented examples of UMEBs in C3C3 and C4C4. Since then, the UMEB was further studied by several researchers [1421]. Lots of the works paid attention to the UMEBs for general quantum systems CdCd. The cardinality of the constructed UMEBs are always multiples of d or d′.

Guo et al. extended these two concepts to the states with fixed Schmidt numbers and studied the complete basis [22] and the unextendible ones [23]. There they introduced the notion of special entangled states of type k: an entangled state whose nonzero Schmidt coefficients are all equal to 1/k. Then a special unextendible entangled basis of type k (SUEBk) is a set of orthonormal special entangled states of type k in CdCd consisting of fewer than dd’ vectors which has no additional special entangled state of type k orthogonal to all of them. Quite recently, there are several results related to this subject [24, 25]. Similar to the UMEBs, the cardinality of most of the known SUEBk’s are multiples of k. Therefore, it is interesting to ask whether there is SUEBk with other cardinality. Based on the technique used in [26], we try to address this question in this work.

The remaining of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first introduce the concept of special unextendible entangled basis and its equivalent form in matrix settings. In Section 3, we present our main idea to construct the SUEBk. In Section 4 and Section 5, based on the combinatoric concept: weighing matrices, we give two constructions of SUEBk whose cardinality varying in a consecutive integer set. Finally, we draw the conclusions and put forward some interesting questions in the last section.

2 Preliminaries

Let [n] denote the set {1, 2, … , n}. Let HA, HB be Hilbert spaces of dimension d and d′ respectively. It is well known that any bipartite pure state in CdCd has a Schmidt decomposition. That is, any unit vector |ϕ⟩ in CdCd can be written as


where λi > 0 and {|eiA}i=1k ({|eiB}i=1k) are orthonormal states of system A (resp. B). The number k is known as the Schmidt number of |ϕ⟩ and we denote it by Sr(ϕ). The set Λ(|ϕ){λi}i=1k is called the nonzero Schmidt coefficients of |ϕ⟩. If all these λis are equal to 1/k, we call |ϕ⟩ a special entangled state of type k (2 ≤ kd).

Definition 1. (See [22]). A set of states {|ϕi}i=1n (1 ≤ ndd’ − 1) in CdCd is called a special unextendible entangled basis of type k (SUEBk) if.

(i) ⟨ϕi|ϕj⟩ = δij, i, j ∈ [n];

(ii) For any i ∈ [n], the state |ϕiis a special entangled state of type k;

(iii) Ifϕi|ϕ⟩ = 0 for all i ∈ [n], then |ϕcan not be a special entangled state of type k.

The concept SUEBk generalizes the UPB (k = 1) and the UMEB (k = d). In order to study SUEBk, it is useful to consider its matrix form. Let |ϕ⟩ be a pure quantum states in HAHB. Under the computational bases {|iA}i=1d and {|jB}j=1d, it can be expressed as


We call the d × d′ matrix Mϕ(mijϕ) the corresponding matrix representation of |ϕ⟩. This correspondence satisfies the following key properties related to SUEBk

(1) Inner product preserving:


(2) The Schmidt number corresponds to the matrix rank: Sr (|ϕ⟩) = rank (Mϕ);

(3) The nonzero Schmidt coefficients correspond to the nonzero singular values.

With this correspondence, we can restate the concept in definition 2 as follows.

Definition 2. A set of matrices {Mi}i=1n(1ndd1) in Matd×d(C) is called a special unextendible singular values basis with nonzero singular values being {1/k}(SUSVBk) if.

(i) ⟨Mi, Mj⟩ = δij, i, j ∈ [n];

(ii) The nonzero singular values of Mi are all equal to 1/k for each i ∈ [n];

(iii) IfMi, M⟩ = 0 for all i ∈ [n], then some nonzero singular value of M do not equal to 1/k.

Due to the good correspondence of the states and matrices, {|ψi}i=1n is a set of SUEBk in CdCd if and only if {Mψi}i=1n is a set of SUSVBk in Matd×d(C). Therefore, in order to construct a set of n members SUEBk in CdCd, it is sufficient to construct a set of n members SUSVBk in Matd×d(C).

3 Strategy for Constructing SUSVBk

Observation 1. It is usually not easy to calculate the singular values of an arbitrary matrix. However, if there are only k nonzero elements in M (say mi1,j1,,mik,jk) and these elements happen to be in different rows and columns, then there are exactly k nonzero singular values of M and they are just |mi1,j1|,,|mik,jk|. For example, let M be the matrix defined by


where w=e2π1/3. Then the nonzero singular values of M are 12, 13, 112, 124, 124.

Observation 2. If there are exactly k nonzero singular values of a matrix, then the rank of that matrix is k. Therefore, the condition rank(M) < k implies that M cannot be a matrix with k nonzero singular values.

With the two observations above, our strategy for constructing an n-members SUSVBk can be roughly described by two steps (note that this is only a sufficient condition, not a necessary and sufficient condition). Firstly, we construct a set of n-members of orthonormal matrices M{Mi}i=1n such that there are exactly k nonzero elements in Mi whose modules are all 1/k and these elements happen to be in different rows and columns. Secondly, we need to show that the rank of any matrix in the complementary space of M (define as M{MMatd×d(C)|Mi,M=0,MiM}) is less than k.

Let d, d′ be integers such that 2 ≤ dd′. We define the coordinate set to be


Now we define an order for the set Cd×d. Equivalently, we can define a bijection:

Od×d:Cd×dddi,jjid+i if ij;d+jid+i if i>j.(5)

Then we call (Cd×d,Od×d) an ordered set (See Figure 1 for an example). We can also define an order Od×d for the case d′ ≤ d by Od×dOd×d.

Let (i1, j1), (i2, j2) be two different coordinates in Cd×d. It is easy to check that if i1 = i2 or j1 = j2, then Od×d[(i1,j1)]Od×d[(i2,j2)]d1. Therefore, any d − 1 consecutive coordinates in Cd×d under the order Od×d is coordinately different. That is, these d − 1 coordinates must come from different rows and different columns.

Let PCd×d. Then P inherit an order O from that of Cd×d(An order here means a bijective map from P to [#P] where #P denotes the number of elements in the set P). In fact, as N#Od×d(P)=#P, there is an unique map πP from the set Od×d(P) to [#P] which preserves the order of the numbers. First, list P1, P2, … , PNP such that Od×d(Pi)<Od×d(Pj) for 1 ≤ i < jN. Then πP(Od×d(Pi))=i. Then we define OπPOd×d|P (that is, the composition of Od×d|P and πP) to be the order of P inherit from that of Cd×d. For example, let P{(1,2),(4,3),(5,6)}C5×9. Then the πP from the set {O5×9[(1,2)]=6,O5×9[(5,6)]=10,O5×9[(4,3)]=44} to [3] = {1, 2, 3} is just defined by: πP (6) = 1, πP (10) = 2, πP (44) = 3. Therefore, the order O of P inherited from that of Cd×d is exactly the map: O[(1,2)]=1,O[(5,6)]=2,O[(3,4)]=3.

In order to step forward, we first state the following observation which is helpful for determine the orthogonality of matrices. Let PCd×d and denote O the order of P inherit from the Od×d l denotes the number of elements in P. As we have defined an order for the set Cd×d, it induces an order relation on its subset P. For any vector vCl, we define a d × d′ matrix


where Ei,j denote the d × d′ matrix whose (i, j) coordinate is 1 and zero elsewhere.


FIGURE 1. This is a picture of the order O5×9 on the coordinate set C5×9. For examples, O5×9[(3,8)]=(83)×5+3=28, and O5×9[(5,2)]=(9,+,25)×5+5=35.

Lemma 1. Let P1,P2Cd×d be nonempty sets and v, w be vectors of dimensions #P1 and #P2 respectively. Then we have the following statements:

(1) If P1P2 = ∅, then we have


(2) If P1 = P2 and v, w are orthogonal to each other, then we also have


Proof. Denote O1 and O2 the orders of P1 and P2 inherit from the Od×d respectively.

(a) As


we have


The last equality holds as the condition P1P2 = ∅ implies δikδjl = 0.

(b) For the second part, we have the following equalities:


4 Constructions of SUEBk

In the following, we try to construct a set of matrices M{Mi}i=1n consisting of matrices of the form T1. While its complementary space M is the set of matrices of the form T2.


We start our construction by a simple example.

Example 1. There exists a SUEB3 in C7C7 whose cardinality is 41.

Proof. As 41 = 6 × 7–1, we define B41 to be the set with 41 elements which is obtained from C7×7 by deleting {(7, 1) (7, 2), (7, 3) (7, 4), (7, 5) (7, 6), (7, 7), (6, 1)}. We can define an order O for the set B41. In fact, the O is chosen to be the order of B41 inherited from that of C7×7 (See Figure 2A for an intuitive view). Any five consecutive elements of B41 under the order O come from different rows and columns. Firstly, we have the following identity


Since there are 41 elements in the set B41, by the decomposition (12), we can divide the set B41 into (7 + 5) sets: seven sets of short states (denote by Si, 1 ≤ i ≤ 7) of cardinality 3 and five sets of long states (denote by Lj, 1 ≤ j ≤ 5) of cardinality 4. In fact, we can divide B41 into these 12 sets through its order O. That is,


where O1 denotes the inverse map of the bijection O. See Figure 2B for an intuitive view of the set Si, Lj. Set


where w=e2π13. We can easily check that H3H3=3I3 and O4O4=3I4. Now set vx to be the xth row of H3 (x = 1, 2, 3) and wy to be the yth row of O4 (y = 1, 2, 3, 4). So vxC3 and vyC4. So we can construct the following 7 × 3 + 5 × 4 = 41 matrices:


Let M be the set of the above matrices. Note that the elements of each Si or Lj are coordinately different. Hence by Observation 1, the states corresponding to the above 41 matrices are special entangled states of type 3. Since H3H3=3I3, v1, v2, v3 are pairwise orthogonal. Similarly, as O4O4=3I4, w1, w2, w3, w4 are also pairwise orthogonal. And the 12 sets above are pairwise disjoint. Therefore, by Lemma 1, the 41 matrices above are pairwise orthogonal. Let V be the linear space spanned by the matrices in M. Therefore, dim V = 41 as orthogonal elements are always linearly independent. Denote dim V the set of all elements in Mat7×7(C) that are orthogonal to every elements in V. By the definition of B41 at the beginning of the proof, each matrix in B{Ei,jMat7×7(C)|(i,j)C7×7\B41}={(7,1),(7,2),(7,3),(7,4),(7,5),(7,6),(7,7),(6,1)} is orthogonal to V. Hence, BV. As


we have dim V = 8. Note that the dimension of spanC(B) is just 8. Both spanC(B) and V are Hilbert space of dimensional 8. By the inclusion spanC(B)V, we must have V=spanC(B). One should note that the rank of any nonzero matrix in spanC(B) is less than 2. Such a matrix cannot correspond to a special entangled state of type 3. Therefore, the set of states corresponding to the matrices M is a SUEB3.

One can find that the H3 and O4 play an important role in the proof of the Example 1. We give their generalizations by the following matrix and the weighing matrix in Definition 3. There always exists some complex Hadamard matrix of order d. For example,


where ωd=e2π1d. In fact, this is the Fourier d-dimensional matrix (discrete Fourier transform). The matrix Hd satisfies



FIGURE 2. (A) shows the order of subset of C7×7. While the (B) shows the distribution of the short and long states through this order.

Definition 3. (See [27]). A generalized weighing matrix is a square a × a matrix A all of whose non-zero entries are nth roots of unity such that AA = kIa. It follows that 1kA is a unitary matrix so that AA = kIa and every row and column of A has exactly k nonzero entries. k is called the weight and n is called the order of A. We denote W (n, k, 1) the set of all weight k and order a generalized weighing matrix whose nonzero entries being nth root.

One can find the following lemma via theorem 2.1.1 on the book “The Diophantine Frobenius Problem” [28]. The related problem is also known as Frobenius coin problem or coin problem.

Lemma 2. ([28]). Let a, b be positive integers and coprime. Then for every integer N ≥ (a − 1) (b − 1), there are non-negative integers x, y such that N = xa + yb.

Now we give one of the main result of this paper.

Theorem 1. Let k be a positive integer. Suppose there exist a,b,m,nN such that W (m, k, a) and W (n, k, b) are nonempty and gcd (a, b) = 1. If d, d′ are integers such that d ≥ max{a, b} + k and d′ ≥ max{a, b} + 1, then for any integer N ∈ [(dk + 1)d′, dd’ − 1], there exists a SUEBk in CdCd whose cardinality is exactly N.

Proof. Without loss of generality, we suppose a < b and AW (m, k, a), BW (n, k, b). Any integer N ∈ [(dk + 1)d′, dd’ − 1] can be written uniquely as N = dq + r where (dk + 1) ≤ qd − 1 and r is an integer with 0 ≤ r < d′. Then we have a coordinate set C(q+1)×d with order O(q+1)×d. Notice that any q consecutive elements of C(q+1)×d under the order O(q+1)×d are coordinately different. Denote BN to be the set by deleting the elements {(q + 1, i)|1 ≤ id′ − r} from C(q+1)×d. The subset BN inherit an order O from that of C(q+1)×d. As O(q+1)×d[(q+1,i)]O(q+1)×d[(q+1,j)]q for any 1 ≤ ijd′, any q − 1 consecutive elements of BN under the order O are coordinately different. Since q − 1 ≥ dk ≥ max{a, b}, any a or b consecutive elements of BN under the order O come from different rows and columns. As Nqd’ > (a − 1) × (b − 1), by Lemma 2, there exist nonnegative integers s, t such that


Since there are N elements in the set BN, by the decomposition (19), we can divide the set BN into (s + t) sets: s sets (denote by Si, 1 ≤ is) of cardinality a and t sets (denote by Lj, 1 ≤ jt) of cardinality b. In fact, we can divide BN into these s + t sets through its order O. That is,


Now let vx be the xth row of 1kA (1 ≤ x1) and wy be the yth row of 1kB (1 ≤ yb). So vxCa and vyCb. Then we can construct the following s × a + t × b = N matrices:


Let M be the set of the above matrices. Note that the (s + t) sets S1, … , Ss, L1⋯, Lt are pairwise disjoint. And the rows of A (resp. B) are orthogonal to each other as AA = kIa (resp. BB = kIb). By Lemma 1, the above sa + tb matrices are orthogonal to each other. By construction, all the sets S1 , Ss, L1, … , Lt are all coordinately different. Using this fact and the definition of generalized weighing matrices, the states corresponding to these matrices are all special entangled states of type k (see Observation 1). Set V be the linear subspace of Matd×d(C) generated by M. Note that each matrix in B{Ei,jMatd×d(C)|(i,j)Cd×d\BN} is orthogonal to V. And the dimension of spanC(B) is just dd’ − N. Therefore, V=spanC(B). One should note that the rank of any matrix in spanC(B) is less than k. That is to say, any state orthogonal to the states corresponding to M has Schmidt rank at most (k − 1). Such state cannot be a special entangled state of type k. Therefore, the set of states corresponding to the matrices M is a SUEBk.

Noticing that HkW (k, k, k) for all integer k ≥ 2. Therefore, by Theorem 1, we arrive at the following corollary.

Corollary 1. Let k be an integer such that W (n, k, k + 1) is nonempty for some integer n. Then there exists some SUEBk with cardinality varying from (dk + 1)d′ to dd’ − 1 in CdCd whenever d ≥ 2k + 1 and d′ ≥ k + 2.

In the following, we list a result about the weighing matrices proved by Gerald Berman.

Lemma 3. (See [27]). If p, t, r and n are positive integers such that p is prime, n|r (n ≥ 2) and r|(pm − 1). Then there exists a generalized weighing matrix W (n, p(t−1)m, (ptm − 1)/r).

In particular, set t = 2, r = n = pm − 1. If pm > 2, then W (pm − 1, pm, pm + 1) is nonempty. As the set W (pm, pm, pm) is always nonempty, we have the following corollaries.

Corollary 2. Let p be a prime and k = pm > 2 for some positive integer m. Then there exists some SUEBk with cardinality varying from (dk + 1)dto dd’ − 1 in CdCd whenever d ≥ 2k + 1 and d′ ≥ k + 2.

Corollary 3. Let p1, … , ps be different primes and k=p1m1psms where m1, … , ms are positive integers. If gcd(pimi+1,k)=1 for each i = 1, … , s, Then there exists some SUEBk with cardinality varying from (dk + 1)dto dd’ − 1 in CdCd whenever dk+i=1s(pimi+1) and d ≥ 2k + 1 and d2+i=1s(pimi+1).

5 Second Type of SUEBk

In the following, we try to construct a set of matrices M{Mi}i=1n consisting of matrices of the following left form. While its complementary space M is the set of matrices of the following right form where r + s < k.

We also start our construction from a simple example.

Example 2. There exists a SUEB4 in C8C9 whose cardinality is 54.

Proof. As 54 = 7 × 8–2, we can define B54 to be the set with 54 elements which can be obtained by deleting {(6, 8), (7, 8)} from C7×8. Notice that any six consecutive elements of C7×8 under the order O7×8 come from different rows and columns. Denote O as the order of B54 inherited from O7×8. As O7×8[(7,8)]=14,O7×8[(6,8)]=20, any five consecutive elements of B54 under the order O come from different rows and columns (See Figure 3A for an intuitive view). We have the following identity


Since there are 54 elements in the set B54, by the decomposition (22), we can divide the set B54 into (6 + 6) sets: six sets of short states (denote by Si, 1 ≤ i ≤ 6) of cardinality four and six sets of long states (denote by Lj, 1 ≤ j ≤ 6) of cardinality 5. In fact, we can divide B54 into these 12 sets through its order O. That is,


See Figure 3B for an intuitive view of the set Si, Lj. Set

O5=111101ww2011w20ww210ww2w01w2ww, where w=e2π1/3.(24)

We can easily check that O5O5=4I5. Now set vx be the xth row of H4 (x = 1, 2, 3, 4) and wy be the yth row of O5 (y = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). So vxC4 and vyC5. So we can construct the following 6 × 4 + 6 × 5 = 54 matrices:


Let M to be the set of the above matrices. Note that the elements of each Si or Lj are coordinately different. Hence by Observation 1, the states corresponding to the above 54 matrices are special entangled states of type 4. Since H4H4=4I4, v1, v2, v3, v4 are pairwise orthogonal. Similarly, as O5O5=4I5, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 are also pairwise orthogonal. And the 12 sets above are pairwise disjoint. Therefore, by Lemma 1, the 54 matrices above are pairwise orthogonal. Set V be the linear subspace of Mat8×9(C) generated by M. Each matrix in B{Ei,jMat8×9(C)|(i,j)C8×9\B} is orthogonal to V. And the dimension of spanC(B) is just (72–54). Therefore, V=spanC(B). One should note that the rank of any matrix in spanC(B) is less than 4. That is to say, any state orthogonal to the states corresponding to M has Schmidt rank at most 3. Such state cannot be a special entangled state of type 4. Therefore, the set of states corresponding to the matrices M is a SUEB4.


FIGURE 3. (A) shows the order of subset of C8×9. While the (B) shows the distribution of the short and long states through this order.

Theorem 2. Let k be a positive integer. Suppose there exist a,b,m,nN such that W (m, k, 1) and W (n, k, b) are nonempty and gcd (a, b) = 1. Let d, d′ be integers. If there are decompositions d = m1 + q, d′ = m2 + r such that m1, m2 ≥ max{a, b} + 2 and 1 ≤ q + r < k. Then for any integer N ∈ [m1m2, dd’ − 1], there exists a SUEBk in CdCd whose cardinality is exactly N.

Proof. Without loss of generality, we suppose a < b and AW (m, k, a), BW (n, k, b). We separate the interval m1m2,dd into q + r pairwise disjoint intervals:


Any integer N ∈ [m1m2, dd’ − 1] lies in one of the above q + r intervals. Without loss of generality, we assume that N(m1+i0)m2,(m1+i0+1)m2 for some i0 ∈ {0, … , q − 1}. Suppose N = (m1 + i0)m2 + f, with 0 ≤ fm2 − 1. Denote BN to be the set by deleting the elements {(m1 + i0 + 1, i)|1 ≤ im2f} from C(m1+i0+1)×m2. Then we have a coordinate set C(m1+i0+1)×m2 with order O(m1+i0+1)×m2. Notice that any max{a, b}+1 consecutive elements of C(m1+i0+1)×m2 under the order O(m1+i0+1)×m2 are coordinate different as m1, m2 ≥ max{a, b} + 2. The subset BN inherit an order O from that of C(m1+i0+1)×m2. One can find that any a or b consecutive elements of BN under the order O come from different rows and columns. As Nm1m2 > (a − 1) × (b − 1), by Lemma 2, there exist nonnegative integers s, t such that


Since there are N elements in the set BN, by the decomposition (27), we can divide the set BN into (s + t) sets: s sets (denote by Si, 1 ≤ is) of cardinality a and t sets (denote by Lj, 1 ≤ jt) of cardinality b. In fact, we can divide BN into these s + t sets through its order O. That is,


Now set vx to be the xth row of 1kA (1 ≤ x1) and wy to be the yth row of 1kB (1 ≤ yb). So vxCa and vyCb. Then we can construct the following s × a + t × b = N matrices:


Let M to be the set of the above matrices. Note that the (s + t) sets S1, … , Ss, L1⋯, Lt are pairwise disjoint. And the rows of A (resp. B) are orthogonal to each other as AA = kIa (resp. BB = kIb). By Lemma 1, the above sa + tb matrices are orthogonal to each other. By construction, all the sets S1 , Ss, L1, … , Lt are all coordinately different. Using this fact and the definition of generalized weighing matrices, the states corresponding to these matrices are all special entangled states of type k (see Observation 1). Set V be the linear subspace of Matd×d(C) generated by M. Each matrix in B{Ei,jMatd×d(C)|(i,j)Cd×d\BN} is orthogonal to V. And the dimension of spanC(B) is just dd’ − N. Therefore, V=spanC(B). As r + s < k, so the rank of any matrix in spanC(B) is less than k. That is to say, any state orthogonal to the states corresponding to M has Schmidt rank at most (k − 1). Such state cannot be a special entangled state of type k. Therefore, the set of states corresponding to the matrices M is a SUEBk.

Remark: Theorem 1 (the first type) can not obtain from Theorem 2 (the second type) by setting r = 0. In fact, in Theorem 2, we assume d, d′ ≥ max{a, b} + 2 while we only assume d′ ≥ max{a, b} + 1 in Theorem 1.

As application, Theorem 2 give us that there is some SUEB4 in C8C9 whose cardinality being one of the integer in the interval [49, 71], where a = 4, b = 5, m1 = 7, q = 1, m2 = 7, r = 2.

In fact, we may move further than the results showed in Theorem 2. Here we present some examples (See Example 3) which is beyond the scope of Theorem 2. But their proof can be originated from the main idea of the constructions of SUEBk.

Example 3. For any integer N ∈ [12, 19], there exists a SUEB3 in C4C5 whose cardinality is exactly N(See Figure 4).


FIGURE 4. This figure shows the distribution of the short states and long states for constructing SUEB3 in C4C5 with cardinality N varying from 12 to 19.

6 Conclusion and Discussion

We presented a method to construct the special unextendible entangled basis of type k. The main idea here is to decompose the whole space into two subspaces such that the rank of each element in one subspace is easily bounded by k and the other can be generated by two kinds of the special entangled states of type k. We presented two constructions of special unextendible entangled states of type k by relating it to a combinatoric concept which is known as weighing matrices. This method is effective when k = pm ≥ 3.

However, there are lots of unsolved cases. Finding out the largest linear subspace such that it does not contain any special entangled states of type k. This is related to determine the minimal cardinality of possible SUEBk. It is much more interesting to find some other methods that can solve the general existence of SUEBk. Note that the concept of SUEBk is a mathematical generalization of the UPB (k = 1) and the UMEB (k = d). Both UPBs and UMEBs are useful for studying some other problems in quantum information. Therefore, another interesting work is to find out some applications of the SUEBk.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Materials, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author Contributions

The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and has approved it for publication.


This work is supported by the NSFC with Grant No. 11901084, the Basic and Applied Basic Research Funding Program of Guangdong Province with Grant No. 2019A1515111097, and the Research startup funds of DGUT with Grant No. GC300501-103.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The handling editor LC declared a past co-authorship with the author YLW.

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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


The author thank Mao-Sheng Li for helpful discussion.


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Keywords: unextendible entangled bases, unextendible product bases, entanglement, schmidt number, schmidt coefficients

Citation: Wang Y-L (2022) Constructions of Unextendible Special Entangled Bases. Front. Phys. 10:884327. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.884327

Received: 26 February 2022; Accepted: 20 April 2022;
Published: 27 May 2022.

Edited by:

Lin Chen, Beihang University, China

Reviewed by:

Yuanhong Tao, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, China
Zhenhuan Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Hao Dai, Tsinghua University, China

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*Correspondence: Yan-Ling Wang, d2FuZ3lsbWF0aEB5YWhvby5jb20=

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