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Front. Phys., 16 August 2021
Sec. High-Energy and Astroparticle Physics

Effect of Sterile Neutrino on Low-Energy Processes in Minimal Extended Seesaw With Δ(96) Symmetry and TM1 Mixing

  • 1Department of Physics, Tezpur University, Tezpur, India
  • 2Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India

We study the effect of sterile neutrino on some low-scale processes in the framework of the minimal extended seesaw (MES). MES is the extension of the seesaw mechanism with the addition of sterile neutrino of intermediate mass. The MES model in this work is based on Δ(96) × C2 × C3 flavor symmetry. The structures of mass matrices in the framework lead to TM1 mixing with μτ symmetry. The model predicts the maximal value of the Dirac CP phase. We carry out our analysis to study the new physics contributions from the sterile neutrino to different charged lepton flavor violation (cLFV) processes involving muon and tau leptons as well as neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ). The model predicts normal ordering (NO) of neutrino masses, and we perform the numerical analysis considering normal ordering (NO) only. We find that a heavy sterile neutrino can lead to cLFV processes that are within the reach of current and planned experiments. The sterile neutrino present in our model is consistent with the current limits on the effective neutrino mass set by 0νββ experiments.

I Introduction

The observed neutrino oscillation phenomenon, the origin of the idea behind the massive nature of neutrinos, has been one of the most appealing evidence to expect physics beyond the standard model (BSM). Neutrino oscillation probabilities are dependent on the three mixing angles, the neutrino mass-squared differences (Δm212, Δm312), and the Dirac CP phase (δCP). Though there are precise measurements of the mixing angles and mass-squared differences, yet there are no conclusive remarks on δCP or the mass ordering of the neutrinos. NOνA [1] and T2K [2] experiments have recently provided hint toward the CP violation in the Dirac neutrino matrix. Again, another important unsolved issue is the mass ordering of the neutrinos whether it is normal (m1 < m2 < m3) or inverted (m3 < m1 < m2). There are some other open questions in particle physics as well as cosmology such as CP violation in the lepton sector, baryon asymmetry of the universe, and particle nature of dark matter. Motivated by these shortcomings, different beyond standard model (BSM) theories [3] are pursued in different experiments.

Many searches for new physics beyond the standard model are going on in different experiments. Charged lepton flavor violation (cLFV) processes can provide a way to search for new physics beyond the standard model. cLFV processes are heavily suppressed in the standard model. However, the well-established neutrino oscillation phenomenon gives a signal toward the flavor violation in the charged lepton sector also. There are present and planned experiments to search for lepton flavor violating radiative decay (liljγ) [4] and also three body decays (liljlklk) [5]. The present and future experimental constraints on cLFV processes can be found in Tables 1, 2. In this work, we study the transition among the three charged leptons. However, the transitions of muon such as μe, N, μeee, μ [6, 7] and recently proposed μeee [8] are extensively analyzed as the parent particle is substantially available in the cosmic radiation as well as in dedicated accelerators [9]. Many other challenging cLFV processes are those which involve the third family of leptons (taus) as it opens many flavor violating channels. Among these, τ, τμγ, τ → 3e, and τ → 3μ are significant. The processes involving taus also open up many channels involving hadrons in the final state such as τ0, τ+π [9, 10].


TABLE 1. Current experimental bounds and future sensitivities of different cLFV processes [1013].


TABLE 2. Experimental bounds for the process CR (μe, N) [13].

There are various theoretical models which are the extension of the SM that can account for cLFV processes [1417]. These models usually introduce new particle fields to act as a source of flavor violation. The models with heavy sterile neutrinos can provide prominent contributions to cLFV processes. There are many theoretical motivations as well as experimental background for the existence of sterile neutrinos. The anomalies of the LSND [18] and MiniBooNE [19] results provide a hint toward the presence of one or two sterile neutrino states. Again from the theoretical point of view, the addition of sterile fermions into the standard model can explain the neutrino mass and also mixing [20, 21]. Moreover, sterile neutrinos can account for many cosmological observations such as dark matter [2226] and baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU) [27, 28]. Furthermore, their mixing with the active neutrinos can contribute to certain non-oscillation processes such as neutrinoless double decay (0νββ) amplitude or to beta decay spectra in the KATRIN experiment [29, 30]. To study the effect of sterile neutrino on low-scale processes, we have chosen the minimal extended seesaw (MES) framework augmented with Δ(96) flavor symmetry. In the MES framework, three right-handed neutrinos and one additional gauge singlet field S are added to the SM particle content [31, 32]. The extra sterile state may have a significant contribution to cLFV processes and 0νββ depending on its mass and mixing with the active neutrinos in the model. In the present work, C2 and C3 discrete groups are introduced along with Δ(96) to avoid the unwanted couplings among the particles. The mass matrices constructed in the MES model embedded with Δ(96) flavor symmetry lead to a particular mixing pattern widely known as TM1 mixing [33]. TM1 mixing is one of the most significant mixing patterns which comply with the experimental predictions on mixing angles and Dirac CP phase. In the present work, after constructing the mass matrices leading to TM1 mixing, the model parameters have been evaluated using three neutrino oscillation parameters, and then mass and mixing of the particles are calculated as a function of these model parameters. Furthermore, we have evaluated different observables characterizing the different cLFV processes and neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ).

This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we describe TM1 mixing and the model with Δ(96) flavor symmetry. The particles are assigned with different charges under the symmetry group, and the mass matrices involved in the model are constructed. Section III gives the brief discussion of different cLFV processes and contribution of sterile neutrinos to such processes. In Section IV, we briefly discuss the neutrinoless double beta decay process in the presence of heavy sterile neutrinos. The results of the numerical analysis are discussed in detail in Section V. Finally, we conclude in Section VI.

II Minimal Extended Seesaw With Δ(96) Flavor Symmetry and TM1 Mixing

A The Minimal Extended Seesaw Framework

The minimal extended seesaw (MES) is the extension of the canonical type I seesaw by the addition of extra gauge singlet field, νs, to accommodate sterile neutrinos. This field has a coupling with the heavy right-handed neutrino fields that are present in the type I seesaw [34, 35]. Thus, the Lagrangian in this MES model can be obtained as [36]


Subsequently, the mass matrix arising from the Lagrangian in Eq. 1 in the basis (νL, Nc, Sc) can be written as


Since the right-handed neutrinos are much heavier than the electroweak scale as in the case of the type I seesaw, they should be decoupled at low scales. Effectively, the full 7 × 7 matrix can be block diagonalized into a 4 × 4 neutrino mass matrix as follows [36]:


Assuming MS > MD, the active neutrino mass matrix of Eq. 3 takes the form


The sterile neutrino mass can be obtained as


The charged lepton mass matrix, in general, can be diagonalized using unitary matrices UL and UR as follows:


Again, we obtain the light neutrino masses using the unitary matrix Uν as


The 4 × 4 neutrino mixing matrix in the MES model using UL and Uν can be obtained as [36]


The matrix ULR that governs the active–sterile mixing in which R can be expressed as


is given as


Finally, the 3 × 3 lepton mixing matrix (PMNS matrix) can be written as [36]


Thus, the PMNS matrix can be obtained by multiplying the diagonalizing matrix of the charged lepton mixing matrix and that of the effective seesaw matrix. UL is an identity matrix in the framework where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal.

B TM1 Mixing

Trimaximal (TM1) mixing is a mixing ansatz that preserves the first column of tri–bimaximal mixing UTBM and mixes its second and third columns. It is a perturbation to TBM mixing, and we can write the mixing matrix as [37, 38]


Comparing the above mixing matrix in Eq. 14 with the standard PMNS mixing matrix, one can obtain the three mixing angles in terms of θ as follows [39]:


Jarlskog’s rephasing invariant JCP can be written in terms of the elements of the mixing matrix as


One can write the expression for the CP phase in the TM1 scenario as


For a given θ13(θ), TM1 mixing with μτ reflection symmetry leads to maximal CP violation. Again, it can be seen that if ζ=±π2, θ23=π4, which leads to μτ reflection symmetry.

C The Lagrangian

In this work, we have used Δ(96) flavor symmetry [4043] giving rise to unique textures of the mass matrices involved in the MES model. For a brief discussion about properties of Δ(96) and its character table and tensor product rules, refer to Appendix A. Δ(96) symmetry is further augmented by C2 and C3 discrete flavor symmetries to get rid of some unwanted interactions. The particle assignments in the model are shown in Table 3.


TABLE 3. Fields and their respective transformations under the symmetry group of the model. Here, ω = ei2π/3 and ω̄=ei2π/3 are the complex roots of unity.

In our MES model, the lepton doublets of the SM and the SM gauge singlets transform as triplets 3i and 3ī of Δ(96), respectively. The sterile neutrino and the three right-handed charged leptons transform as singlets under this symmetry group. We introduce flavons ϕμ, ϕτ, ϕS transforming as triplets 3i′, while ϕM, ϕD are triplet 3′ and ϕMi, ϕDi are 3ī under Δ(96). These fields are also assigned various charges under the Abelian groups C2, C3, and C3′ which can be found in Table 3. C3, C2, and C3′ are associated with charged leptons, Dirac neutrino sectors, and sterile neutrino sectors, respectively. These symmetries ensure that various flavons couple to their respective scalars only. For example, C3 symmetry ensures that τR couples to ϕτ and μR couples to ϕμ. C3′ prevents the term SC̄S which ensures that the (3, 3) element of Mν7×7 in Eq. 2 is zero. Besides the flavor symmetries, we assume that the model is CP conserving above the flavor symmetry breaking scale. Therefore, all the coupling constants appearing in the model Lagrangian will be real above this scale.

The Yukawa Lagrangian for the charged leptons and also for the neutrinos can be expressed as


We assume that the above Lagrangian is CP conserving. As a result, all parameters appearing in the Lagrangian become real. However, CP along with most of the discrete symmetries in the model is broken at a low-energy scale by the VEVs of the flavons.

In Eq. 21, LMD represents the Dirac neutrino Lagrangian given as


The neutrino Majorana mass term LM can be expressed as


The interactions between the sterile and the right-handed neutrinos are involved in LMS given as


LML is the Lagrangian for the charged leptons which can be written as


After spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), the scalar fields acquire VEVs which are assigned as


The above VEVs remain invariant under the following group actions:


Here, p, Q, and C are generators of Δ(96) provided in Appendix A. These group actions generate the residual symmetries of the corresponding VEVs. Also, they uniquely define the VEVs up to their norms. It can be shown that every potential constructed using an irreducible multiplet will have such unique alignments as stationary points (assuming a condition of non-vanishing norm) [4446]. In Eqs. 27, 28, ω and ω̄ appear as a consequence of C3 symmetry associated with the charged lepton sector. The resulting VEVs ⟨ϕμ⟩ and ⟨ϕτ⟩ are complex which spontaneously break the CP symmetry of the high–energy scale Lagrangian. Since ϕμ and ϕτ couple to μR and τR, we obtain a complex charged lepton mass matrix, which becomes the sole source of CP violation in our model.

D The Mass Matrices Involved in the Model

The textures of the mass matrices involved in the MES model can be obtained using flavon alignments defined with residual symmetries under our flavor group. With these flavon alignments mentioned above, we obtain the charged lepton and the neutrino mass matrices. In the charged lepton sector, L̄ couples to lR (l = e, μ, τ) through the flavons ϕμ and ϕτ. Using the VEVs of the flavons and the Higgs in the Lagrangian given by Eq. 25, the charged lepton mass matrix can be written as


The charged lepton mass matrix MC is diagonalized using the unitary matrix UL given as


UL is referred to as the 3 × 3 trimaximal matrix (TM) or the magic matrix:


and we obtain the masses of the charged leptons as


It is seen from Eq. 37 that the mass scale of the electron is suppressed by an additional factor O(vα)Λ (where O(vα) represents the order of magnitude of the flavon VEVs) compared to tau or muon mass similar to the Froggatt–Nielsen mechanism of obtaining the mass hierarchy.

Again, from Eq. 22, we obtain the Dirac neutrino mass matrix as


Denoting yDvDvΛ=mD and yDivDiyDvD=r1, we rewrite the Dirac mass matrix in Eq. 38 as


mD has the dimension of mass similar to the order of the SM fermion masses and r1 is dimensionless. The Majorana mass matrix for the heavy right-handed neutrinos can be obtained using the VEVs of ϕM and ϕMi in Eq. 23 as


Here also, we denote yMvM = mR and yMivMiyMvM=r2 and rewrite the above matrix as


mR has the dimension of mass at the scale of flavon VEV and r2 is dimensionless.

Finally, we obtain the mass matrix representing the coupling between right-handed neutrinos and sterile neutrinos as


or we can rewrite it as


where mS = ySvS has the dimension of mass.

The light neutrino mass matrix in the framework of the MES arising from the mass matrices in Eqs. 39, 41, 43 can be written using Eq. 3 as




The effective seesaw mass matrix in Eq. 44 can be diagonalized in two steps using the unitary matrices UBM and Uθ as


or one may write


In MES models, the mass of the lightest neutrino vanishes in the lowest order. The suppression of higher order terms will be at least of the order of O(vα)Λ. It has been mentioned above that this factor is responsible for the suppression of the electron mass in relation to the muon and tau. This implies that O(vα)Λ should be O(102). Therefore, the mass of the lightest neutrino obtained from higher order corrections will be in the sub-millieV range.

The matrix Uθ and the bimaximal matrix UBM in Eq. 48 are given by


where θ can be expressed in terms of the model parameters as


Comparing Eq. 48 with Eq. 7, we can write the neutrino diagonalizing matrix Uν as


Therefore, using Eq. 12, the PMNS matrix in this model can be expressed as


Here, ULUBM is the tri–bimaximal (TBM) mixing matrix with phases:


The multiplication of ULUBM with Uθ mixes its second and third columns resulting in the TM1 mixing matrix UTM1. Since our effective seesaw matrix Mν is real, we obtain a real diagonalizing matrix UBMUθ. Therefore, the neutrino sector does not contribute toward the phases e± in TM1 mixing of Eq. 14. Rather, these phases are a direct manifestation of i appearing in Eq. 54, and we obtain ζ=±π2. The resulting TM1 matrix possesses μτ reflection symmetry as can be seen by assigning ζ=±π2 in Eq. 14. This symmetry is not apparent in the light neutrino mass matrix Mν given in Eq. 44. However, it becomes apparent if we express Mν in the basis where the charged lepton mass matrix, MC in Eq. 34, is diagonal, μτ reflection can be explicitly observed in the mass matrix ULMνUL.

Our construction of Mν given in Eq. 44 leading to TM1 mixing implies that m1 = 0, which rules out inverted hierarchy. Using this in Eq. 49 and comparing with Eq. 44, we can find the expressions for model parameters K1, K2, and K3 in terms of the parameters θ, m2, and m3 as


E- Sterile Neutrino Mass and Mixing in the Model

Apart from the active neutrinos, the mass and mixing of the sterile neutrino present in the model play a crucial role in cLFV processes which will be discussed in the next section. As mentioned above, the sterile neutrino mass can be obtained using Eq. 5, and we can write the mass term for sterile neutrinos as


The active–sterile mixing using Eqs. 9, 10 can be obtained as


In Eqs. 5861, mD, mR, r1, and r2 are the model parameters.

III Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Processes

A Processes Involving Muonic Atoms

Many experiments such as MECO, SINDRUM II [46], and COMET [47] involved in searching for μe conversion with different targets. The observable characterizing this process is defined as

CR(μe,N)=Γ(μ+Ne+N)Γ(μ+Nall capture).(62)

These experiments are running with different targets such as titanium (Ti), lead (Pb), gold (Au), and aluminum (Al) and give bounds for different targets. There are also some planned future experiments like the second phase of the COMET experiment, Mu2e [48], to improve the sensitivity of this cLFV process.

There are several theoretical models to account for such rare LFV processes. As explained in [49], in the extension of the standard model with one heavy sterile neutrino, such processes originate from one-loop diagrams involving active and sterile neutrinos with non-zero mixing angles. In the MES model, the conversion ratio can be written as [49]


Here, GF, sω, Γcap(Z) are the Fermi constant, sine of the weak mixing angle, and capture rate of the nucleus, respectively. Here, α=e24π and F̃qμe are form factors given as


Here, Qq represents the quark electric charge which is 23 and 13 for up and down quarks, respectively. The weak isospin Iq3 is 12 and 12 for up and down quarks, respectively. The numerical values of V(p), V(n), and D can be found in [49]. In the small limit of masses (xi=mνi2mW21), the form factors can be written as [49]


However, for the heavier neutrinos which do not satisfy the small mass limit, we use the expressions of form factors given in [49]:


There may be flavor violating non-radiative decay of μ into three electrons (μeee) [50]. The Mu3e experiment running at PSI is aimed at finding the signatures of this type of decay [51]. The branching ratio of this decay process can be written as


Here, the form factors can be obtained from Eqs. 6568.

The MEG experiment [52] is aimed at investigating the LFV process μ, and there are many planned projects in the search for this kind of decay. In the framework of the minimal extended seesaw, the heavy neutrinos can cause μ decay. The branching ratio of the process can be given as


Here, the total decay width of the muon (Γμ) is obtained as


Another possible cLFV process is the decay of a bound μ in a muonic atom into a pair of electrons (μeee) proposed in [53]. This particular decay process offers several advantages over three body decay processes from the experimental point of view. There are different classes of extension of the SM which can show a contribution to such processes. In this model with one extra sterile state, the effective Lagrangian describing this process contains long-range interactions and local interaction terms. The branching ratio of such processes in muonic atoms, with an atomic number Z, can be expressed as


Here, τμ represents the lifetime of free muons and the lifetime τ̃μ depends on specific elements. In our analysis, we have considered Al and Au whose values of τ̃μ are 8.64 × 10–7 and 7.26 × 10–8, respectively. fCoul(Z) ≈ (Z − 1)3 represents the enhancement of muonic atom decay due to Coulomb interactions. This decay process would possibly be probed in the COMET collaboration. As suggested in many literature studies, we have used the future sensitivity of CR (μe, N) to constrain such a decay process.

B Processes Involving Tau Leptons

There are many flavor violating channels open for tau lepton decays. The search for such decays involving taus is also challenging. Theoretical models which predict cLFV in the muon indicate a violation in the tau sector also. However, the amplitude of the process involving the tau channel is enhanced by many orders of magnitude in comparison with muon decays. Experiments such as BaBar [53] and Belle [54] provide limits to cLFV decays involving tau leptons. In this work, we have investigated three processes involving tau leptons τ, τμγ, and τeee. The branching ratios of these mentioned processes can be written as [54]


Here, Γτ represents the total width of tau leptons with an experimental value Γτ = 2.1581 × 10–12 GeV [55].


where the composite form factors Fγτe,Gγτe,FZτe and FBoxτeee for the light neutrinos assume the following form:


For the heavier neutrinos, we can use the expressions


The different loop functions involved in the above expressions can be seen in [55].

IV Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0νββ)

The presence of sterile neutrinos in addition to the standard model particles may lead to new contributions to lepton number violating interactions like neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) [5557]. We have studied the contributions of the sterile state to the effective electron neutrino Majorana mass mββ [57, 58]. The most stringent bounds on the effective mass are provided by the KamLAND-ZEN experiment [59]:


The amplitude of these processes depends upon the neutrino mixing matrix elements and the neutrino masses. The decay width of the process is proportional to the effective electron neutrino Majorana mass mββ which in the case of standard contribution, i.e., in the absence of any sterile neutrino, is given as


The above equation is modified with the addition of sterile fermions and is given by [50, 60]


where m4 and Ue4 are the mass of the sterile neutrino and its couplings to the electron neutrino, respectively. | < k > |≃ 190 MeV represents the neutrino virtuality momentum.

V Results of Numerical Analysis and Discussions

It is evident from the above discussion that the neutrino mass matrix in Eq. 44 contains three model parameters K1, K2, K3. We can express the experimentally measured six oscillation parameters Δm212, Δm312,  sin2θ12,  sin2θ23,  sin2θ13, δCP in terms of these model parameters. Hence, the three model parameters can be evaluated by comparing with the three oscillation parameters in the 3σ range as given in Table 4 and then constraining the other parameters. These parameters K1, K2, K3 in turn are related to mD, mR, r1, and r2 as given in Eqs. 4547 which are functions of Yukawa couplings and VEVs of the scalars. In our model, we have evaluated the model parameters comparing with the experimental range of Δm212, Δm312,  sin2θ13. Since the lightest neutrino mass is zero in the MES model, Δm212 and Δm312 will correspond to the other two masses. Our construction of the MES model with TM1 mixing rules out the inverted ordering (IO) of the neutrino masses. The inverted ordering is disfavored with Δχ2 = 7.3 including atmospheric data from Super-Kamiokande [6062]. Hence, our results are in good agreement with the latest global data. Figure 1 represents the correaltion plots for the model parameters in our model. Figure 2 shows the variation of different neutrino oscillation parameters as a function of the model parameters.


TABLE 4. Latest global fit neutrino oscillation data [60, 61].


FIGURE 1. Correlation plots for the model parameters (in eV).


FIGURE 2. The allowed region of Δm312,Δm212 and mixing angle   sin2θ13 as a function of model parameters.

The model leads to the TM1 parameter ζ=±π2 resulting in μτ reflection symmetry, θ23=π4, and δCP=±π2. The values θ23=π4 and δCP=π2 are consistent with the current global fit. Again using Eqs. 15, 17 and the values of   sin2θ13 given in Table 4, we obtain the range of   sin2θ12 as 0.3167–0.3195. This is also consistent with the global fit. We have also calculated the sum of the three light neutrino masses from the model parameters. It predicts ∑mi within the range 0.057–0.059, which is below the cosmological upper bounds. Thus, it is clear that the predictions of the model comply with the latest neutrino and cosmology data.

Apart from studying active neutrino phenomenology, we have calculated different observables related to the different cLFV processes with the numerically evaluated model parameters. All the masses and mixing in the model are dependent on the model parameters which are highly constrained by the neutrino oscillation data. The masses and mixing of the active and sterile neutrinos in turn are related to the observables of different cLFV processes and also the 0νββ process as mentioned above. Hence, the same set of model parameters that are supposed to produce correct neutrino phenomenology can also be used to estimate the observables of different low-energy processes. Thus, this model is constrained by these processes also. The predictions of our model on the sum of the neutrino masses and the 0νββ can be found in Table 5. The motivation is to see if the neutrino mass matrix that can explain the neutrino phenomenology can also provide sufficient parameter space for other low-energy observables 0νββ, cLFV, etc. We also correlate the sterile neutrino mass with 0νββ and cLFV processes to see the impact of the sterile neutrino.


TABLE 5. Predictions of the model on different parameters. The value of mββ is taken from the KamLAND-ZEN experiment [62] and ∑mi from latest Planck data [63].

The effective mass (mββ) characterizing the 0νββ process along with the presence of heavy sterile neutrinos is calculated using Eq. 90. Figure 3 shows the effective mass against the sterile neutrino mass and mixing. For new physics contributions coming from extra sterile neutrinos, the effective mass is consistent with the upper bound (|mββ| ≤ 0.06 eV) followed by the data of the KamLAND-ZEN [59] experiment. It has been observed that the presence of very heavy sterile neutrinos in the model has no significant effect on the 0νββ process since mββ is proportional to 1m4. Figure 4 shows variation of effective mass as a function of the parameter θ characterizing TM1 mixing. This plot shows how the model with TM1 mixing constrains the effective neutrino mass mββ.


FIGURE 3. Prediction of the effective neutrino mass as a function of the sterile neutrino mass and mixing.


FIGURE 4. Prediction of the effective neutrino mass as a function of the TM1 mixing parameter sinθ.

We have performed the analysis of μe conversion with two different targets—aluminum (Al) and gold (Au). Figure 5 shows the calculated conversion ratios with these two targets as a function of the mass of the sterile neutrinos. In both cases, the results are within the reach of current and future experiments. It has been observed that sterile neutrinos with mass 108 GeV can lead to such a process within the experimental bound.


FIGURE 5. CR (μe, N) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass with two different targets. The blue horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.

We have seen the sterile neutrino contribution to the process μeee in the model. Figure 6 shows the variation of branching ratios with the mass of the sterile neutrinos. It has been observed that, for targets with Al, the experimental limits are reached for a lower value of the mass of the sterile neutrinos (around 108 GeV) than in the case with Au (around 2.5 × 109 GeV). This shows that the cLFV process induced by an additional sterile neutrino could certainly be probed in near future experiments with aluminum targets. The stringent bound on the sterile neutrino mass to cause such a process is around 3 × 108 GeV.


FIGURE 6. BR (μeee, N) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass with two different targets. The blue horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.

Figure 7 indicates the impacts of sterile neutrino in the μeee process. It is evident from the figure that the branching ratios have a stronger experimental potential, with contributions well within the current (future) experimental reach for sterile masses above 2 × 109 (108) GeV.


FIGURE 7. BR (μeee) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass. The red horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.

The branching ratios of another appealing process μ in the presence of the heavy sterile neutrino as a function of its mass are shown in Figure 8. It is seen that the results are well within the current (future) experimental reach for sterile masses above 2 × 109 (109) GeV.


FIGURE 8. BR (μ) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass. The red horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.

Similarly, we have carried out our analysis for processes involving tau atoms and calculated the observables using Eqs. 7779. The results are shown in Figures 911. It is observed that the sterile neutrino can have sizable contributions to such processes only when it has mass above 109 GeV which is quite higher than that in the case of processes involving muonic atoms. For the process τ, the current experimental bound on the branching ratio is achieved for ms > 2 × 1012 GeV, and however, a lower mass of sterile neutrino (around 1012) can contribute to such processes in future experiments as shown in Figure 9. Figure 10 indicates that the contributions of sterile neutrino to the process τμγ are well within the current experimental limit for ms > 2 × 1012 GeV and the sensitivity of future experiments is reached for a lower mass of sterile neutrino (around 5 × 1011). For the process τeee, the current and future experimental bounds on the branching ratio are achieved for ms > 1012 GeV and around 3 × 1011, respectively, which can be seen in Figure 9. In Table 6, we have summarized the constraints on the sterile neutrino mass coming from different cLFV processes.


FIGURE 9. BR (τ) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass. The blue horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.


FIGURE 10. BR (τμγ) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass. The blue horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.


FIGURE 11. BR (τeee) as a function of the sterile neutrino mass. The blue horizontal line represents the experimental bounds on this process.


TABLE 6. Constraints on the sterile neutrino mass from different cLFV processes.

VI Conclusion

In this work, we have studied the effect of sterile neutrino on the low-energy processes focusing on charged lepton flavor violation and neutrinoless double beta decay. The framework of our study is an MES model which is obtained by the addition of a triplet of right-handed neutrinos and a sterile neutrino singlet field to the standard model. The gauge group of the standard model is extended by the flavor symmetry group Δ(96) along with two C2 groups and one C3 group. The model is constructed in such a way that it gives rise to a special mixing pattern known as TM1 mixing. Implementation of TM1 mixing in the MES framework with an extra sterile neutrino has been not done before. The model leads to TM1 mixing with μτ reflection symmetry which predicts the maximal atmospheric mixing angle and maximal breaking of the CP symmetry. These two important constraints of the model comply with the experimental data. Moreover, our construction of the model rules out the inverted ordering of the neutrino masses. The model is represented by three model parameters that have been evaluated by comparing the light neutrino oscillation parameters in the 3σ range. We have obtained the sterile neutrino mass and mixing from the model parameters. We then fed the model parameters in calculating different observables characterizing different low-energy processes. The textures of the mass matrices in our model predict the effective mass mββ that is consistent with the experimental data. We have investigated different cLFV processes involving muon and tau leptons. It has been observed that a wide range of parameter space can be probed in near future experiments. There are no theoretical upper bounds on the mass of the sterile neutrino. However, in this model, the different cLFV processes highly constrain the mass of the sterile neutrino. In this work, we have summarized the limits on the mass of the sterile neutrino to contribute such processes. Another important conclusion that can be drawn from the present work is that the sterile neutrino mass range allowed by different cLFV processes can give rise to an effective neutrino mass within the experimental limits. Thus, the two low-energy observables can also be correlated in the proposed model.

In conclusion, the MES model with Δ(96) discrete flavor symmetry can address neutrino phenomenology in the presence of heavy sterile neutrinos with the prediction of experimentally observed neutrino parameters. We have shown that the model has interesting implications in rare decay experiments such as lepton flavor violation and also neutrinoless double beta decay. The estimation of the model on baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU) can also be studied in the future.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Author Contributions

NG, RK, and MD conceptualized the idea. NG and RK performed the methodology, ran the software, involved in formal analysis, and visualized the results. NG wrote the original draft. RK and MD reviewed and edited the manuscript. MD involved in supervision, funding acquisition, and project administration.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


NG would like to acknowledge the Department of Science and Technology (DST), India (grant DST/INSPIRE Fellowship/2016/IF160994), for the financial assistantship. MKD acknowledges the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, for the support under project no. EMR/2017/001436.


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Appendix AProperties of δ(96) Group

Δ(96) is one of the members of Δ6n2 with n = 4. The triplets 3i,3ī,3i and 3 i ̄ are faithful representations of Δ(96). To generate 3 i ′, we may conveniently use the matrices given by

P = 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 , Q = 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 , C = i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 i . ( A1 )

There are 11 irreducible representations of Δ(96), two singlets 1 and 1′, one doublet 2, six triplets 3, 3 , 3 i , 3 i , 3 i ̄ , 3 i ̄ and 6. We note that the first five representations correspond to those of S 4 which is a subgroup of Δ(96). The character table for Δ(96) is given in Appendix Table A7.


TABLE A7. Character table of the Δ(96) group.

Here, the tensor products of 1, 1′, 2, 3, 3′ follow the product rules of S 4:

3 × 1 = 3,3 × 1 = 3 , 3 × 1 = 3,2 × 1 = 2 . ( A2 )
2 3 = 3 3 , ( A3 )
3 3 = 1 2 3 3 , ( A4 )
3 3 = 1 2 3 3 , ( A5 )
3 i 3 i = 3 3 i ̄ 3 i ̄ , ( A6 )
3 i ̄ 3 i = 1 2 6 . ( A7 )

For the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients all the above expansion, refer to [62, 63]. The tensor products involving 3 i and 3 i ̄ are given by

a 1 a 2 a 3 3 i b 1 b 2 b 3 3 i = a 1 b 1 a 2 b 2 a 3 b 3 3 a 2 b 3 + a 3 b 2 a 2 b 3 + a 3 b 2 a 1 b 2 + a 2 b 1 3 i ̄ a 2 b 3 a 3 b 2 a 2 b 3 a 3 b 2 a 1 b 2 a 2 b 1 3 i ̄ , ( A8 )
a 1 a 2 a 3 3 i b 1 b 2 b 3 3 i ̄ = ( a 1 b 1 + a 2 b 2 + a 3 b 3 ) 1 1 / 2 ( a 2 b 2 a 3 b 3 ) 1 / 6 ( 2 a 1 b 1 + a 2 b 2 + a 3 b 3 ) 2 a 2 b 3 a 3 b 1 a 1 b 2 a 3 b 2 a 1 b 3 a 2 b 1 6 . ( A9 )

Keywords: numbers: 1260-i, 1460Pq, 1460St, neutrino, discrete flavor symmetry, lepton flavor violation (LFV), sterile neutrino

Citation: Gautam N, Krishnan R and Das MK (2021) Effect of Sterile Neutrino on Low-Energy Processes in Minimal Extended Seesaw With Δ(96) Symmetry and TM1 Mixing. Front. Phys. 9:703266. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.703266

Received: 30 April 2021; Accepted: 12 July 2021;
Published: 16 August 2021.

Edited by:

Narendra Sahu, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India

Reviewed by:

Carlo Giunti, Universities and Research, Italy
Bhupal Dev, Washington University in St. Louis, United States

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*Correspondence: Mrinal Kumar Das,

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