- 1Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil
- 2Department of Physics, University of Portland, Portland, OR, United States
We review various theoretical methods that have been used in recent years to calculate dynamical correlation functions of many-body systems. Time-dependent correlation functions and their associated frequency spectral densities are the quantities of interest, for they play a central role in both the theoretical and experimental understanding of dynamic properties. In particular, dynamic correlation functions appear in the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, where the response of a many-body system to an external perturbation is given in terms of the relaxation function of the unperturbed system, provided the disturbance is small. The calculation of the relaxation function is rather difficult in most cases of interest, except for a few examples where exact analytic expressions are allowed. For most of systems of interest approximation schemes must be used. The method of recurrence relation has, at its foundation, the solution of Heisenberg equation of motion of an operator in a many-body interacting system. Insights have been gained from theorems that were discovered with that method. For instance, the absence of pure exponential behavior for the relaxation functions of any Hamiltonian system. The method of recurrence relations was used in quantum systems such as dense electron gas, transverse Ising model, Heisenberg model, XY model, Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, as well as classical harmonic oscillator chains. Effects of disorder were considered in some of those systems. In the cases where analytical solutions were not feasible, approximation schemes were used, but are highly model-dependent. Another important approach is the numericallly exact diagonalizaton method. It is used in finite-sized systems, which sometimes provides very reliable information of the dynamics at the infinite-size limit. In this work, we discuss the most relevant applications of the method of recurrence relations and numerical calculations based on exact diagonalizations. The method of recurrence relations relies on the solution to the coefficients of a continued fraction for the Laplace transformed relaxation function. The calculation of those coefficients becomes very involved and, only a few cases offer exact solution. We shall concentrate our efforts on the cases where extrapolation schemes must be used to obtain solutions for long times (or low frequency) regimes. We also cover numerical work based on the exact diagonalization of finite sized systems. The numerical work provides some thermodynamically exact results and identifies some difficulties intrinsic to the method of recurrence relations.
1 Introduction
Dynamical correlation functions are central to the understanding of time-dependent properties of many-body systems. They appear ubiquitously in the formulation of the fluctuation-dissipation theory, where the response of a system to a weak external perturbation is cast in terms of a time-dependent relaxation function of the unperturbed system [1, 2].
In this article, we are concerned with the recent calculations of such correlation functions. We shall cover two lines of approach, namely the method of recurrence relations and the method of exact diagonalization.
The method of recurrence relations was developed in the early 1980s [3–7] following the ideas of the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator formalism [8, 9]. Essentially one solves the Heisenberg equation of motion for an operator of an interacting system, from which one obtains dynamic correlation functions, a generalized Langevin equation, memory functions, etc. Review articles found in the literature cover the earlier developments [10–12].
On the other hand, exact diagonalization methods have also been used in several areas of physics [13–17]. In this method one numerically determines the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a given Hamiltonian of a finite system to find the dynamical correlations of interest. The main drawback is that one is bound by computer limitations and must deal with finite systems. In addition, being a numerical method, it does not provide any new general insight in the form of theorems, etc. Nevertheless, one can obtain surprisingly good results which can be readily extended to the thermodynamic limit. In a way, exact diagonalization complements the method of recurrence relations, especially when solutions become hard to obtain by analytic means. Othertheoretical approaches can be found in Refs. [18–26]. One can also find interesting developments in experiments with cold atoms in optical lattices that mimic the dynamics of some spin systems [27–30].
2 Dynamical Correlation Functions
Consider a system of N elements such as particles, spins, etc., governed by a time-independent Hamiltonian H, in thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T. For two dynamical variables X and Y of the system, the time-dependent correlation function is given by the average:
In a classical system, the operators are replaced by classical dynamic variables, the trace by integral over the phase space, and the commutators by Poisson brackets.
For a given variable, the time-dependent correlation function
Its Fourier transform
If we use the integral representation of the Dirac δ-function:
then we obtain
Since the Hamiltonian is time-independent, it follows that
Dynamical correlation functions appear in the relaxation function
Time-dependent correlation functions appear in the dynamical structure factor, are related to the inelastic neutron-scattering cross section, where the neutron energy changes upon the scattering process. For a system of interacting spins on a lattice, the dynamic structure factor reads:
where S are spin variables and the sum runs over all the lattice sites.
In light scattering experiments, the scattered intensity is given by the differential cross section, proportional to:
where the form of operator A is system dependent. It also depends on the the particular frequency of the incoming light.
2.1 The Method of Recurrence Relations
The time evolution of a Hermitian operator
Consider a time-independent and Hermitian Hamiltonian H. From now on we will be using a system of units in which
In the method of recurrence relations, the formal solution:
is cast as an orthogonal expansion in a realized Hilbert space
where X, Y
Thus, the time evolution of
By choosing the basal vector
The basal coefficient
The time-dependent coefficients
where ϕ is the memory function and
where the coefficients
The memory function
Consider now the Lapace transform
Then RRII can be transformed in the following way:
These equations can be solved for
resulting in a continued fraction. As can be seen from Eq. 14 and the recurrence relation RRII, that the time-dependence actually depends on the recurrants
2.2 The Method of Exact Diagonalization
Given a system governed by a Hamiltonian H, one wishes to numerically determine the time correlation function
with the partition function
Another quantity of interest is the moment
From the moments, one can use conversion formulas to obtain the recurrants
For instance, if the first moments
Conversely, suppose one has the first K known recurrants,
In case the first recurrants
Typically, the analytical determination of the recurrants becomes increasingly time consuming. In practice, only a few of them can be obtained to be used in an extrapolation scheme to obtain higher-order recurrants. Several extrapolation schemes have been used. One of the simplest is to set the unknown recurrants to zero, thus truncating the continued fraction for
3 Applications to Interacting Systems
The dynamics of spin chains has attracted a great deal of attention in recent decades. Exact results for the longitudinal dynamics of the one dimensional XY model have been obtained with the Jordan-Wigner transformation [71]. Later, exact results for the transverse time correlation functions of the XY and the transverse Ising chain were obtained at the high temperature limit by using different methods [51, 72–75].
A great deal of progress was achieved in the calculations of the dynamic correlation functions of spin models in one dimension. It was soon recognized that exact solutions using the method of recurrence relations were difficult to obtain, however a notable exception is the classical harmonic oscillator chain where the time correlation functions were obtained exactly [37].
The problem of a mass impurity in the harmonic chain was solved later, and its dynamical correlation functions were found to have the same form as in the quantum electron gas in two dimensions, thus showing that unrelated quantities in these two models displayed the same dynamical behavior, that is, the have dynamic equivalence [76]. It should be mentioned that harmonic oscillator chains have been the subject of a considerable amount of work with the method of recurrence relations [38–46].
The method of recurrence relations provides important insights on how to proceed to obtain reliable approximate solutions. The cornerstone quantity in the dynamics is the recurrant, which is the only quantity that ultimately determines the dynamics of the model. Often it is only possible to determine a few of the recurrants analytically. The calculations become too lenghty so that one must stop at a given order. Thus, an extrapolation method must be devised for the higher order recurrants, which hopefully will have the essential ingredients to produce reliable time-dependent correlation functions for longer times as well as spectral densities with the expected behavior near the origin
The dynamics of the transverse Ising model in two dimensions was studied with the method of recurrence relations [79–82]. The dynamic structure factor of that model compares well to the experimental data of the compound LiTbF4 [83].
The dynamics of spin ladders has also attracted interest from researchers. The dynamical correlation functions were obtained for a two-leg spin ladder with XY interaction along each leg and interchain Ising couplings in a random magnetic field. More recently, the dynamics of a ladder with Ising couplings in the legs and steps as well as four-spin plaquette interactions in a magnetic field [84] have been also investigated.
The dynamical correlations of the Heisenberg model in one dimension have been have been a subject of great interest in the recent decades [13–15, 22, 85]. The method of recurrence relations has been employed in various works [86–92]. In spite of the progress made thus far, the long-time dynamics of the Heisenberg spin model is still an open problem. For instance, there is the standing problem on the power law exponent
There has been a great deal of work that uses exact diagonalization to study the dynamics of spin systems [13, 14]. Earlier works with the Heisenberg model used this technique. Later on, other systems were scrutinized by using exact diagonalization. One of those systems is the Ising model with four-spin interactions in a transverse field. The time correlation function was obtained for one dimensional and infinite temperature [93], where the Gaussian behavior shown in the usual transverse Ising model was ruled out. The effects of disorder on the dynamics of that model were obtained for the cases where the random variables are drawn from bimodal distributions of random couplings and fields [16, 94, 95]. Dynamical correlation functions were also obtained for the system at finite temperatures, ranging from
3.1 Heisenberg Model With Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions
The dynamical structure factor for a quantum spin Heisenberg chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions [97, 98] has been investigated by different approaches, such as spin wave theory [99], mean-field [100], and projection operator techniques [101]. The dynamics of the related XY model with DM interactions was also studied by employing Jordan-Wigner fermions [102–104].
The dynamical correlation functions of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with DM interactions in a transverse magnetic field was studied recently with the method of recurrence relations. The model Hamiltonian for a one-dimensional chain is given by:
where J is the Heisenberg coupling, D is the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, and
The effects of a uniform magnetic field
One crucial point is to determine whether or not the extrapolated recurrants grow indefinitely. The time correlation function of the longitudinal spin component in the
Once the recurrants are obtained, the relaxation function and its spectral density can be readily obtained. For the special case without DM interaction, the result shows good agreement with the known results for the XY and Heisenberg models. The full calculation reveals that the effects of the external field are to produce stronger and more rapid oscillations in the relaxation functions, as well as a suppression of the central peak in the spectral density. In addition a peak centered at a well defined frequency appears, which is attributed to an enhancement of the collective mode of spins precessing about the external field. It should be noted that the method of recurrence relations was also used to study the dynamics of the XY model with DM interaction [65].
The effects of disorder in a transverse magnetic field on the dynamical correlation functions are investigated with the bimodal distribution for
The method of recurrence relations is then applied to obtain the dynamical correlation functions for a given realization of disorder [66]. Next, the average over the random fields is performed by using the distribution Eq. 37. This is accomplished by defining the scalar product in the Hilbert space
The time correlation function and its associated spectral density were obtained for
3.2 Random Transverse Ising Model
Consider the
The time correlation
where the line indicates that an raverage ove the random variables is performed after the statistical average
The inner product in
where A and B are vectors in
The zeroth basis vector
The remaining basis vectors
etc. The vectors
Notice that the couplings and fields are site-dependent.
There are two types of disorder considered in Ref. 106, random fields and random spin couplings. Each case is treated separately. In both cases a simple bimodal distribution is used for the random variable. The field
3.3 Transverse Ising Model With Next-To-Nearest Neighbors Interactions
Consider the transverse Ising model with an additional axial next-nearest-neighbor interaction (transverse ANNNI model) [17]. The Hamiltonian for a chain with L spins can be written as:
In the absence of a transverse magnetic field and of thermal fluctuations (
The main quantity of interest is the time-dependent correlation function:
The numerical calculations will be performed at the high-temperature limit,
One of the properties of
where the frequency moments are expressed in terms of the trace over iterated commutators:
where H is the Hamiltonian and A an operator.
The correlation function is calculated in the Lehman representation. First, we consider the energies
where the moments
The spectral density
After using Eq. 51, the spectral density can be cast in the form:
The Dirac δ-function is approximated by a rectangular window of width a and unit area, centered at the zeros of their arguments. The width a, can be adjusted to reduce fluctuations. Another approach could be the use of histograms, such as in Ref. 96. However, the general shape of the spectral density
As a case test, Guimarães et al. [17] consider
FIGURE 1. Time correlation function of a tagged spin in the TI model when
FIGURE 2. Spectral density for the TI model (
In the following, consider the representative cases
FIGURE 3. Time-dependent correlation function for
In general, the decay of
FIGURE 4. Spectral density for
The time correlation function for
FIGURE 5. Time-dependent correlation function for
FIGURE 6. Spectral density for
Finally, consider the case where the transverse field is larger (
FIGURE 7. Time-dependent correlation function for
Figure 8 depicts the corresponding spectral density
FIGURE 8. Spectral density for the case
The recurrants
TABLE 1. Recurrants for the transverse ANNNI model, with
The results for the thermodynamic estimates of the recurrants are shown in Figure 9 for
FIGURE 9. Recurrants of the infinite transverse ANNNI model with
4 Summary and Perspectives
The dynamical correlation functions play a crucial role in the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and in the linear response theory. However, the calculation of those quantities is often a very complicated problem in itself. The method of recurrence relations is an exact procedure that allows one to obtain of time correlation functions, spectral densities, and dynamical structure factors. We have shown the main features of the method and the inherent difficulties one might encounter in an attempt to apply to a many-body problem. Another method that is showing great potential is exact diagonalization, a numerical method which relies mostly on computer capabilities. Nevertheless, the two methods can be used together, one complementing the other, to achieve progress in the calculation of dynamical correlation functions.
Author Contributions
The authors JF and OFAB declare that they planned and carried out the elaboration of this work with equal contribution from each author.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
This work was supported by FAPERJ and PROPPI-UFF (Brazilian agencies).
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Keywords: dynamical correlation function, relaxation function, time-dependent correlation function, spectral density, recurrence relations, continued fractions, exact diagonalization
Citation: Florencio J and de Alcantara Bonfim OF (2020) Recent Advances in the Calculation of Dynamical Correlation Functions. Front. Phys. 8:557277. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.557277
Received: 29 April 2020; Accepted: 02 October 2020;
Published: 26 November 2020.
Edited by:
Fernando A. Oliveira, University of Brasilia, BrazilReviewed by:
Marco G. Mazza, Loughborough University, United KingdomHeng Fan, Institute of Physics (CAS), China
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*Correspondence: J. Florencio, amZqQGlmLnVmZi5icg==; O. F. de Alcantara Bonfim, Ym9uZmltQHVwLmVkdQ==