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Front. Appl. Math. Stat. , 21 October 2024

Sec. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation

Volume 10 - 2024 |

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A Boolean sum interpolation for multivariate functions of bounded variation

  • 1Institute of Mathematics, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
  • 2Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

This paper deals with the approximation error of trigonometric interpolation for multivariate functions of bounded variation in the sense of Hardy-Krause. We propose interpolation operators related to both the tensor product and sparse grids on the multivariate torus. For these interpolation processes, we investigate the corresponding error estimates in the Lp norm for the class of functions under consideration. In addition, we compare the accuracy with the cardinality of these grids in both approaches.

1 Introduction

The interpolation of periodic functions at equidistant nodes by trigonometric polynomials is a basic task of approximation theory with far-reaching applications (see, e.g., Chapter 3 in Plonka et al. [2]). The possibility of using FFT algorithms with huge amounts of data has contributed greatly to the popularity of this approximation method. Accordingly, error estimates for such interpolation methods have been intensively studied in the literature. The decisive difference between approximation methods which are based on integral evaluations of the given function f, for example, the Fourier coefficients, and an interpolation method is that information about f must really be available pointwise. This difference becomes particularly important in the case of interpolation of discontinuous functions, where one will focus on the error in Lp norms in particular. As is well-known, the Riemann integrability of a periodic function f is a condition for the Lp error to tend to 0 as the number of nodes n → ∞ (cf. [3]). For a little more smoothness, the approximation order in Lp can be bounded by the best one-sided approximation in Lp using trigonometric polynomials (cf. [4]).

A particularly important class of functions, generally discontinuous functions, for which one would like to obtain error estimates are functions of bounded variation. A first result in this area comes from Zacharias, who proved in [5] with Hilbert space methods that the L2 error behaves like 1/n. This result was generalized to 1 ≤ p < ∞ in Prestin [6].

To generalize these error estimates to multivariate periodic functions, a suitable concept for multivariate bounded variation is required. The Hardy-Krause definition is appropriate here (see Clarkson and Adams [7] and for more information on these spaces [8], [9] and others). For the dimension d = 2 and interpolation on the tensor product, such results can be found in Prestin and Tasche [10], (see also Kolomoitsev et al. [11]). An essential tool for the proof of the error estimates is the consideration of blending operators, which have been extensively analyzed in the study of Delvos et al. (cf., e.g., [1215]).

In this study, the results for the approximation error of functions of bounded variation are to be transferred to interpolation methods on sparse grids. Such grids were first introduced in Smolyak [16] and since then have been widely used in interpolation problems, quadrature schemes, and other fields. For more details, see Dũng et al. [17]. These sparse grids are very efficient, especially for large spatial dimensions d, that is, the approximation order is only reduced by a logarithmic factor compared to the tensor product interpolation, although the number of interpolation nodes is only by a log factor bigger than in the univariate case. At this point, it should be noted that error estimates for such interpolation methods of continuous functions are known (see Dũng et al. [17, Chap. 5.3]). Such statements are proved for functions belonging to the spaces Hpr, where r>1/p is assumed, which implies the continuity of the function to be interpolated. Our larger class of functions of bounded variation then provides an order of convergence as in the case r = 1/p. Our approach requires a notation for the definition of bounded variation that is well-suited for large dimensions d. Here, we follow the approach in Aistleitner et al. [1].

Finally, we note that these approximation results for functions of bounded variation are also valid for Fourier sums and the corresponding multivariate hyperbolic cross-variants, where the results can also be obtained using other methods.

2 Function of bounded variation

Let p∈[1, ∞), d∈ℕ. For 2π-periodic functions f of d variables on the torus 𝕋d, we consider the space Lp(Td), 1 ≤ p < ∞, supplied by the following norm:


We denote by D = {1, …, d} the set of coordinates with cardinality |D| = d and split it into two domains BD and B¯=D\B, |B|+|B¯|=d. Following Aistleitner et al. [1] by z = yB:x, where y, x∈𝕋d, we describe the vector z∈𝕋d consisting of the components zj = yj if jB and zj = xj otherwise. Such a partition will also be used to represent the vector z∈𝕋d as a combination of arguments from B and fixed values along coordinates from B̄.

For each coordinate j = 1, ..., d we introduce some arbitrary decomposition Zj, namely


Let ξ=(ξk11,ξk22,,ξkdd)Td be a vector with components ξkjjZj,kj=1,,uj and ξ+=((ξk11)+,(ξk22)+,,(ξkdd)+)Td, where


Using this notation for a function f:𝕋d → ℂ, we introduce a d-dimensional difference operator in the following way:


Furthermore, we consider the difference operator and corresponding variation for f:𝕋d → ℂ with respect to coordinates jB and fixed values zj for jB¯:


Then, we define for all BD:


In particular, Vf(z) = f(z).

For a function VBf(zB¯)Lp(Td-|B|), we have


for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and ||VBf||=supzB¯Td-|B|VBf(zB¯) for p = ∞.

Let us mention that for B = D, the variation VDf(zB¯) is a constant, which we simply denote as VDf.

Then, the total variation of a function f:𝕋d → ℂ is determined by the quantity


A function f:𝕋d → ℂ for which HV(f) is finite we call function of bounded variation on 𝕋d in the sense of Hardy-Krause and write fHV(𝕋d).

Remark 2.1. An alternative definition of this kind of bounded variation is discussed in Bakhvalov [18, Lemma 4]. So, fHV(𝕋d) if VDf < ∞ and for any jD there are z0j such that f(z0j:z)HV(Td-1), that is, f has bounded variation up to coordinates iD\{j}.

Remark 2.2. Let d>1. By definition fHV(𝕋d) iff ||VBf|| is finite for all BD. All these 2d conditions are pairwise independent of each other as can be seen by the following examples [for the case d = 2 cf. ([7], p. 827)].s

Let B1B2 be arbitrary subsets of D. W.l.o.g. we assume 1∈B1, 1∉B2 and we distinguish the 4 possible cases:

a) 2B1B2, b) 2B1,2B2, c) 2B1,2B2,                                                                       d) 2B1B2.

Now, we consider functions F:𝕋d → ℂ of the form


with gkHV(T1) and 0<V02π(gk)< for all k = 3, …, d, where V02π denotes the one-dimensional total variation on [0, 2π]. If DA = BC with B⊆{1, 2} and C⊆{3, …, d}, then


Hence, ||VAF|| is finite, if ||VBf|| is finite.

As examples fj:T2,j=1,2,3,4 we choose

                        f1(α,β)={1,if 0<α<β<2π,0,otherwise in [0,2π)2,                        f2(α,β)={1β,if 0<β<2π,0,otherwise in [0,2π)2,f3(α,β)=f4(β,α)={sin1α,if 0<α<2π,0,otherwise in [0,2π)2.

On the one hand, we conclude for

a), b) VB1f1=VB2f1=1,  for c) VB1f3=VB2f3=0,                                                     for d) VB1f3=VB2f3=1.

On the other hand, we conclude for

a), b), d) VB1f2=0VB2f2=,  for c) VB1f4=0VB2f4=.

The main aim of our investigation is to study the approximation order of trigonometric interpolation processes on tensor product and sparse grids for multivariable functions fHV(𝕋d).

3 Interpolation on the tensor product grid

In this section, we study an interpolation operator for multivariable functions on tensor product grids. Our approach continues the investigations in Prestin [6] and Prestin and Tasche [10], where the trigonometric interpolation for univariate and bivariate functions and the corresponding approximation bounds were established.

Let Tnd be the space of trigonometric polynomials such that

Tnd:=span{ eikx,|k|2n}.

We define a set of an odd number of equidistant nodes in direction xj by

Xnj:={xkj=2kπ2n+1+1, k=0,...,2n+1}.    (1)

Then, the tensor product j=1dXnj is called a full interpolation grid on 𝕋d.

For an univariate bounded function f:𝕋 → ℂ, the interpolation operator Ln is of the form



Kn(x)=12+j=12ncosjx=12j=-2n2neijx    (2)

is the 2n-th Dirichlet kernel. For a multivariate function f:𝕋d → ℂ, the corresponding interpolation operator with respect to the coordinate j takes the form


where I is the identity operator and AB is the algebraic tensor product of A and B.

It is obvious that the operator Lrjj satisfies the interpolation conditions

Lrjjf(xij:x)=f(xij:x), i=0,,2rj+1    (3)

for each j = 1, …, d.

Let us consider the tensor product of interpolation operators with respect to arguments belonging to the set BD, that is, we define the corresponding interpolation operator for the grid jBXrjj as


Moreover, the interpolation property


holds for any x0BjBXrjj.

Furthermore, we give the representation for the operator LB by its Fourier series. Let k={kj}jB and |kj|2rj. So, using Equation 2 we immediately get that




We also introduce the intermediate interpolation operator often called blending operator, namely


where AC = A+CAC is the boolean sum operation. As is known (cf. [14], p. 141), the sum representation for MB is


and for the remainder operator, we have the product representation


In the next theorem, we establish the approximation property of the blending interpolation operator on a |B|-variate tensor product grid.

Theorem 3.1. Let f∈𝕋d → ℂ, 1 < p < ∞ and BD be some index set. If ||VUf||p for all UB exists and is a finite number, then it holds true that

||f-MBf||pc||VBf||pjB(2rj+1+1)-1/p,    (4)

where c is some constant depending only on p and |B|.

Proof. For a univariate function f:𝕋 → ℂ in Prestin [6], it was proved that for 1 < p < ∞ the inequality

||f-Lrjjf||pc(2rj+1+1)-1/pV02π(f)    (5)

holds with some constant c depending only on p.

Let B = {j1, j2, …jq}. Thus, using Lemma 2 in Prestin and Tasche [10] and Equation 5 by |B| times, we immediately get that

jB(ILrjj)fpc(2rj1+1+1)1/pV{j1}(jB{j1}(ILrjj)f(xD{j1}))pcjB(2rj+1+1)1/pVBf(xB¯)p    (6)

what has to be proved.

Corollary 3.2. In the case of B = D, Theorem 3.1 states that


and for rj = n for all jD we immediately have


Theorem 3.3. Let fHV(𝕋d) and 1 < p < ∞. Then,

||(I-LB)f||pUBjU(2rj+1+1)-1/p||VUf||p.    (7)

Proof. According to Delvos [14, Proposition 4.1], we can express the remainder as a combination of the remainders of blending operators with lower dimensions:


Then, the proof follows the same estimate as Equation 6.

Corollary 3.4. In the case of B = D for a function fHV(𝕋d), the inequality (Equation 7) takes the form


Furthermore, if rj = n for all jD, then Theorem 3.3 implies that

(ILD)fpcBD(2n+1+1)|B|/pVBfp                             c2n/pHV(f).

Remark 3.5. In the case p = 1, the inequality Equation 5 has the form


and Equations 4, 7 read as follows:





Remark 3.6. For fL1(Td), we consider the m-th Fourier coefficients

cm(f)=1(2π)dTdf(z)eimzdz,  m=(m1,m2,,md)d.

With B(m)⊆D, we denote the set of indices j such that mj≠0. Then, according to Fülöp and Móricz [19] for all m∈ℤd, the trigonometric Fourier coefficients cm(f) of fHV(𝕋d) can be estimated by

|cm(f)|||VB(m)f||1(2π)|B(m)|jB(m)|mj|.    (8)

This estimate is best possible, as demonstrated by the example

f(z)=jBχ[0,π/mj](zj),    (9)

where we have equality in Equation 8.

For p = 2, we want to compare the tensor product interpolation with the best approximation. The best approximation in the Hilbert space L2(T)d is given by the Fourier partial sum


By Parseval equation, we estimate

fSnf22=|m|>n|cm(f)|2                        r=1d|m|>2n|B(m)|=rVB(m)f12(2π)2rjB(m)|mj|2                       r=1d|B|=rVBf12(2π)2r(12n1)r.



Based on the examples provided in Equation 9, it is evident that the order of this estimate cannot be improved.

4 Interpolation on the sparse grid

In the following section, we study an interpolation operator on a sparse grid related to a corresponding Boolean sum operator for the d-dimensional case. Our error estimates for functions of bounded variation complement the results proved in Baszenski and Delvos [12, 13].

To construct a chain of interpolation operators, we consider for each coordinate jD the following set of an even number of equidistant nodes:

X~nj:={xkj=2kπ2n+1, k=0,...,2n+1-1}.     (10)

It is known that for a univariate bounded function f:𝕋 → ℂ, the interpolation operator L~n on the grid (Equation 1) has the form




is the 2n-th modified Dirichlet kernel. In the same way as it was done in Section 3, we will introduce the operators L~B and M~B. Then, the same error estimates are obtained for these approximation methods as in Section 3. The only change is the error estimate for the one-dimensional interpolation. Here, one can refer to Corollary 3.6 in Prestin and Xu [4], where the exact error bound is derived although no explicit constants are given.

Remark 4.1. It is well-known that Kn is a Lagrange basis function for system of nodes (Equation 1). It is easy to check that for any m≥1 the relation ImL~nImL~n+m as well as X~nX~n+m are satisfied. Then taking into account Remark 2.2 [13] we have that for operators L~n and L~n+m the ordering L~n<L~n+m and the relation

L~n+mL~n=L~nL~n+m=L~n    (11)

hold for all n such that 0 ≤ n<n+m.

Now, we introduce a d-dimensional Boolean sum interpolation operator of n-th order in the following way


In an analogous manner as in Section 3, a partial variant GnB with BD can be introduced here and error estimates can be proven. The approach remains the same. To simplify the notation, we therefore restrict ourselves to the case B = D.

To determine the set of interpolation points of the operator Gnd, we note (cf. [15]) that the grid for the operator L~r11L~r22L~rdd is X~r11×X~r22××X~rdd and for L~r11L~r22L~rddL~l11L~l22L~ldd is


Thus, for the operator Gnd, we have the sparse grid of n-th order in the following form


Due to Equation 3, it follows that Gnd interpolates f on each point such that x0X~sparsen, that is,


for all x0X~sparsen.

Taking into account (Equation 11), we have the sum representation (cf. [13])


Remark 4.2. If we put d = 2, then the operator Gn2 has the form (see for details [13]):


For d = 3, we immediately get the following Boolean sum operator:

Gn3f=r1+r2+r3=nL˜r11L˜r22L˜r33f2r1+r2+r3=n1L˜r11L˜r22L˜r33f                                                                             +r1+r2+r3=n2L˜r11L˜r22L˜r33f.

Theorem 4.3. If fHV(𝕋d) and 1 < p < ∞, then for all n

||(I-Gnd)f||pcnd-12-npHV(f),    (12)

where c is some constant depending on d and p.

Proof. Following Baszenski and Delvos [12], we have


Then using Theorem 3.1, we get

(IGnd)fp  cj=1dq=jd(q1j1)B,|B|=qri1++riq=nd+j(IL˜ri1i1)  ××(IL˜riqiq)fp  cj=1dq=jd(q1j1)%B,|B|=qVBfpri1++riq=nd+jjB(2rj+1+1)1/p  cj=1dq=jd(q1j1)B,|B|=qVBfp(2nd+j+q)1/pnd1  c2npnd1HV(f)j=1dq=jd(q1j1)(22jd)1/p.

Now, the result follows from

j=1dq=jd(q1j1)(22jd)1/p<2dpj=1dq=jd(q1j1)                                          =2dp(2d1).

Remark 4.4. Let us compare the cardinality of the tensor product grid Xprodn:=jDXnj and the sparse grid X~sparsen. The grid Xprodn has 2dn nodes which is essentially more than nd−12n nodes of grid X~sparsen. Nevertheless, the approximation order for fHV(T) is only worse by a logarithmic factor nd−1.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

YS: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. JP: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.


The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. YS was supported by a scholarship of the University of Lübeck.


We would like to thank the referees for their valuable remarks that helped to improve the study.

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The author(s) declared that they were an editorial board member of Frontiers, at the time of submission. This had no impact on the peer review process and the final decision.

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Keywords: Boolean sum operator, multivariate function of bounded variation, interpolation problem, sparse grid, tensor product grid, hyperbolic cross

Citation: Prestin J and Semenova YV (2024) A Boolean sum interpolation for multivariate functions of bounded variation . Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 10:1489137. doi: 10.3389/fams.2024.1489137

Received: 31 August 2024; Accepted: 02 October 2024;
Published: 21 October 2024.

Edited by:

Yurii Kolomoitsev, University of Göttingen, Germany

Reviewed by:

Quoc Thong Le Gia, University of New South Wales, Australia
Elijah Liflyand, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

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*Correspondence: Yevgeniya V. Semenova, c2VtZW5vdmFldmdlbkBnbWFpbC5jb20=

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