Seeing with Your Ears 1/8

Seeing with Your Ears 1/8

One of the most unbelievable sights I witnessed when interviewing scientists at IMRC, The Institute for Medical Research, Israel-Canada at Hebrew University's Hadassah Medical School, was to observe a blind person see. He saw with his ears, not his eyes. We interview Amir Amedi who heads up this unique experiment and visit the lab where the blind are taught to see with their ears. Then we move to a discussion of Iran with Colonel Brent Talbot of from the USA and Barry Rubin. Academic experts try to explain why the Iranian leadership is so blind to history and so deaf to world opinion. Yossi then interviews Malcolm Lester, who has dedicated his life to publishing and teaching us how to see and hear anew and engages in a follow-up interview with Diane Flacks. Howard Adelman demonstrates that he can be a clown as well as a serious philosopher as he tries to follow up the advice of Rachelle Bronfman and Michael Coren and begins to exercise. Will Howard Adelman reform himself and convert from being a nerd and become a new Charles Atlas?

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Perception Science