The following Research Topics are led by experts in their field and contribute to the scientific understanding of oceanography. These Research topics are published in the peer-reviewed journal, Frontiers in Marine Science, as open access articles.
Impact of Ocean Forcing on the Coastal Hydrology, Environment and Freshwater Resources
Groundwater is a valuable source of freshwater in coastal areas. The groundwater flux in coastal aquifers generally occurs in two processes: seawater intrusion (SWI) and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). SWI, the subsurface movement of seawater ...
Spiralian Genomics in a Changing World
Global climate change will have devastating effects not only on humans, but also on the animals inhabiting our planet. Among animal groups, spiralians encompass diverse animal species represented by a broad range of taxa, including mollusks, annelids...
Microplastics in Aquaculture
Microplastics (MPs) have been detected in a variety of aquatic organisms such as bacteria, phyto-, zooplankton, other invertebrates, and vertebrates such as fish and others. MPs enter food webs and, with their attached contaminants, can be transferre...
Bridging knowledge gaps in marine biological invasions
Biological invasions are one of the most important causes of biodiversity loss and a<br/>key component of global change. In marine environments, the assessment and<br/>management of biological invasions is more challenging than in terrestrial<br/>env...
Challenges in Fishery Assessment Methodologies
Fisheries management is a complex socio-political process that needs to be supported by accurate, consistent scientific data on stock status and trends. This is even more relevant with the current rapidly changing condition of the oceans of the world...
Petroleum Pollutants and Removal in Marine Environments
Petroleum pollution provides a major threat caused by many marine human activities. The produced water from offshore oil and gas field extraction contains significant amounts of petroleum, which need to be separated from water before being reinjecte...
Processes, Mechanisms and Solutions in Coastal Wetland to Adapt to Changing Environment
Coastal wetlands provide precious ecological services for us, like coastal protection, carbon storage, flooding mitigation, production, and so on. Mangrove, saltmarsh, sea grass, oyster reef, and coral reef are typical types of coastal wetland, each ...
Marine Microplastics and their epibiotic Microorganisms (MMM)
Plastic is one of the most important types of man-made polluting debris in global ocean. Those less than 5 mm are called microplastics (MPs). Sources of MPs mainly include the degradation of larger plastics and manufactured microbeads. Despite variou...
Homo Aquaticus: New Frontiers in Living and Working in the Ocean
The ocean plays a critical role in the well-being of all humans on the planet, yet in many ways, we are still just at the beginning stages of ocean exploration. This gap in our understanding is particularly salient in the context of human presence wi...
Governance of Ocean Carbon Capture and Storage: Interdisciplinary [Social Science] Perspectives
The accomplishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), the establishment of the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Paris Agreement (2015) provided a new perspective for the future of international climate policy, by achiev...