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542,439 articles related to "Space Flights"


Original Research

Accepted on 04 Sep 2024

Factors associated with facility childbirth and skilled birth attendance in Migori County, Kenya and the effect of Lwala Community Alliance Intervention: a cross-sectional assessment from the 2019 and 2021 Lwala Household Surveys

in Maternal Health

  • Christina Hope Lefebvre
  • Joseph R Starnes
  • Aleksandra Jakubowski
  • Alyn Omondi
  • Janet Manyala
  • Jane Wamae
  • Ash Rogers
  • Sandra Mudhune
  • Vincent Okoth
  • Vincent Were
Frontiers in Global Women's Health
doi 10.3389/fgwh.2024.1426264

Original Research

Accepted on 04 Sep 2024

Mouse cortical organoids reveal key functions of p73 isoforms: TAp73 governs the establishment of the archetypical ventricular-like zones while DNp73 is central in the regulation of neural cell fateearch article

in Stem Cell Research

  • Hugo Alonso-Olivares
  • Margarita M Marques
  • Anna Prieto-Colomina
  • Lorena Lopez-Ferreras
  • Nicole Martínez-García
  • Alberto Vázquez-Jiménez
  • Victor Borrell
  • Maria C. Marin
  • Rosalia Fernandez-Alonso
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
doi 10.3389/fcell.2024.1464932