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Original Research

Published on 04 Sep 2024

Plasma metabolites associated with biopsychosocial parameters in overweight/obese women with severe knee osteoarthritis

in Molecular and Cellular Pathology

  • Fabiola Socorro Silva Lisboa
  • Enzo Martins Benevento
  • Luisa Oliveira Kaneko
  • Vanessa Bertolucci
  • Álex Ap. Rosini Silva
  • André Cabral Sardim
  • Valter Ferreira Ruiz
  • Ivan Gustavo Masseli dos Reis
  • Andreia M. Porcari
  • Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias
Plasma metabolites associated with biopsychosocial parameters in overweight/obese women with severe knee osteoarthritis
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
doi 10.3389/fcell.2024.1454084