Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD)/flameless/colorless/distributed combustion regimes ensure very high combustion efficiencies with reduced soot, NOx and noise emissions, compared to conventional combustion regimes, due to the reduced temperature peaks and macro-scale homogeneity. MILD combustion has been implemented in some furnace-based applications; however, its application in power generation and manufacturing processes is hindered by the limited understanding of turbulence/chemistry/radiation interactions in this combustion regime. The complexity of MILD combustion is related to the very strong interactions between turbulence and chemistry characterizing this regime. The Damköhler number is of order unity or less, and turbulence levels are low to moderate, thus invalidating many common combustion model assumptions. Novel combustion models are needed, to better represent the competition between chemical pathways and turbulence-chemistry interactions under this regime.
The objective of this Research Topic is to discuss open issues and opportunities in MILD combustion modelling, to review latest developments in experimental configurations (available and under development), for the validation of new modelling approaches, and to critically assess the uncertainty associated to the existing diagnostic tools.
This Research Topic is based on outputs from the workshop of the same name, taking place in Naples on 24th-25th January 2019. However, we would also welcome spontaneous submissions not associated with this workshop, assuming they fit the scope of the Research Topic.
Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD)/flameless/colorless/distributed combustion regimes ensure very high combustion efficiencies with reduced soot, NOx and noise emissions, compared to conventional combustion regimes, due to the reduced temperature peaks and macro-scale homogeneity. MILD combustion has been implemented in some furnace-based applications; however, its application in power generation and manufacturing processes is hindered by the limited understanding of turbulence/chemistry/radiation interactions in this combustion regime. The complexity of MILD combustion is related to the very strong interactions between turbulence and chemistry characterizing this regime. The Damköhler number is of order unity or less, and turbulence levels are low to moderate, thus invalidating many common combustion model assumptions. Novel combustion models are needed, to better represent the competition between chemical pathways and turbulence-chemistry interactions under this regime.
The objective of this Research Topic is to discuss open issues and opportunities in MILD combustion modelling, to review latest developments in experimental configurations (available and under development), for the validation of new modelling approaches, and to critically assess the uncertainty associated to the existing diagnostic tools.
This Research Topic is based on outputs from the workshop of the same name, taking place in Naples on 24th-25th January 2019. However, we would also welcome spontaneous submissions not associated with this workshop, assuming they fit the scope of the Research Topic.