The Role of Pentraxins: From Inflammation, Tissue Repair and Immunity to Biomarkers

30 April 2019
Alignment of the primary structure of CRP from various species using Clustal Omega (1.2.4) EMBL-EBI multiple sequence alignment software. Sequences were obtained from NCBI in FASTA format and copied into the EMBL-EBI alignment software where the output result was obtained in the format of ClustalW with character counts. For horse and horseshoe crab, there were several sequences due to the presence of isoforms. Since the microheterogeneity between these isoforms was <10%, the first isoform sequence was selected. Accession numbers of the sequences are: Horseshoe crab, AAA28270; Rainbow trout, NP001118197.1; Goldfish, AK022072.1; Common carp, AEU04519; Zebrafish, AGB69036; Rockfish, AKR17056; Tonguefish, NP001281151; Salmon, NP001134140; Chicken, ABD16281; Frog, NP001165686; Pig, NP999009; Horse, XP001504452; Dog, CDF47287; Monkey, XP001117250; Rabbit, NP001075734; Squirrel, XP026263752.1; Guinea pig, AAC60662; Elephant, XP006895510.1; Mouse, AFA37877; Hamster, XP005078251; Rat, AFA37869; Goat, XP017901842; Cow, NP001137569; and Human, AAL48218. The sequence of the signal peptide is not shown. The column on the right shows the number of amino acid residues in each CRP. (A) Sequence of amino acid residues 1–87 of human CRP aligned with the sequence of CRP from other animals. Conserved amino acid residues in the following functional sites are highlighted: The intrinsically disordered region in CRP (amino acid residues 35–46 in human CRP) is highlighted in red. The PCh-binding site (amino acid residues 66, 76, and 81 in human CRP) is highlighted in blue. (B) Sequence of amino acid residues 88–206 of human CRP aligned with the sequence of CRP from other animals. Conserved amino acid residues in the following functional sites are highlighted: The C1q-binding site (amino acid residues 112 and 175 in human CRP) is highlighted in green. The Ca2+-binding site (amino acid residues 134–148 in human CRP) is highlighted in yellow.
194 citations
04 April 2019
The Long Pentraxin PTX3 as a Link Between Innate Immunity, Tissue Remodeling, and Cancer
Andrea Doni
5 more and 
Barbara Bottazzi
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The innate immune system comprises a cellular and a humoral arm. Humoral pattern recognition molecules include complement components, collectins, ficolins, and pentraxins. These molecules are involved in innate immune responses by recognizing microbial moieties and damaged tissues, activating complement, exerting opsonic activity and facilitating phagocytosis, and regulating inflammation. The long pentraxin PTX3 is a prototypic humoral pattern recognition molecule that, in addition to providing defense against infectious agents, plays several functions in tissue repair and regulation of cancer-related inflammation. Characterization of the PTX3 molecular structure and biochemical properties, and insights into its interactome and multiple roles in tissue damage and remodeling support the view that microbial and matrix recognition are evolutionarily conserved functions of humoral innate immunity molecules.

126 citations