Health management is taught around the world to administrators, clinicians, program planners, and policy analysts to ensure the optimum provision of health services. Academic programs are lodged in schools of business, public health, liberal arts, health professional, and among other institutional homes. Curricula and courses vary, as do the competency frameworks and accreditation standards that guide them. Worldwide great variation flourishes, as management is based on local governance, policies, and financing. And yet, there are common themes across boundaries of nations, disciplines, and educational institutions.
The globalization that is taking place in all fields affects health management programs. Courses, curricula, field placements, internships, mentoring, research—all pedagogical elements are affected by globalization. Content including cultural competence, health literacy, health conditions, governance, financing, organizational processes, patients, customers, diseases, and policies all influence, or are influenced by, global trends. No longer is it sufficient for healthcare managers to know only about the health care system of their own local geography. To be visionary leaders as well as effective managers, healthcare executives must have a breadth of knowledge and understanding.
Also, there is the growing recognition of the critical importance of effective management in ensuring high quality care, efficient and coordinated delivery, improved patient experience, and a focus on population health and simultaneously reducing cost or slowing the growth rate. Many countries, including low and middle-income countries (LMIC), are experimenting with or fully implementing payment systems designed to meet these aims. These trends are reinforcing the need for impactful global healthcare management education.
The purpose of this Research Topic is to bring together articles describing health management and policy programs around the world. By sharing existing and evolving programs, we hope to promote the exchange of ideas and expansion of perspectives of educators as well as practitioners.
This Research Topic welcomes papers from health management programs throughout the world, at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Recognizing that managers come from a wide array of clinical and administrative disciplines, the scope includes management training provided within schools of business, public health, medicine, dentistry, nursing, environmental health, and other health-related disciplines. Programs that have been in operation for years, such as student exchanges between international programs, are welcome, as well as innovations in student and faculty activities. The Curriculum, Instruction and Pedagogy Article Type is suitable for manuscripts descriptive in nature. The Evaluation Article Type applies criteria specifically focused on studies intended to assess the results of pedagogical methods or content. Case Study Article Types enable the field to learn from specific examples that can share “lessons learned” to apply to other contexts. The logistics of international field experiences, internships, and exchange programs are themselves worthy of sharing. All types of educational programs can contribute to the discussion about the optimum overarching competencies essential to successful program management and executive leadership.
Health management is taught around the world to administrators, clinicians, program planners, and policy analysts to ensure the optimum provision of health services. Academic programs are lodged in schools of business, public health, liberal arts, health professional, and among other institutional homes. Curricula and courses vary, as do the competency frameworks and accreditation standards that guide them. Worldwide great variation flourishes, as management is based on local governance, policies, and financing. And yet, there are common themes across boundaries of nations, disciplines, and educational institutions.
The globalization that is taking place in all fields affects health management programs. Courses, curricula, field placements, internships, mentoring, research—all pedagogical elements are affected by globalization. Content including cultural competence, health literacy, health conditions, governance, financing, organizational processes, patients, customers, diseases, and policies all influence, or are influenced by, global trends. No longer is it sufficient for healthcare managers to know only about the health care system of their own local geography. To be visionary leaders as well as effective managers, healthcare executives must have a breadth of knowledge and understanding.
Also, there is the growing recognition of the critical importance of effective management in ensuring high quality care, efficient and coordinated delivery, improved patient experience, and a focus on population health and simultaneously reducing cost or slowing the growth rate. Many countries, including low and middle-income countries (LMIC), are experimenting with or fully implementing payment systems designed to meet these aims. These trends are reinforcing the need for impactful global healthcare management education.
The purpose of this Research Topic is to bring together articles describing health management and policy programs around the world. By sharing existing and evolving programs, we hope to promote the exchange of ideas and expansion of perspectives of educators as well as practitioners.
This Research Topic welcomes papers from health management programs throughout the world, at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Recognizing that managers come from a wide array of clinical and administrative disciplines, the scope includes management training provided within schools of business, public health, medicine, dentistry, nursing, environmental health, and other health-related disciplines. Programs that have been in operation for years, such as student exchanges between international programs, are welcome, as well as innovations in student and faculty activities. The Curriculum, Instruction and Pedagogy Article Type is suitable for manuscripts descriptive in nature. The Evaluation Article Type applies criteria specifically focused on studies intended to assess the results of pedagogical methods or content. Case Study Article Types enable the field to learn from specific examples that can share “lessons learned” to apply to other contexts. The logistics of international field experiences, internships, and exchange programs are themselves worthy of sharing. All types of educational programs can contribute to the discussion about the optimum overarching competencies essential to successful program management and executive leadership.