Please note, contributions to the collection are by invitation only. All non-invited articles submitted will be transferred out.
Submitting an abstract is optional.
As health systems merge and expand in the United States they increasingly find themselves positioned to address the needs of their community both through primary services and complex tertiary care. Cardiovascular disease impacts many members of the community, often with unique needs and it is critical that a health system that serves the majority of a region's population excel at not only technical complex care, but addressing issues such as unique social determinants of health that frequently impact an increasingly diverse regional population. This compilation of reviews by expert clinicians from one large health system reflects a heart and vascular institute's growth to contribute to developing and applying leading-edge care in multiple domains to better serve its community.
Our hope is that this series of reviews on a diverse group of cardiology topics will inform a spectrum of readers not only based on the expert up-to-date content written by leading clinician educators/scientists predominately from the Inova Health System, but will inspire other health systems to consider various programmatic efforts, whether it is to address special populations, reduce disparities of care or implement systems to care for their regions most challenging and sickest cardiovascular patients.
The publication of this compilation of articles from Inova Schar Heart and Vascular was supported by a philanthropic gift from the Schar family and research funds from the Inova Biocore laboratory.
We hereby state publicly that Inova Health Systems Foundation has had no editorial input in articles included in this Research Topic, thus ensuring that all aspects of this Research Topic are evaluated objectively, and unbiased by any specific policy or opinion of Inova.
Please note, contributions to the collection are by invitation only. All non-invited articles submitted will be transferred out.
Submitting an abstract is optional.
As health systems merge and expand in the United States they increasingly find themselves positioned to address the needs of their community both through primary services and complex tertiary care. Cardiovascular disease impacts many members of the community, often with unique needs and it is critical that a health system that serves the majority of a region's population excel at not only technical complex care, but addressing issues such as unique social determinants of health that frequently impact an increasingly diverse regional population. This compilation of reviews by expert clinicians from one large health system reflects a heart and vascular institute's growth to contribute to developing and applying leading-edge care in multiple domains to better serve its community.
Our hope is that this series of reviews on a diverse group of cardiology topics will inform a spectrum of readers not only based on the expert up-to-date content written by leading clinician educators/scientists predominately from the Inova Health System, but will inspire other health systems to consider various programmatic efforts, whether it is to address special populations, reduce disparities of care or implement systems to care for their regions most challenging and sickest cardiovascular patients.
The publication of this compilation of articles from Inova Schar Heart and Vascular was supported by a philanthropic gift from the Schar family and research funds from the Inova Biocore laboratory.
We hereby state publicly that Inova Health Systems Foundation has had no editorial input in articles included in this Research Topic, thus ensuring that all aspects of this Research Topic are evaluated objectively, and unbiased by any specific policy or opinion of Inova.