The fast-growing popularization of functional material concepts for Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) has already produced major technological achievements spanning across many industries (e.g. transportation, civil, aerospace). Indeed, the introduction of advanced topological or multi-physical features in the structural design allows an unprecedented customization of a system's vibrational, waveguiding or acoustic behavior. These functionalities involve, among others, vibration control at audible or ultra-low frequencies, weight reduction, Origami folding, energy harvesting, sound absorption, acoustic sensing and cloaking. Henceforward, a further implementation of functional materials and lightweight structures compels us to reassess some of the pre-existing conceptual and methodological frameworks which enabled us to design, model, manufacture, control and monitor these NVH material solutions.
This Research Topic will address current trends and challenges related to the modelling, manufacturing, control, identification and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of functional NVH materials and meta-structures. Research on guided wave testing for lightweight structures, multi-scale methods for vibroacoustics and inverse identification techniques for semi-active or heterogeneous materials typically fall into this Research Topic. To overcome these considerable modelling challenges and phenomenological complexity raised by functional material concepts, innovative solutions exploiting data-driven approaches, artificial intelligence, novel dynamic/acoustic SHM indicators, or requiring the development of specific inverse identification and damage detection strategies, reduced order or multi-scale modelling methods will have to be unveiled.
Based on the above, researchers are invited to contribute with their perspective works, reviews and original research papers on the topic. Contributions will serve as an overview of the latest scientific challenges and achievements associated with the design, control and monitoring of functional NVH materials and meta-structures. Papers should address functional material concepts (e.g. lightweight, lattice, periodic, architectured, poro-elastic, visco-elastic, electro-mechanical, piezoelectric, metamaterials, Origami, auxetic, metasurface, composite) for structural dynamics and audible acoustics problems, which may fall into the following themes:
• Emergent NVH concepts and AI for advanced material design;
• Computational methods for functional and multi-physical materials;
• Active or nonlinear materials for wave manipulation;
• Vibration control using shape memory alloys, piezoelectric or magnetostriction materials;
• Manufacturing and inverse methods for functional materials;
• Nondestructive evaluation techniques for complex media;
• Data-driven SHM and control for lightweight and meta-structures.
The fast-growing popularization of functional material concepts for Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) has already produced major technological achievements spanning across many industries (e.g. transportation, civil, aerospace). Indeed, the introduction of advanced topological or multi-physical features in the structural design allows an unprecedented customization of a system's vibrational, waveguiding or acoustic behavior. These functionalities involve, among others, vibration control at audible or ultra-low frequencies, weight reduction, Origami folding, energy harvesting, sound absorption, acoustic sensing and cloaking. Henceforward, a further implementation of functional materials and lightweight structures compels us to reassess some of the pre-existing conceptual and methodological frameworks which enabled us to design, model, manufacture, control and monitor these NVH material solutions.
This Research Topic will address current trends and challenges related to the modelling, manufacturing, control, identification and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of functional NVH materials and meta-structures. Research on guided wave testing for lightweight structures, multi-scale methods for vibroacoustics and inverse identification techniques for semi-active or heterogeneous materials typically fall into this Research Topic. To overcome these considerable modelling challenges and phenomenological complexity raised by functional material concepts, innovative solutions exploiting data-driven approaches, artificial intelligence, novel dynamic/acoustic SHM indicators, or requiring the development of specific inverse identification and damage detection strategies, reduced order or multi-scale modelling methods will have to be unveiled.
Based on the above, researchers are invited to contribute with their perspective works, reviews and original research papers on the topic. Contributions will serve as an overview of the latest scientific challenges and achievements associated with the design, control and monitoring of functional NVH materials and meta-structures. Papers should address functional material concepts (e.g. lightweight, lattice, periodic, architectured, poro-elastic, visco-elastic, electro-mechanical, piezoelectric, metamaterials, Origami, auxetic, metasurface, composite) for structural dynamics and audible acoustics problems, which may fall into the following themes:
• Emergent NVH concepts and AI for advanced material design;
• Computational methods for functional and multi-physical materials;
• Active or nonlinear materials for wave manipulation;
• Vibration control using shape memory alloys, piezoelectric or magnetostriction materials;
• Manufacturing and inverse methods for functional materials;
• Nondestructive evaluation techniques for complex media;
• Data-driven SHM and control for lightweight and meta-structures.