The scrape-off layer governs the heat load on the plasma-facing components, determines the power and particle balance, and regulates the impurity dynamics. It also co-determines the boundary values of the confined plasma and can therefore also affect confinement. Understanding the scape-off layer transport is essential for future reactor design. Power exhaust is justifiably receiving more and more attention in future reactor designs.
The overall goal is towards the development of predictive modeling of the plasma exhaust for future fusion reactors. This research proposal addresses experimental and theoretical work, conventional modeling or those by machine learning of the scrape-off layer in tokamaks, stellarators and reversed field pinches, and linear devices dedicated to this topic. We encourage contributors to place their work in the overall framework of SOL transport and to specify important further scientific directions that should be undertaken by the community.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to (in any order without rating):
- intermittency in turbulent transport
- scrape-off layer (power) width
- neutral particle/impurity dynamics
- impact of (advanced) divertor geometry
- plasma detachment physics
- drift and currents in the divertor
- closure schemes for mean-field transport codes
- edge-core coupling
- nonlocal transport/turbulence spreading
- specific divertor instabilities
- impact of and on ICRH
- impact of isotopes and isotope mixtures – hydrogen isotopes/boron/lithium
- dynamics in linear devices used for plasma-wall interaction studies
- scrape-off layer diagnostics
We are interested in original research, methods, perspectives, mini review, and review articles.
The scrape-off layer governs the heat load on the plasma-facing components, determines the power and particle balance, and regulates the impurity dynamics. It also co-determines the boundary values of the confined plasma and can therefore also affect confinement. Understanding the scape-off layer transport is essential for future reactor design. Power exhaust is justifiably receiving more and more attention in future reactor designs.
The overall goal is towards the development of predictive modeling of the plasma exhaust for future fusion reactors. This research proposal addresses experimental and theoretical work, conventional modeling or those by machine learning of the scrape-off layer in tokamaks, stellarators and reversed field pinches, and linear devices dedicated to this topic. We encourage contributors to place their work in the overall framework of SOL transport and to specify important further scientific directions that should be undertaken by the community.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to (in any order without rating):
- intermittency in turbulent transport
- scrape-off layer (power) width
- neutral particle/impurity dynamics
- impact of (advanced) divertor geometry
- plasma detachment physics
- drift and currents in the divertor
- closure schemes for mean-field transport codes
- edge-core coupling
- nonlocal transport/turbulence spreading
- specific divertor instabilities
- impact of and on ICRH
- impact of isotopes and isotope mixtures – hydrogen isotopes/boron/lithium
- dynamics in linear devices used for plasma-wall interaction studies
- scrape-off layer diagnostics
We are interested in original research, methods, perspectives, mini review, and review articles.