Phasmatodea comprises over 3,000 extant species and stands out as one of the last remaining insect orders for which a robust, higher-level phylogenetic hypothesis is lacking. New research suggests that the extant diversity is the result of a surprisingly recent and rapid radiation that has been difficult to resolve with standard Sanger sequence data. In order to resolve the early branching events of stick and leaf insects, we analyzed transcriptomes from 61 species, including 38 Phasmatodea species comprising all major clades and 23 outgroup taxa, including all other Polyneoptera orders. Using a custom-made ortholog set based on reference genomes from four species, we identified on average 2,274 orthologous genes in the sequenced transcriptomes. We generated various sub-alignments and performed maximum-likelihood analyses on several representative datasets to evaluate the effect of missing data and matrix composition on our phylogenetic estimates. Based on our new data, we are able to reliably resolve the deeper nodes between the principal lineages of extant Phasmatodea. Among Euphasmatodea, we provide strong evidence for a basal dichotomy of Aschiphasmatodea and all remaining euphasmatodeans, the Neophasmatodea. Within the latter clade, we recovered a previously unrecognized major New World and Old World lineage, for which we introduce the new names Oriophasmata tax. nov. (“Eastern phasmids”) and Occidophasmata tax. nov. (“Western phasmids”). Occidophasmata comprise Diapheromerinae, Pseudophasmatinae, and Agathemera, whereas all remaining lineages form the Oriophasmata, including Heteropterygidae, Phylliinae, Bacillus, Lonchodidae (Necrosciinae + Lonchodinae), Clitumninae, Cladomorphinae, and Lanceocercata. We furthermore performed a divergence time analysis and reconstructed the historical biogeography for stick and leaf insects. Phasmatodea either originated in Southeast Asia or in the New World. Our results suggest that the extant distribution of Phasmatodea is largely the result of dispersal events in a recently and rapidly diversified insect lineage rather than the result of vicariant processes.
Achrioptera is a taxon of extremely large and exceptionally colorful stick insects endemic to Madagascar and the Comoros Archipelago. We studied the phylogenetic position of the Achriopterini, comprising the genera Achrioptera and Glawiana, based on a multigene phylogeny and concluded that it is a sister group to other Madagascan phasmids (Anisacanthidae) rather than to Neotropical or Australo-Pacific groups as was suggested in a previous study based on morphology. Our results also point to unresolved relationships (potential paraphyly of Achrioptera), taxonomic issues (elevation of A. punctipes cliquennoisi to species level), and detection of cryptic diversity (in A. impennis), demonstrating the need of additional research. A DNA barcoding approach based on COI sequences of Achrioptera species revealed a clear discrimination between closely related and morphologically similar species. Applying integrative taxonomy using multiple lines of evidence, we demonstrated that the well-known species with blue males from Montagne des Français and Foret d'Orangea in the far north of Madagascar, previously attributed to Achrioptera fallax, represents a new species, which we describe as Achrioptera manga sp. nov. based on morphological, chromatic, and genetic (mitochondrial and nuclear) differences. We also describe a second new giant species from this massif: Achrioptera maroloko sp. nov. is among the largest insects (females reaching up to 24 cm total length) and differs from its sister species A. spinosissima from western Madagascar in morphology, coloration, and substantial DNA barcode divergence. These magnificent new species confirm the significance of the Montagne des Français area as a hotspot of biodiversity and microendemism. The biogeographic pattern of the species pair A. fallax/A. manga is paralleled by species pairs of reptiles and amphibians suggesting a similar evolutionary history. Finally, we discuss the sexual dichromatism of Achrioptera species with conspicuous males and mostly cryptic females. As possible reasons, we consider female mate choice and divergent habits of males and females, but aposematism combined with toxic substances produced in defense glands or accumulated in the insect's body from nutritional plants are more plausible explanations for this phenomenon.
Stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea) are large, tropical, predominantly nocturnal herbivores, which exhibit extreme masquerade crypsis, whereby they morphologically and behaviorally resemble twigs, bark, lichen, moss, and leaves. Females employ a wide range of egg-laying techniques, largely corresponding to their ecological niche, including dropping or flicking eggs to the forest floor, gluing eggs to plant substrate, skewering eggs through leaves, ovipositing directly into the soil, or even producing a complex ootheca. Phasmids are the only insects with highly species-specific egg morphology across the entire order, with specific egg forms that correspond to oviposition technique. We investigate the temporal, biogeographic, and phylogenetic pattern of evolution of egg-laying strategies in Phasmatodea. Our results unequivocally demonstrate that the ancestral oviposition strategy for female stick and leaf insects is to remain in the foliage and drop or flick eggs to the ground, a strategy that maintains their masquerade. Other major key innovations in the evolution of Phasmatodea include the (1) hardening of the egg capsule in Euphasmatodea; (2) the repeated evolution of capitulate eggs (which induce ant-mediated dispersal, or myrmecochory); (3) adapting to a ground or bark dwelling microhabitat with a corresponding shift in adult and egg phenotype and egg deposition directly into the soil; and (4) adhesion of eggs in a clade of Necrosciinae that led to subsequent diversification in oviposition modes and egg types. We infer at minimum 16 independent origins of a burying/inserting eggs into soil/crevices oviposition strategy, 7 origins of gluing eggs to substrate, and a single origin each of skewering eggs through leaves and producing an ootheca. We additionally discuss the systematic implications of our phylogenetic results. Aschiphasmatinae is strongly supported as the earliest diverging extant lineage of Euphasmatodea. Phylliinae and Diapheromerinae are both relatively early diverging euphasmatodean taxa. We formally transfer Otocrania from Cladomorphinae to Diapheromerinae and recognize only two tribes within Diapheromerinae: Diapheromerini sensu nov. and Oreophoetini sensu nov. We formally recognize the clade comprising Necrosciinae and Lonchodinae as Lonchodidae stat. rev. sensu nov.
Insects have developed specialized structures on their feet for adhering to surfaces, with stick and leaf insects or Phasmatodea exhibiting an unexpectedly high diversity of these structures. In Phasmatodea, attachment on different substrates is achieved by two types of pads on the legs: the euplantulae on the tarsomeres and the arolium on the pretarsus. The euplantulae are adhesive structures capable of adaptability to the substrate profile and generation of the required attachment strength. The diversity of euplantular microstructures of 56 species that represent all major lineages recognized within Phasmatodea and the whole biogeographical distribution of the group are examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nine different types of attachment structures can be distinguished whereby one, the nubby type, can be further divided into three different distinct types based on the specific ratio of each conical outgrowth. We mapped the morphological data from the SEM onto a phylogenetic tree we reconstructed based on molecular data. Previously, the evolution of different adhesive microstructures (AMs) on these pads has been suggested to reflect phylogenetic groups. However, different types of AMs are found within monophyletic groups, and our ancestral character state reconstruction suggests smooth euplantulae in the ground pattern of Euphasmatodea and multiple independent origins of other forms. The type of AM appears to be strongly associated with ecomorphs, e.g., smooth euplantular surfaces are more frequently found in tree-dwellers than in ground-dwellers, whilst the attachment pads of ground-dwelling species primarily bear conical cuticular outgrowths (nubby euplantulae).