Recognizing the future leaders of gastroenterology is fundamental to safeguarding tomorrow's driving force in innovation.
This collection will showcase the high-quality work of internationally recognized researchers in the early stages of their careers. The aim of this collection is to showcase the high-quality work of early career researchers within 10 years of PhD or MD completion across the entire breadth of therapy in gastroenterology, and present advances in theory, experiment, and methodology with applications to compelling problems.
All Rising Star researchers will be suggested by established Editors within our board in recognition of their influence on the future directions in their respective fields.
While future innovations in gastroenterology are yet to be discovered, this Research Topic will give us a hint at whom to follow across the sections of the journal.
Please note, contributions to the collection are by invitation only. Please inform the Editorial Office at once you are prepared to submit.
Recognizing the future leaders of gastroenterology is fundamental to safeguarding tomorrow's driving force in innovation.
This collection will showcase the high-quality work of internationally recognized researchers in the early stages of their careers. The aim of this collection is to showcase the high-quality work of early career researchers within 10 years of PhD or MD completion across the entire breadth of therapy in gastroenterology, and present advances in theory, experiment, and methodology with applications to compelling problems.
All Rising Star researchers will be suggested by established Editors within our board in recognition of their influence on the future directions in their respective fields.
While future innovations in gastroenterology are yet to be discovered, this Research Topic will give us a hint at whom to follow across the sections of the journal.
Please note, contributions to the collection are by invitation only. Please inform the Editorial Office at once you are prepared to submit.