Protozoan and helminth parasites infect animals and humans and cause debilitating pathologies that cause a variety of morbidities and deaths worldwide. The ability of parasites to establish infection and cause disease in mammalian hosts is a result of a series of intricate mechanisms evolved by parasitic species to confront and evade the host's defensive responses, along with the ability to use the host’s metabolic and catabolic processes and host cellular organelles to their benefit. For instance, parasites may have predilection sites in the host that are not accessible to immune effector molecules and mechanisms, may acquire host-derived "masking" molecules, can vary their surface molecules, and can produce molecules that block or misguide the host immune responses. The host's interactions with the parasite, on the other hand, are critical for the initiation and induction of host signaling events that are critical in mounting formidable defensive immune responses against the invading parasite. Therefore, the ability of a parasite to successfully establish infection and cause disease largely depends on its interaction with the host and the ability of the host to mount successful and effective resistance. Thus, studying host-parasite interactions and cross-talks is critical for understanding parasite infection and adaptation mechanisms within the host, as well as for developing strategies for effective prevention and control of parasitic infections in humans and animals. The topic will cover a wide spectrum of parasitic protozoa and helminths and provide an opportunity to share new molecular and translational advances in parasitic infections and diseases.
This topic will cover research and review articles on:
1. Host manipulation and immune evasion strategies by parasites
2. Host immune responses to parasite infection and pathogenesis
3. Parasite-to-parasite communication within the host
4. Parasite molecular biology and signaling within the host
5. Parasite predilection reservoirs and niches in the host
6. Genome and gene expression related to parasite infection and pathogenesis in the host
7. Host cell remodeling by parasite
8. Parasite antigenic variation
9. Parasite metabolic advantages and vulnerabilities
10. Prospects for anti-parasite vaccination and control strategies
Protozoan and helminth parasites infect animals and humans and cause debilitating pathologies that cause a variety of morbidities and deaths worldwide. The ability of parasites to establish infection and cause disease in mammalian hosts is a result of a series of intricate mechanisms evolved by parasitic species to confront and evade the host's defensive responses, along with the ability to use the host’s metabolic and catabolic processes and host cellular organelles to their benefit. For instance, parasites may have predilection sites in the host that are not accessible to immune effector molecules and mechanisms, may acquire host-derived "masking" molecules, can vary their surface molecules, and can produce molecules that block or misguide the host immune responses. The host's interactions with the parasite, on the other hand, are critical for the initiation and induction of host signaling events that are critical in mounting formidable defensive immune responses against the invading parasite. Therefore, the ability of a parasite to successfully establish infection and cause disease largely depends on its interaction with the host and the ability of the host to mount successful and effective resistance. Thus, studying host-parasite interactions and cross-talks is critical for understanding parasite infection and adaptation mechanisms within the host, as well as for developing strategies for effective prevention and control of parasitic infections in humans and animals. The topic will cover a wide spectrum of parasitic protozoa and helminths and provide an opportunity to share new molecular and translational advances in parasitic infections and diseases.
This topic will cover research and review articles on:
1. Host manipulation and immune evasion strategies by parasites
2. Host immune responses to parasite infection and pathogenesis
3. Parasite-to-parasite communication within the host
4. Parasite molecular biology and signaling within the host
5. Parasite predilection reservoirs and niches in the host
6. Genome and gene expression related to parasite infection and pathogenesis in the host
7. Host cell remodeling by parasite
8. Parasite antigenic variation
9. Parasite metabolic advantages and vulnerabilities
10. Prospects for anti-parasite vaccination and control strategies