Neural mechanisms and modulations of epilepsy: from experimental and clinical data to computational modelling evidence

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23 citations
14 citations
22 citations
Original Research
26 April 2017

As a subtype of idiopathic generalized epilepsies, absence epilepsy is believed to be caused by pathological interactions within the corticothalamic (CT) system. Using a biophysical mean-field model of the CT system, we demonstrate here that the feed-forward inhibition (FFI) in thalamus, i.e., the pathway from the cerebral cortex (Ctx) to the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) and then to the specific relay nuclei (SRN) of thalamus that are also directly driven by the Ctx, may participate in controlling absence seizures. In particular, we show that increasing the excitatory Ctx-TRN coupling strength can significantly suppress typical electrical activities during absence seizures. Further, investigation demonstrates that the GABAA- and GABAB-mediated inhibitions in the TRN-SRN pathway perform combination roles in the regulation of absence seizures. Overall, these results may provide an insightful mechanistic understanding of how the thalamic FFI serves as an intrinsic regulator contributing to the control of absence seizures.

24 citations

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) can play a crucial role in the modulation of absence seizures, yet relevant biophysical mechanisms are not completely established. In this paper, on the basis of a biophysical mean-field model, we investigate a typical absence epilepsy activity by introducing slow kinetics of GABAB receptors on thalamus reticular nucleus (TRN). We find that the region of spike and slow-wave discharges (SWDs) can be reduced greatly when we add the DBS to TRN. Furthermore, we systematically explore how the corresponding stimulation parameters including frequency, amplitude and positive input duration suppress the SWDs under certain conditions. It is shown that the SWDs can be controlled as key stimulation parameters are suitably chosen. The results in this paper can be helpful for researchers to understand the thalamus stimulation in treating epilepsy patients, and provide theoretical basis for future experimental and clinical studies.

37 citations
Original Research
18 April 2017

Electro-cortical activity in patients with epilepsy may show abnormal rhythmic transients in response to stimulation. Even when using the same stimulation parameters in the same patient, wide variability in the duration of transient response has been reported. These transients have long been considered important for the mapping of the excitability levels in the epileptic brain but their dynamic mechanism is still not well understood. To investigate the occurrence of abnormal transients dynamically, we use a thalamo-cortical neural population model of epileptic spike-wave activity and study the interaction between slow and fast subsystems. In a reduced version of the thalamo-cortical model, slow wave oscillations arise from a fold of cycles (FoC) bifurcation. This marks the onset of a region of bistability between a high amplitude oscillatory rhythm and the background state. In vicinity of the bistability in parameter space, the model has excitable dynamics, showing prolonged rhythmic transients in response to suprathreshold pulse stimulation. We analyse the state space geometry of the bistable and excitable states, and find that the rhythmic transient arises when the impending FoC bifurcation deforms the state space and creates an area of locally reduced attraction to the fixed point. This area essentially allows trajectories to dwell there before escaping to the stable steady state, thus creating rhythmic transients. In the full thalamo-cortical model, we find a similar FoC bifurcation structure. Based on the analysis, we propose an explanation of why stimulation induced epileptiform activity may vary between trials, and predict how the variability could be related to ongoing oscillatory background activity. We compare our dynamic mechanism with other mechanisms (such as a slow parameter change) to generate excitable transients, and we discuss the proposed excitability mechanism in the context of stimulation responses in the epileptic cortex.

18 citations
Twenty three year old patient (case 4). (A) Structural MRI shows a thickening of the cortical gray matter and blurring of the gray-white matter interface in the right frontal operculum (in white). (B) The marked events were spikes with maximum amplitude at Fp2 F8 F10 (reference Fz). (C) BOLD response was characterized by different clusters of activation. That with max t value is in the right frontal operculum, corresponding to the lesion. (D) The marked events were burst of spike and wave complexes bilateral and diffuse (bipolar montage), but more evident on the right fronto temporal region. (E) BOLD response was characterized by different clusters of activation: those with the highest t-values were in the right frontal operculum, in the right mid cingulate cortex and cerebellum; clusters of deactivation were present in the areas of the DMN.
Original Research
20 February 2017

Purpose: To examine the ability of the BOLD response to EEG spikes to assess the epileptogenicity of the lesion in patients with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD).

Method: Patients with focal epilepsy and FCD who underwent 3T EEG-fMRI from 2006 to 2010 were included. Diagnosis of FCD was based on neuroradiology (MRI+), or histopathology in MRI-negative cases (MRI−). Patients underwent 120 min EEG-fMRI recording session. Spikes similar to those recorded outside the scanner were marked in the filtered EEG. The lesion (in MRI+) or the removed cortex (in MRI−) was marked on the anatomical T1 sequence, blindly to the BOLD response, after reviewing the FLAIR images. For each BOLD response we assessed the concordance with the spike field and with the lesion in MRI+ or the removed cortex in MRI−. BOLD responses were considered “concordant” if the maximal t-value was inside the marking. Follow-up after resection was used as gold-standard.

Results: Twenty patients were included (13 MRI+, 7 MRI−), but in seven the EEG was not active or there were artifacts during acquisition. In all 13 studied patients, at least one BOLD response was concordant with the spike field; in 9/13 (69%) at least one BOLD response was concordant with the lesion: in 6/7 (86%) MRI+ and in 3/6 (50%) MRI− patients.

Conclusions: Our study shows a high level of concordance between FCD and BOLD response. This data could provide useful information especially for MRI negative patients. Moreover, it shows in almost all FCD patients, a metabolic involvement of remote cortical or subcortical structures, corroborating the concept of epileptic network.

25 citations
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