We are delighted to announce a call for submissions to the forthcoming “Rising Stars in Child Mental Health and Interventions” Research Topic. This article collection will showcase the work of internationally recognized researchers in the early stages of their independent careers.
We aim to highlight research by leading researchers and clinicians of the future, across the entire breadth of the child mental health field, and present advances to compelling problems.
Please note, contributions to the collection are by invitation only. Please inform the Editorial Office at [childandadolescentpsychiatry.submissions@frontiersin.org] once you are prepared to submit.
We are happy to receive a range of manuscript types, such as original research, reviews, mini-reviews, opinions, and hypotheses on various topics related to child mental health and interventions.
We are delighted to announce a call for submissions to the forthcoming “Rising Stars in Child Mental Health and Interventions” Research Topic. This article collection will showcase the work of internationally recognized researchers in the early stages of their independent careers.
We aim to highlight research by leading researchers and clinicians of the future, across the entire breadth of the child mental health field, and present advances to compelling problems.
Please note, contributions to the collection are by invitation only. Please inform the Editorial Office at [childandadolescentpsychiatry.submissions@frontiersin.org] once you are prepared to submit.
We are happy to receive a range of manuscript types, such as original research, reviews, mini-reviews, opinions, and hypotheses on various topics related to child mental health and interventions.