Prior research has demonstrated relationships between personality traits of social media users and the language used in their posts. Few studies have examined whether there are relationships between personality traits of users and how they use emojis in their social media posts. Emojis are digital pictographs used to express ideas and emotions. There are thousands of emojis, which depict faces with expressions, objects, animals, and activities. We conducted a study with two samples (n = 76 and n = 245) in which we examined how emoji use on X (formerly Twitter) related to users’ personality traits and language use in posts. Personality traits were assessed from participants in an online survey. With participants’ consent, we analyzed word usage in posts. Word frequencies were calculated using the Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC). In both samples, the results showed that those who used the most emojis had the lowest levels of openness to experience. Emoji use was unrelated to the other personality traits. In sample 1, emoji use was also related to use of words related to family, positive emotion, and sadness and less frequent use of articles and words related to insight. In sample 2, more frequent use of emojis in posts was related to more frequent use of you pronouns, I pronouns, and more frequent use of negative function words and words related to time. The results support the view that social media users’ characteristics may be gleaned from the content of their social media posts.
Sports fanaticism seems to be a social and national concern in Saudi Arabia. This paper aims: 1) to identify the metaphorical manifestations and highlight the discursive construction of disease as associated with sports fanaticism in a corpus of Saudi newspapers articles; and 2) to seek plausible explanations for the emergence and use of disease metaphors in newspapers articles addressing sports fanaticism. King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Arabic Corpus (KACSTAC) served the data for the current study. The analytical procedures were informed by the discourse dynamics approach and metaphor-led discourse analysis. Findings show that sports fanaticism could be associated with the following systematic metaphors: 1) disease, in general; 2) disease causes; 3) disease symptoms; 4) disease evaluations; and 5) disease needs for medical solutions, interventions, treatments, and/or prescriptions. The discussion evokes a number of aspects: sports fanaticism emerges as a key topic; disease metaphors seem to be shaped and developed by the societal context and the nature of newspapers texts and discourse; they are enriched and influenced by the discourse situation and the needs to jointly construct and communicate intense experiences through specific evaluations and referential functions, which have a powerful resonance for the Saudi national and social levels; the use of disease metaphorical frames can structure our understanding and can simplify the concept of fanaticism.