2 citations
2 citations
7 citations
Original Research
23 June 2023

Nanopore sequencing has been examined as a method for rapid and high-resolution human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing in recent years. We aimed to apply ultrarapid nanopore-based HLA typing for HLA class I alleles associated with drug hypersensitivity, including HLA-A*31:01, HLA-B*15:02, and HLA-C*08:01. Most studies have used the Oxford Nanopore Ligation Sequencing kit for HLA typing, which requires several enzymatic reactions and remains relatively expensive, even when the samples are multiplexed. Here, we used the Oxford Nanopore Rapid Barcoding kit, which is transposase-based, with library preparation taking less than 1 h of hands-on time and requiring minimal reagents. Twenty DNA samples were genotyped for HLA-A, -B, and -C; 11 samples were from individuals of different ethnicity and nine were from Thai individuals. Two primer sets, a commercial set and a published set, were used to amplify the HLA-A, -B, and -C genes. HLA-typing tools that used different algorithms were applied and compared. We found that without using several third-party reagents, the transposase-based method reduced the hands-on time from approximately 9 h to 4 h, making this a viable approach for obtaining same-day results from 2 to 24 samples. However, an imbalance in the PCR amplification of different haplotypes could affect the accuracy of typing results. This work demonstrates the ability of transposase-based sequencing to report 3-field HLA alleles and its potential for race- and population-independent testing at considerably decreased time and cost.

4 citations
Mini Review
26 April 2023
Current understanding of genetic associations with delayed hypersensitivity reactions induced by antibiotics and anti-osteoporotic drugs
Chih-Hsuan Wung
6 more and 
Taiwan Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reaction Consortium
Genetic association of SCARs between HLA and drugs. The drugs (antibiotics or AODs) trigger DHRs through MHC/drug/TCR complex. SJS/TEN mainly 694 started immune mechanism by HLA/drug/CTLs and HLA/drug/Th cells, while DRESS mainly 695 started immune mechanism by HLA/drug/CTLs and HLA/drug/Th2 cells. Co-trimozaxole can induce 696 SJS/TEN and DRESS through binding to HLA-A*11:01/HLA-B*38 and HLA-B*13:01, 697 respectively. Dapsone can induce SJS/TEN and DRESS through binding to HLA-B*1301. 698 Vancomycin can induce DRESS by binding to HLA-A*32:01 and HLA-B*67:01. SR can activate 699 SJS/TEN through binding to HLA-A*33:03. Abbreviations: AOD, anti-osteoporotic drug; APC, antigen-presenting cell; CTL, cytotoxic T 701 lymphocyte; DHR, delayed hypersensitivity reaction; DRESS, drug reaction with eosinophilia and 702 systemic symptoms; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; SJS, 703 Stevens-Johnson syndrome; TCR, T cell receptor; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis; Th cell, T helper 704 cell.

Drug-induced delayed hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) is still a clinical and healthcare burden in every country. Increasing reports of DHRs have caught our attention to explore the genetic relationship, especially life-threatening severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions (SCARs), including acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), drug reactions with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS), and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). In recent years, many studies have investigated the immune mechanism and genetic markers of DHRs. Besides, several studies have stated the associations between antibiotics-as well as anti-osteoporotic drugs (AOD)-induced SCARs and specific human leukocyte antigens (HLA) alleles. Strong associations between drugs and HLA alleles such as co-trimoxazole-induced DRESS and HLA-B*13:01 (Odds ratio (OR) = 45), dapsone-DRESS and HLA-B*13:01 (OR = 122.1), vancomycin-DRESS and HLA-A*32:01 (OR = 403), clindamycin-DHRs and HLA-B*15:27 (OR = 55.6), and strontium ranelate (SR)-SJS/TEN and HLA-A*33:03 (OR = 25.97) are listed. We summarized the immune mechanism of SCARs, update the latest knowledge of pharmacogenomics of antibiotics- and AOD-induced SCARs, and indicate the potential clinical use of these genetic markers for SCARs prevention in this mini review article.

5 citations
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Innovations in Pharmacogenomics: Embracing Diversity and Clinical Application
Edited by Rossana Roncato, Maaike Van Der Lee, Sarah Cargnin, Claudia Pisanu
15 April 2025
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