The econeurobiology of brain development describes the interaction of factors in a child's environment that determine brain plasticity, cognition and learning - by enhancing brain connectivity and through gene expression. These factors shape concentration, learning inside and outside the classroom, social interaction, emotional development and behaviour. Although, brain development is maximal in the first three years if life, elementary school education is a significant determinant of adult health, employment, prosperity and public health.The goal of this research topic is to examine how childhood education may be optimized for individual and public health and to look more closely at the unique interaction of education and health as determinants of social well-being and the health of societies. Emphasis on six factors that form the econeurobiology of brain development: a nurturing environment, sleep, nutrition, exercise, music and teaching and learning strategies in school and the community that enhance brain connectivity among school age children.We are calling for neuroscience research articles that explain how the econeurobiology of the brain may be optimised for childhood learning, educational attainment and appropriate behaviour, review articles that examine the evidence for education as a determinant of health and health as a determinant of effective learning, progress in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals worldwide toward initiatives to address the econeurobiology of brain development, especially where elementary school education is affected by poverty, structural violence, disaster and conflict.
The econeurobiology of brain development describes the interaction of factors in a child's environment that determine brain plasticity, cognition and learning - by enhancing brain connectivity and through gene expression. These factors shape concentration, learning inside and outside the classroom, social interaction, emotional development and behaviour. Although, brain development is maximal in the first three years if life, elementary school education is a significant determinant of adult health, employment, prosperity and public health.The goal of this research topic is to examine how childhood education may be optimized for individual and public health and to look more closely at the unique interaction of education and health as determinants of social well-being and the health of societies. Emphasis on six factors that form the econeurobiology of brain development: a nurturing environment, sleep, nutrition, exercise, music and teaching and learning strategies in school and the community that enhance brain connectivity among school age children.We are calling for neuroscience research articles that explain how the econeurobiology of the brain may be optimised for childhood learning, educational attainment and appropriate behaviour, review articles that examine the evidence for education as a determinant of health and health as a determinant of effective learning, progress in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals worldwide toward initiatives to address the econeurobiology of brain development, especially where elementary school education is affected by poverty, structural violence, disaster and conflict.