The European Partnership on the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) project was launched in 2022. The overarching aim of this partnership is to enhance our knowledge about chemical substances to better safeguard human health and the environment against harmful effects. The project will run for seven years under Horizon Europe. PARC is subdivided into several work packages (WPs). WP5 is focused on hazard assessment for human and environmental health and includes more than 80 partners across Europe. WP5 aims to fill data gaps for specified chemical substances of concern (e.g, bisphenol alternatives) and to develop or improve new approach methodologies (NAMs) for chemical hazard assessment. This is in order to progress towards a risk assessment paradigm relying less on animal toxicity data, both with respect to human health and environmental safety. As the PARC initiative will evolve over time with respect to both projects and activities, presenting early initiatives will foster an increased awareness of ongoing activities and potential incorporation of new activities going forward.
The goal of this research topic is to present initial activities in the PARC project relating to the development NAMs to improve on chemical risk assessment for human health. The scope of this topic is thus to present projects central for WP5 of the PARC project, with immunotoxicity, non-genotoxic carcinogenicity, endocrine disruption pertaining to metabolic disorders and thyroid hormone system disruption, and developmental neurotoxicity. Of specific interest are:
• Descriptions of projects initiated under PARC WP5 pertaining to the 5 endpoints detailed above
• Original research papers related to activities/aims under the specific projects
• Other projects under PARC directly linked to these activities, e.g., from other WPs in PARC
• Other relevant activities related to NAMs in risk assessment
Submissions to this topic are by invite only
The European Partnership on the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) project was launched in 2022. The overarching aim of this partnership is to enhance our knowledge about chemical substances to better safeguard human health and the environment against harmful effects. The project will run for seven years under Horizon Europe. PARC is subdivided into several work packages (WPs). WP5 is focused on hazard assessment for human and environmental health and includes more than 80 partners across Europe. WP5 aims to fill data gaps for specified chemical substances of concern (e.g, bisphenol alternatives) and to develop or improve new approach methodologies (NAMs) for chemical hazard assessment. This is in order to progress towards a risk assessment paradigm relying less on animal toxicity data, both with respect to human health and environmental safety. As the PARC initiative will evolve over time with respect to both projects and activities, presenting early initiatives will foster an increased awareness of ongoing activities and potential incorporation of new activities going forward.
The goal of this research topic is to present initial activities in the PARC project relating to the development NAMs to improve on chemical risk assessment for human health. The scope of this topic is thus to present projects central for WP5 of the PARC project, with immunotoxicity, non-genotoxic carcinogenicity, endocrine disruption pertaining to metabolic disorders and thyroid hormone system disruption, and developmental neurotoxicity. Of specific interest are:
• Descriptions of projects initiated under PARC WP5 pertaining to the 5 endpoints detailed above
• Original research papers related to activities/aims under the specific projects
• Other projects under PARC directly linked to these activities, e.g., from other WPs in PARC
• Other relevant activities related to NAMs in risk assessment
Submissions to this topic are by invite only