
Introduction: The antibody repertoire from CSF-derived antibody-secreting cells and memory B-cells in patients with encephalitis contains a considerable number of antibodies that do not target the disease-defining autoantigen such as the GABA or NMDA receptors. This study focuses on the functional relevance of autoantibodies to brain blood vessels in patients with GABAA and NMDA receptor encephalitis.

Methods: We tested 149 human monoclonal IgG antibodies from the cerebrospinal fluid of six patients with different forms of autoimmune encephalitis on murine brain sections for reactivity to blood vessels using immunohistochemistry. Positive candidates were tested for reactivity with purified brain blood vessels, effects on transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER), and expression of tight junction proteins as well as gene regulation using human brain microvascular endothelial hCMEC/D3 cells as in vitro blood-brain barrier model. One blood-vessel reactive antibody was infused intrathecally by pump injection in mice to study in vivo binding and effects on tight junction proteins such as Occludin. Target protein identification was addressed using transfected HEK293 cells.

Results: Six antibodies reacted with brain blood vessels, three were from the same patient with GABAAR encephalitis, and the other three were from different patients with NMDAR encephalitis. One antibody from an NMDAR encephalitis patient, mAb 011-138, also reacted with cerebellar Purkinje cells. In this case, treatment of hCMEC/D3 cells resulted in decreased TEER, reduced Occludin expression, and mRNA levels. Functional relevance in vivo was confirmed as Occludin downregulation was observed in mAb 011-138-infused animals. Unconventional Myosin-X was identified as a novel autoimmune target for this antibody.

Discussion: We conclude that autoantibodies to blood vessels occur in autoimmune encephalitis patients and might contribute to a disruption of the blood-brain barrier thereby suggesting a potential pathophysiological relevance of these antibodies.

7 citations
Erythromelalgia (EM) patient human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived sensory neurons (hiPSC–SNs) are hypersensitive to mild increases in ambient temperature. (A) Representative raw imaging traces of control hiPSC-SNs (top, orange) and EM patient–SNs (bottom, green) at 37 and 40°C. (B) Comparison of spike frequency filled black dots indicate average values. Error bars indicate SEM. [EM patientdSNs N = 10, control human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived sensory neurons (hiPSCdSNs) N = 6, Wilcoxon rank-sumtest, control: *p = 0.87, EM patient: *p = 0.027].
Original Research
17 January 2023

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are a promising approach to study neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases. Most methods to record the activity of these cells have major drawbacks as they are invasive or they do not allow single cell resolution. Genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) open the path to high throughput visualization of undisturbed neuronal activity. However, conventional GEVIs perturb membrane integrity through inserting multiple copies of transmembrane domains into the plasma membrane. To circumvent large add-ons to the plasma membrane, we used a minimally invasive novel hybrid dark quencher GEVI to record the physiological and pathological firing patterns of hiPSCs-derived sensory neurons from patients with inherited erythromelalgia, a chronic pain condition associated with recurrent attacks of redness and swelling in the distal extremities. We observed considerable differences in action potential firing patterns between patient and control neurons that were previously overlooked with other recording methods. Our system also performed well in hiPSC-derived forebrain neurons where it detected spontaneous synchronous bursting behavior, thus opening the path to future applications in other cell types and disease models including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, conditions associated with disturbances of neuronal activity and synchrony.

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8 citations