Global Excellence in
Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery: North AmericaGlobal collaboration is the cornerstone of scientific advancement.
You can see our other collections within the series:
Global Excellence in Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery: Africa
Global Excellence in Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery: Europe
Global Excellence in Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery: Australia and Asia
Frontiers in Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery has organized a series of special edition Research Topics, with the goal of highlighting the latest advancements in Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery across the globe, showcasing the academic excellence and high-quality work of internationally recognized researchers.
These collections aim to shed light on the recent progress made across the entire breadth of the
Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery field, and reflect on the future challenges faced by researchers across borders.
This Research Topic welcomes original research and review articles covering, but not limited to, the following topics from North America:
1. Mechanisms of drug action by analysis of interactions with receptors and/or specific biological targets e.g. enzymes, ion channels, transporters, transcription factors etc.
2. Drug-biomolecule interaction analysis including binding, transduction mechanisms, physiological responses, and pharmacokinetics,
3. Modern drug discovery including small molecules and biopharmaceuticals e.g. target identification (high-throughput) screening and other lead-finding techniques
4. Pharmacological research of new agents, novel pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic mechanisms as well as drugs already in use (e.g. treatment of diabetes, infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer etc.)
Please note, that contributions to the collection are by invitation only. Please inform the
Editorial Office once you are prepared to submit.