Sexual Health Week takes place from the second full Monday to Sunday in September, raising awareness of and addressing topics related to sexual health, relationships, and well-being.
Sexual health is important throughout a person’s lifetime, and should be treated as seriously as any other aspect of health. Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and regular checkups are crucial in ensuring good sexual health. Universal access to sexual health and well-being services is therefore essential, however, the reality is that health inequalities exist and many face barriers when it comes to accessing these services.
It is in this spirit that Frontiers is launching a new article collection to coincide with this awareness week. This occasion offers an opportunity to raise awareness of all topics related to sexual health, relationships, and well-being, and also ensure that such information is widely accessible and up-to-date.
This Frontiers in Reproductive Health Research Topic aims to highlight access barriers faced by individuals when seeking evidence-based, inclusive and non-judgmental support, and address how we can break such barriers.
Topics may include, but are by no means limited to:
• Access to sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion
• Social, economic, and demographic facilitators and barriers to sexual health
• Policy challenges to improving sexual health
• Gender inequality and women empowerment
• Patient-led initiatives and patient-involvement for improving sexual health provision and services
• Innovations in prevention of STI and HIV (incl. vaccines, PREP, and PEP studies)
• Evaluations of sexual health service provision changes
• Access to definitive diagnoses for STIs
• Sexual health education and promotion
• Improving or widening access for provision of services of special concern, including:
o Intimate partner violence including dating violence
o Monkeypox prevention, diagnosis and treatment
o HIV treatment adherence
Furthermore, we especially welcome submissions that address the aforementioned and related topics targeting people with ethnic gender and/or sexual minorities, and people with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
The collection is interested in both original articles and review studies that report on the above research topics.
Sexual Health Week takes place from the second full Monday to Sunday in September, raising awareness of and addressing topics related to sexual health, relationships, and well-being.
Sexual health is important throughout a person’s lifetime, and should be treated as seriously as any other aspect of health. Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and regular checkups are crucial in ensuring good sexual health. Universal access to sexual health and well-being services is therefore essential, however, the reality is that health inequalities exist and many face barriers when it comes to accessing these services.
It is in this spirit that Frontiers is launching a new article collection to coincide with this awareness week. This occasion offers an opportunity to raise awareness of all topics related to sexual health, relationships, and well-being, and also ensure that such information is widely accessible and up-to-date.
This Frontiers in Reproductive Health Research Topic aims to highlight access barriers faced by individuals when seeking evidence-based, inclusive and non-judgmental support, and address how we can break such barriers.
Topics may include, but are by no means limited to:
• Access to sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion
• Social, economic, and demographic facilitators and barriers to sexual health
• Policy challenges to improving sexual health
• Gender inequality and women empowerment
• Patient-led initiatives and patient-involvement for improving sexual health provision and services
• Innovations in prevention of STI and HIV (incl. vaccines, PREP, and PEP studies)
• Evaluations of sexual health service provision changes
• Access to definitive diagnoses for STIs
• Sexual health education and promotion
• Improving or widening access for provision of services of special concern, including:
o Intimate partner violence including dating violence
o Monkeypox prevention, diagnosis and treatment
o HIV treatment adherence
Furthermore, we especially welcome submissions that address the aforementioned and related topics targeting people with ethnic gender and/or sexual minorities, and people with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
The collection is interested in both original articles and review studies that report on the above research topics.