For decades, hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases have gradually become severe risk factors threatening life and health worldwide. The continuous innovation of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery has greatly reduced the risk of surgery and improved the prognosis of patients. In addition, the researchers have focused on advanced biomaterials for the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, vigorously promoting the development of non-surgical treatment strategies, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and so forth. The continuous innovation of surgical methods, and the continuous development of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy have made the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases gradually develop toward comprehensive therapies.
This topic provides a glimpse of recent advances in surgical and non-surgical treatment studies for hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases. We hope this special issue will promote the treatment development of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases with more advanced technologies, biomaterials, and treatment concepts from clinics and laboratories.
More and more clinical experts and basic research scientists are making efforts in the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, especially in terms of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and so on. We believe that the continuous improvement of clinical techniques and increased therapy strategies by experts and scientists will make a significant contribution to the precise treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases and the clinical translation of new therapies.
The goal of the research topic is to collect and disseminate the latest research and advancements in hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases to the global audience. It usually includes advanced hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, as well as the application of advanced materials in radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, providing innovative therapeutic modalities for clinical practice.
This Research Topic focuses on recent advancements in the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, including advanced surgery, and advanced materials used for radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and so forth. Original Research, Reviews, and Mini-Reviews articles, but not limited to, the following topics can be included:
• Advanced surgery techniques for hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
•Advanced materials with great responsibility to the specific microenvironments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
• Therapeutic biomaterials for efficient delivery of hepatobiliary and pancreatic therapeutic agents, such as drugs, genes, and proteins
• Intelligent biomaterials for hepatobiliary and pancreatic implantable devices
• Reliability and model validation for clinical translations
For decades, hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases have gradually become severe risk factors threatening life and health worldwide. The continuous innovation of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery has greatly reduced the risk of surgery and improved the prognosis of patients. In addition, the researchers have focused on advanced biomaterials for the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, vigorously promoting the development of non-surgical treatment strategies, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and so forth. The continuous innovation of surgical methods, and the continuous development of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy have made the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases gradually develop toward comprehensive therapies.
This topic provides a glimpse of recent advances in surgical and non-surgical treatment studies for hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases. We hope this special issue will promote the treatment development of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases with more advanced technologies, biomaterials, and treatment concepts from clinics and laboratories.
More and more clinical experts and basic research scientists are making efforts in the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, especially in terms of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and so on. We believe that the continuous improvement of clinical techniques and increased therapy strategies by experts and scientists will make a significant contribution to the precise treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases and the clinical translation of new therapies.
The goal of the research topic is to collect and disseminate the latest research and advancements in hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases to the global audience. It usually includes advanced hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, as well as the application of advanced materials in radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, providing innovative therapeutic modalities for clinical practice.
This Research Topic focuses on recent advancements in the treatments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, including advanced surgery, and advanced materials used for radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and so forth. Original Research, Reviews, and Mini-Reviews articles, but not limited to, the following topics can be included:
• Advanced surgery techniques for hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
•Advanced materials with great responsibility to the specific microenvironments of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
• Therapeutic biomaterials for efficient delivery of hepatobiliary and pancreatic therapeutic agents, such as drugs, genes, and proteins
• Intelligent biomaterials for hepatobiliary and pancreatic implantable devices
• Reliability and model validation for clinical translations