Loading...EditorialFrontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyEditorial. Insights in Nanobiotechnology 2022/2023: Novel Developments, Current Challenges, and Future PerspectivesGianni Ciofani and Marco P. Monopoli930 views0 citations
Review09 October 2023Advances in dendritic cell targeting nano-delivery systems for induction of immune toleranceGuojiao Lin, 3 more and Tianmeng Sun3,877 views5 citations
Review14 September 2023Engineering global and local signal generators for probing temporal and spatial cellular signaling dynamicsHaowen Yang and Jurjen Tel1,815 views1 citations
Original Research22 August 2023Evaluation of a static mixer as a new microfluidic method for liposome formulationAoba Ota, 2 more and Shinji Takeoka3,356 views1 citations
Original Research07 August 2023Effects of citrate-stabilized gold and silver nanoparticles on some safety parameters of Porphyridium cruentum biomassLudmila Rudi, 4 more and Svetlana Djur1,407 views4 citations
Loading...Mini Review25 May 2023Intracellular delivery of therapeutic proteins. New advancements and future directionsIlaria Porello and Francesco Cellesi7,169 views20 citations
Loading...Original Research24 January 2023A novel approach for large-scale manufacturing of small extracellular vesicles from bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells using a hollow fiber bioreactorViktoria Jakl, 6 more and Hubert Schrezenmeier8,939 views13 citations
Original Research06 January 2023Whole transcriptomic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells cultured in Nichoid micro-scaffoldsCarolina Testa, 9 more and Manuela T. Raimondi3,582 views3 citations
Loading...Review14 November 2022Emerging applications of nanotechnology in context to immunology: A comprehensive reviewHifsa Mobeen, 4 more and Zuhair Mehdi6,822 views22 citations
Opinion12 July 2022Forging the Frontiers of Image-Guided Neurosurgery—The Emerging Uses of Theranostics in Neurosurgical OncologyFred C. Lam, 2 more and Angela M. Belcher2,503 views0 citations
Opinion13 June 2022An Opinion on How Nanobiotechnology is Assisting Humankind to Overcome the Coronavirus Disease 2019Tania Limongi and Francesca Susa1,251 views0 citations