Plant genetic diversity and resources are one of the most important resources for food security and agriculture. At present, about 391,000 species of vascular plants are known to science, of which about 369,000 species are flowering plants. Many crop species and their wild ancestors are responsible for the genetic variation associated with world food production. Humanity has been using plant genetic resources for food and agriculture for thousands of years.In recent years, as a result of increased anthropogenic (as well as technogenic) impact on nature, environmental changes, reduction in the area occupied by forests (mainly tropical rainforests), biodiversity is damaged due to deforestation, and many plant species have entirely disappeared or their number has sharply decreased. One of the main environmental threats is global climate change. The rate of clear-cut deforestation and the extinction of various plant species is higher than the ability of species to reproduce and restore their numbers, i.e., the population.Certain plant species are very important for human life – about 7,000 plants are used for human food. Mainly 20 types of crops generate 90 percent of the world’s food production. Of these, three species (wheat, corn, and rice) cover half of the world's food needs. In addition, the biological resources of plants are the essential raw material base for medicine and industry.Today, many countries are facing the problem of ensuring the global food security of the world's population. More than a billion people already suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition. This indicates a decrease in the level of biological diversity and degradation of plant genetic resources suitable for food production and agriculture. All this is due to global climate change and the steady increase in anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems. Therefore, in addition to the conservation of plant genetic resources, study and effective use of them is one of the most urgent tasks and serves as the basis for successful development of sustainable agricultural production. The genetic diversity of these resources allows crop varieties to adapt to ever-changing conditions and overcome threats caused by pests, diseases and abiotic factors.This research topic includes basic and applied research that contributes to the selection and improvement of crops. Original research, review (also mini-reviews) articles and method protocols will be accepted, but not limited to:• Plant genetic diversity and its importance in crop improvement;• Genetic evaluation of plant germplasm collections;• Plant Phenomics;• Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics;• Mapping and meta-analyses of QTL and GWAS in plants;• Genomic selection and Marker-assisted breeding technologies for crop improvement;• Introgression of new genetic variations from exotic germplasm sources.
Plant genetic diversity and resources are one of the most important resources for food security and agriculture. At present, about 391,000 species of vascular plants are known to science, of which about 369,000 species are flowering plants. Many crop species and their wild ancestors are responsible for the genetic variation associated with world food production. Humanity has been using plant genetic resources for food and agriculture for thousands of years.In recent years, as a result of increased anthropogenic (as well as technogenic) impact on nature, environmental changes, reduction in the area occupied by forests (mainly tropical rainforests), biodiversity is damaged due to deforestation, and many plant species have entirely disappeared or their number has sharply decreased. One of the main environmental threats is global climate change. The rate of clear-cut deforestation and the extinction of various plant species is higher than the ability of species to reproduce and restore their numbers, i.e., the population.Certain plant species are very important for human life – about 7,000 plants are used for human food. Mainly 20 types of crops generate 90 percent of the world’s food production. Of these, three species (wheat, corn, and rice) cover half of the world's food needs. In addition, the biological resources of plants are the essential raw material base for medicine and industry.Today, many countries are facing the problem of ensuring the global food security of the world's population. More than a billion people already suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition. This indicates a decrease in the level of biological diversity and degradation of plant genetic resources suitable for food production and agriculture. All this is due to global climate change and the steady increase in anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems. Therefore, in addition to the conservation of plant genetic resources, study and effective use of them is one of the most urgent tasks and serves as the basis for successful development of sustainable agricultural production. The genetic diversity of these resources allows crop varieties to adapt to ever-changing conditions and overcome threats caused by pests, diseases and abiotic factors.This research topic includes basic and applied research that contributes to the selection and improvement of crops. Original research, review (also mini-reviews) articles and method protocols will be accepted, but not limited to:• Plant genetic diversity and its importance in crop improvement;• Genetic evaluation of plant germplasm collections;• Plant Phenomics;• Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics;• Mapping and meta-analyses of QTL and GWAS in plants;• Genomic selection and Marker-assisted breeding technologies for crop improvement;• Introgression of new genetic variations from exotic germplasm sources.