Large-scale earthquake hazards pose major threats to modern society, generating casualties, disrupting socioeconomic activities, and causing enormous economic loss across the world. Events, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, highlighted the vulnerability of urban cities to catastrophic earthquakes. Accurate assessment of earthquake-related hazards (both primary and secondary) is essential to mitigate and control disaster risk exposure effectively. To date, various approaches and tools have been developed in different disciplines. However, they are fragmented over a number of research disciplines and underlying assumptions are often inconsistent. Our society and infrastructure are subjected to multiple types of cascading earthquake hazards; therefore, integrated hazard assessment and risk management strategy is needed for mitigating potential consequences due to multi-hazards. Moreover, uncertainty modeling and its impact on hazard prediction and anticipated consequences are essential parts of probabilistic earthquake hazard and risk assessment.
The Research Topic is focused upon modeling and impact assessment of cascading earthquake hazards, including mainshock ground shaking, aftershock, tsunami, liquefaction, and landslide. Innovative contributions related to the following research topics are welcome:
• Physical/probabilistic modeling and assessment of strong ground shaking (mainshock) and triggered aftershocks: e.g. time-dependent hazard and risk modeling, spatiotemporal variability/dependency of triggered events, and stochastic modeling for cascading scenarios.
• Cascading modeling of earthquake and tsunami, and their impact to buildings and infrastructure
• Earthquake and tsunami vulnerability assessment
• Cascading modeling of earthquake and liquefaction/landslide, and their impact to buildings and infrastructure
• Hazard and risk mitigation against cascading earthquake hazards: e.g. multi-hazards and risk mapping, design of earthquake and tsunami-proof structures, multi-hazards design of evacuation buildings, evacuation simulation with explicit consideration of cascading and time-dependent hazards
• Risk management strategies for cascading earthquake hazards and risks (including insurance and financial risk management)
Large-scale earthquake hazards pose major threats to modern society, generating casualties, disrupting socioeconomic activities, and causing enormous economic loss across the world. Events, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, highlighted the vulnerability of urban cities to catastrophic earthquakes. Accurate assessment of earthquake-related hazards (both primary and secondary) is essential to mitigate and control disaster risk exposure effectively. To date, various approaches and tools have been developed in different disciplines. However, they are fragmented over a number of research disciplines and underlying assumptions are often inconsistent. Our society and infrastructure are subjected to multiple types of cascading earthquake hazards; therefore, integrated hazard assessment and risk management strategy is needed for mitigating potential consequences due to multi-hazards. Moreover, uncertainty modeling and its impact on hazard prediction and anticipated consequences are essential parts of probabilistic earthquake hazard and risk assessment.
The Research Topic is focused upon modeling and impact assessment of cascading earthquake hazards, including mainshock ground shaking, aftershock, tsunami, liquefaction, and landslide. Innovative contributions related to the following research topics are welcome:
• Physical/probabilistic modeling and assessment of strong ground shaking (mainshock) and triggered aftershocks: e.g. time-dependent hazard and risk modeling, spatiotemporal variability/dependency of triggered events, and stochastic modeling for cascading scenarios.
• Cascading modeling of earthquake and tsunami, and their impact to buildings and infrastructure
• Earthquake and tsunami vulnerability assessment
• Cascading modeling of earthquake and liquefaction/landslide, and their impact to buildings and infrastructure
• Hazard and risk mitigation against cascading earthquake hazards: e.g. multi-hazards and risk mapping, design of earthquake and tsunami-proof structures, multi-hazards design of evacuation buildings, evacuation simulation with explicit consideration of cascading and time-dependent hazards
• Risk management strategies for cascading earthquake hazards and risks (including insurance and financial risk management)