Inspired by neurons and neuro-systems, a quantity of advanced techniques has been developed and applied in robotics & cyber-physical systems analysis, such as data science, machine learning, deep learning, information theory and statistics. Among these fields, assessing system safety, stability and conditions is an important part. With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and “Industry 4.0”, robotics & cyber-physical systems become more complex with huge accessible information from sensors.
Moreover, cyber-physical systems assessment bridges the process of engineering and life cycle assessment through multiscale modeling, e.g. it usually affects processes of manufacturing, production and evaluation. In this case, how to make use of neuro-inspired techniques in the study of cyber-physical systems assessment becomes attractive to researchers around the world, and meaningful for industrial performance and efficiency.
The common researches in cyber-physical system assessment include fault diagnosis, condition monitoring, anomaly detection and related issues. This topic aims at collecting advanced contributions on challenging neuro-based problems, theoretical findings, new neuro-based techniques, and interesting engineering applications related to robotics & cyber-physical systems assessment.
Inspired by neurons and neuro-systems, a quantity of advanced techniques has been developed and applied in robotics & cyber-physical systems analysis, such as data science, machine learning, deep learning, information theory and statistics. Among these fields, assessing system safety, stability and conditions is an important part. With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and “Industry 4.0”, robotics & cyber-physical systems become more complex with huge accessible information from sensors.
Moreover, cyber-physical systems assessment bridges the process of engineering and life cycle assessment through multiscale modeling, e.g. it usually affects processes of manufacturing, production and evaluation. In this case, how to make use of neuro-inspired techniques in the study of cyber-physical systems assessment becomes attractive to researchers around the world, and meaningful for industrial performance and efficiency.
The common researches in cyber-physical system assessment include fault diagnosis, condition monitoring, anomaly detection and related issues. This topic aims at collecting advanced contributions on challenging neuro-based problems, theoretical findings, new neuro-based techniques, and interesting engineering applications related to robotics & cyber-physical systems assessment.