Biomineralization is a complex biogeochemical process in which the physiological processes of organisms and the environmental context play a central role. Due to their functions (skeletons, skeletal parts, ion storage structures), biominerals often have physico-chemical properties significantly different from their inorganic or synthetic counterparts. The traditional distinction into induced biomineralization (without strict control of the organism) and biologically controlled biomineralization (strict organism control) does not reflect the complex influence of various genetic, molecular and environmental factors, the detailed influence of which in the biomineralization process is still poorly understood. In this thematic volume, attention will be paid to carbonate biominerals, which are the most abundant in nature and potentially the most vulnerable to the current climate change. We seek to better understand the effects of biotic and abiotic constraints on carbonate mineralization and how these factors translate to persistence of organisms' ability to calcify under potentially detrimental conditions of increased sea surface temperature, nutrient loading and decreased ocean pH. We are interested in showcasing research on different length scales: at short (seconds/minutes) and very long (MA) time scales, and at lengths ranging from nm to km. This will also help us in understanding how organisms will respond to climate change going forward.
Research topics may include work on living or fossil biomineralizing organisms, or maybe theoretical or computational in nature. We are especially interested to hear about newly developed tools as well as well-established protocols used in a novel way.
This Research Topic is part of the Impact of Climate Change series. As per Frontiers' commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Publishers Compact, we use our platform to help inform, develop, and inspire action that aligns with the 17 UN SDGs. This topic supports SDG 13 Climate Action SDG 14 Life under Water.
Biomineralization is a complex biogeochemical process in which the physiological processes of organisms and the environmental context play a central role. Due to their functions (skeletons, skeletal parts, ion storage structures), biominerals often have physico-chemical properties significantly different from their inorganic or synthetic counterparts. The traditional distinction into induced biomineralization (without strict control of the organism) and biologically controlled biomineralization (strict organism control) does not reflect the complex influence of various genetic, molecular and environmental factors, the detailed influence of which in the biomineralization process is still poorly understood. In this thematic volume, attention will be paid to carbonate biominerals, which are the most abundant in nature and potentially the most vulnerable to the current climate change. We seek to better understand the effects of biotic and abiotic constraints on carbonate mineralization and how these factors translate to persistence of organisms' ability to calcify under potentially detrimental conditions of increased sea surface temperature, nutrient loading and decreased ocean pH. We are interested in showcasing research on different length scales: at short (seconds/minutes) and very long (MA) time scales, and at lengths ranging from nm to km. This will also help us in understanding how organisms will respond to climate change going forward.
Research topics may include work on living or fossil biomineralizing organisms, or maybe theoretical or computational in nature. We are especially interested to hear about newly developed tools as well as well-established protocols used in a novel way.
This Research Topic is part of the Impact of Climate Change series. As per Frontiers' commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Publishers Compact, we use our platform to help inform, develop, and inspire action that aligns with the 17 UN SDGs. This topic supports SDG 13 Climate Action SDG 14 Life under Water.