Microbe-mineral interactions, such as mineral substrate utilization and aggregate formation, have played a key role in the cycling of elements through Earth evolution. In water, soils, and sediment biogeochemistry modulates microbial community composition and mineral formation over spatial and temporal scales. Plastic is a new material that is now widespread in the environment. Both microbial and mineral associations with plastic comprise the Plastisphere, which influences the fate of plastic. This study focuses on how the biogeochemical environment defines microbial and mineral association with polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS) over a 12-month period in a temperate coastal harbor. The coastal harbor environment was separated into 3 conceptual compartments defined by physical and biogeochemical conditions, that allow transfer of electrons between species e.g., light penetration and redox setting. Microbe and mineral association were investigated in the water column, top sediment, and bottom sediment by applying a range of modern analytical techniques to identify changes in the chemical structures of plastics, microbial community development, metal, salt and mineral formation. The epiplastic microbial community was distinct to that of the surrounding environment across changing redox conditions. The type and oxidation state of metallic minerals formed on plastics or entrapped in the biofilm matrix related to the dominant abiotic and biotic processes across redox conditions. FTIR spectroscopy indicated the occurrence of PE and PS oxidation in the various biogeochemical environments. Combined, these findings demonstrate that redox conditions and surrounding biogeochemistry mediate the composition of mineralogical and biological loading of PE and PS in coastal marine environments. This suggests that the biogeochemical setting in which the plastics are stored constrains the development of plastic interfacial biogeochemistry and the potential for plastic degradation and transport over time.
Remarkably, a hydrolase from Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6, termed PETase, exhibits great potential in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste management due to it can efficiently degrade PET under moderate conditions. However, its low yield and poor accessibility to bulky substrates hamper its further industrial application. Herein a multigene fusion strategy is introduced for constructing a hydrophobic cell surface display (HCSD) system in Escherichia coli as a robust, recyclable, and sustainable whole-cell catalyst. The truncated outer membrane hybrid protein FadL exposed the PETase and hydrophobic protein HFBII on the surface of E. coli with efficient PET accessibility and degradation performance. E. coli containing the HCSD system changed the surface tension of the bacterial solution, resulting in a smaller contact angle (83.9 ± 2° vs. 58.5 ± 1°) of the system on the PET surface, thus giving a better opportunity for PETase to interact with PET. Furthermore, pretreatment of PET with HCSD showed rougher surfaces with greater hydrophilicity (water contact angle of 68.4 ± 1° vs. 106.1 ± 2°) than the non-pretreated ones. Moreover, the HCSD system showed excellent sustainable degradation performance for PET bottles with a higher degradation rate than free PETase. The HCSD degradation system also had excellent stability, maintaining 73% of its initial activity after 7 days of incubation at 40°C and retaining 70% activity after seven cycles. This study indicates that the HCSD system could be used as a novel catalyst for efficiently accelerating PET biodegradation.
Frontiers in Immunology
Mast Cell and Basophil-Driven Diseases